File Archive

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File size:
882 302 bytes (861.62K)
File date:
2000-12-28 13:15:46
Download count:
all-time: 1 266


  • sunset.jpg 601.61K
  • sunset.txt 1.32K
  • whole001.jpg 133.49K
  • whole002.jpg 131.04K



whoo?/	eidolon
title/	summer. sun setting at the roots.
type/	pic
specs/  resolution: 1024*768, bitdepth: 16 bit (i think so)
when?/  theparty2000
time/   started late november/2000, finished and finetuned at the party (december/2000)

think/	"summer. sun was setting. in the year twothousand.
	i ventured out in the mist because i wanted to die.
	i stumbled about outhere in a haze until she took me by the hand
	and led me to this strange place, at the roots of an old tree.
	i remember, the sun was a beautiful pool of fire far away.
	here, people actually love eachother.
	she loved me and i loved her. so on. and off."

instr/	unzip _with_ subdirs. the "work-in-progress" pics that the demolab at tp required, 
	will then be situated in a sub-dir called /WORKINST.AGE. the original pic will just 
	be in this dir. just delete the workingstage pics, as they are of no use, unless
	you _really_ are interested in my pixling process. please view on a videocard 	
	capable of truecolor (duh!). enjoy!

	and no. i did NOT cheat. the lens flare is HAND PAINTED. and though the pic is
	based on a couple of rough scetches with a ball pen, those are NOT visible in the
	final version of the pic.

>>>>>>>>SORRY, the pic is unfinished, but i'm releasing it anyway...
>>>>>>>>>hope you like it though.