File Archive

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File size:
52 425 bytes (51.20K)
File date:
2000-12-28 12:59:36
Download count:
all-time: 1 414

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • spy-ch2.exe 51.41K
  • spy-ch2.txt 1.57K


               _____|_         _|_____ _____|_
              .\ ___|/_________\|____ |\   _|/____
              |     |     |     | \_/ |    \|     |
              |_____|__  ___    |___________|__  _|
                   /|____\ /____|\       /__|____\
                    | az0!/sea  |           |

         Spy again gives you a briliant production called:

                    "Chrzëszczâce chrzâszcze"

         inspired by the poem of Edgar Alan Olv3404:

         in polish only:

                  " Chrzëszczâce chrzâszcze brzëczaîy w gâszczu

                    zgrzytajâc z rzadka, poûóîkîâ szczëkâ.

                    Szeleszczâc trzcinâ, chrzâkaîy

                    grzëznac po same paîy...

                    ...trzciny drzemiâcej w Szczebrzeszyïskim gâszczu

                    A na zajutrz byî kac i nowe tysiâclecie. KONIEC "

         ( I love poetry of that guy ).

     For seeing this production you can thank those guys:

     BKCD  --- for a marvelous Idea of drinking cheap polish wine
               on christmas eve.

     TPBPH --- for few hours of copy/paste work with coding this crap

     TPM   --- for helping us to colorize keybnoard with vomiting on it

     Vital/ex. WPZ  --- for unconscious helping us with cool oldschool muzak

     Kure/rno^wpz --- for mental projections of my digital self and winning
                      for us all competition on the party.

good idea:
            Drinking wine after taking off cork.

bad idea:
            Drinking wine before getting out of a car.

remember: don't drink and drive... slowly.