T H E G A T H E R I N G 2 0 0 0
Held at 19-23th of April
in Hamar, Norway
Party archive @ scene.org
Voting results
Complete results, printed at 2000-04-23 07:39:42
This printout is the result of a fresh votecount, that took 2 seconds
to complete
The Fast musiccompo
1. 674pt. Fade to Indigo by Dj Knatten
2. 635pt. waves by DjGtx
3. 501pt. Pringles by deSilva
4. 482pt. Movement by vision
5. 454pt. jiggy groove by Snax
6. 395pt. Big Fats0 by lavizh
7. 394pt. Tempted by DJ Smokey
8. 394pt. quicktime by OmS
9. 346pt. Even Better Off Together by Madhi & Tick
10. 0pt. Hysteric Escape by MAdcAT^
11. 0pt. Forbanna dritsang by KabbeFett
The Fast introcompo
1. 987pt. DVDJon does South Park by QuaziGen
2. 738pt. Fort & Gfli by NemeZis of [AaC]
3. 606pt. bimbambom by DARKLITE
4. 507pt. BOOM by kamelite
5. 486pt. Brusserull Madness by Omnidimension/Tunacorp
The Tracked musiccompo
1. 645pt. Beautiful dreams by edZeS
2. 487pt. Anybody Home??? by DJ Geitost
3. 382pt. Freedom by PyroZane
4. 324pt. Here we go by flipside
5. 258pt. Strange Worlds by GloomWing
6. 257pt. Introducing death by D-Fect
7. 246pt. antidote by grabbie
8. 220pt. Note Wrestling by Mutant
9. 204pt. Kegtheme by disc0duck
10. 190pt. Fight to the death by KENSHI
11. 144pt. Tragic Weekend by X`Cal & theo^
12. 143pt. Extinction by Dolmed
13. 140pt. Spider Ghost by Gygme
14. 132pt. Think! by lavizh
15. 115pt. Gallappagoose by Spazz
16. 0pt. ..false.alarm.. by g00ber
17. 0pt. T5 by BB
18. 0pt. Progressive!!! by ][nvisibleClown
19. 0pt. The Mourning by ][nvisibleClown & Rogziel
20. 0pt. Float by Handle/ReActioN
21. 0pt. Drikk Tran! by KabbeFett
22. 0pt. Badass MotherFucker by MasterMike
23. 0pt. Red Lights by Radiance
24. 0pt. The LytnLAN Theme by Abnorm
25. 0pt. Da funky fly agaric by Acidbox / Anakata
26. 0pt. Cold Fusion by Zionic
27. 0pt. ting by OmS
28. 0pt. Bashbuskpa by MrKeen
29. 0pt. NTFS by fsFreak
30. 0pt. Pyromaniac by Substation
The 64K introcompo
1. 759pt. glAss by psikorp
2. 735pt. Airscape by Nocturnal
3. 720pt. Swaptro by Ephidrena
4. 296pt. Red by Zauron
5. 204pt. scratch by NEXTEMPIRE
6. 0pt. revolkcid by deranged
7. 0pt. Chimera by Anakata
The Pixel graphicscompo
1. 715pt. Avatar by inferno / Haujobb
2. 500pt. Hot summer by Quickspace of Exposure
3. 471pt. fooling myself by KTHULU
4. 450pt. villebill by RaGgSoKk
5. 334pt. KillerTux by wynlen
6. 222pt. Too Fast Drawn by Zack of Spaceballs
7. 201pt. Eteria Materia by HBH/ZTH
8. 152pt. The Henriksen Project by Kattekok
9. 129pt. by Ravy98
10. 0pt. Black axe by Publicenemy
The Rendered graphicscompo
1. 728pt. Adorable, Horny Chick! by Silver3D
2. 635pt. Dragonslayer by Dr3D
3. 365pt. Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play by Feral Wild
4. 349pt. The Gathering - fyller dine tomrom by riddler
5. 311pt. Subway by Maestro
6. 283pt. LinuxPOWER by Rutr
7. 256pt. The Badger by Cherek
8. 239pt. Specimen Angus by Alces of Yodel
9. 156pt. Sound Setup by Zealott
10. 156pt. Basement by Cosmoo
11. 147pt. Deformation by Cripp
12. 122pt. Optimus Prime. Leader of the Autobots. by Grim-Beaper
13. 118pt. Warehouse by KILLER
14. 91pt. Take Your Pulse by Rb-303
The Java democompo
1. 920pt. No You Dont by Prone, Blasphemy and Tpolm
2. 645pt. adam7 by Prone & Excess
3. 416pt. CPU shortage in The Neutral Zone by The Hullkort Masters
4. 312pt. Hagle by Anakata
The MP3 musiccompo
1. 540pt. unreal by anone
2. 353pt. Hopes by Flipside
3. 329pt. Dancing Chocolate by The Melkerull Crew
4. 307pt. biffsnadder by KabbeFett
5. 249pt. Subcity Attack by Starfish
6. 247pt. Didnt have the time by The Wacko
7. 246pt. Ode to the flameflower by Mrkeen
8. 240pt. Summer is here by Starline
9. 238pt. SynthaxError2000 by OcNevKeL
10. 205pt. Lineshapes by In-Verter
11. 199pt. Timeless by HPC & Tantra
12. 199pt. Kampen by xtraz
13. 173pt. Floatation Device by Vision
14. 129pt. The new hit of the World by Zorrox
15. 95pt. I am immortal by Acidbox / Anakata
16. 0pt. digitalAngels part I by G0NZO
17. 0pt. Visions by L3monRa2oR
18. 0pt. PR0707YP3 by PAND3M0N1UM
19. 0pt. Happy Life by BB
20. 0pt. FRAM! by NBK and Torleif63
21. 0pt. The Secret Of Love (Love Mix) by DJ ZooL
22. 0pt. Pling plong the banjosong by DJ - INGO
23. 0pt. The Prayer by DJ Smokey
24. 0pt. Trust by DJ Clarion
25. 0pt. p0h by aNti hero
26. 0pt. p0h by aNti hero
27. 0pt. Cant You by ][nvisibleClown
28. 0pt. Take me high by HaZZard
29. 0pt. Floating Mind by Handle/ReActioN
30. 0pt. No logic left by MasterMike
31. 0pt. Born Again by Randolph
32. 0pt. Lavizh Theme by lavizh
33. 0pt. Zootopia partII (TG-edit) by Pest
34. 0pt. Bom Bom Shiva! by Sebastian Bjxrnerud
35. 0pt. The Spirit Catcher by deSilva
36. 0pt. zilch by vermin
37. 0pt. Illusions of the Past by Cherek
38. 0pt. Every day is like a fire by Chroma and BOSSmop
39. 0pt. Travel To Elk Village by LittleElk
40. 0pt. Groovie (tg edit) by Wimpy
41. 0pt. Brusserull Madness part II by Zionic
42. 0pt. floatation device by vision
43. 0pt. Things by OmS
44. 0pt. Kloster Pornografi og Industri by umglurf
45. 0pt. Lineshapes by In-Verter
46. 0pt. Grounnla & Damon by GoGrounnlaet
47. 0pt. The badest MC by Jokka the Destroyer
48. 0pt. This Is For The Moon by Yoshy
49. 0pt. Through The Night by ArachnO \ fadeout
50. 0pt. Loose Control by Frantic Illusion
51. 0pt. Concealed Faces by Tristram
52. 0pt. filtered reality by grabbie & gloomwing
53. 0pt. The Final Frontier by StarScream
54. 0pt. Dream my Dreams by System Halted
The 3D democompo
1. 0pt. Planet Alpheon by Fadeout
2. 0pt. omse mogo by bamboosh
3. 0pt. The 4 Eyed Menace by MvBIUS
The Web designcompo
1. 0pt. Test by tChr
2. 0pt. Ziege Counter Strike Clan by Matpakkis
3. 0pt. DraftingZup web-compo entry by Xarvia
4. 0pt. MusicMurder by Feral Wild
5. 0pt. TG Party Report Central by jetthe
6. 0pt. The TG1900 Party Report by TheViking
7. 0pt. EL og IT Forbundets hjemmesider for ungdom - TG et eneste
stort party! by Pingu
8. 0pt. The Gathering 1900 webpage by Plauge of Boredom
9. 0pt. The party web by gn0me
10. 0pt. The Gathering Party Report by Tristram
11. 0pt. Simplicity by Ayatollah
The Video FXcompo
1. 796pt. fish by thriD / OmS
2. 501pt. Wildlife by Yodel
3. 474pt. houses of cards by Jxrn Txmmeres
4. 240pt. Dirt Road by RealTime v/Fredrik Arntzen
5. 207pt. Destination: Loki (the story begins) by Quazim
6. 168pt. Lego Story by Bjarte & Kenneth Animation
7. 162pt. Discoduck by poNgis
8. 146pt. Burning Garbage by Oxygen TV
9. 137pt. Dangerous Wish by Cherek
10. 128pt. Seti by Gnab Gib
11. 113pt. Funky Church by BigBrother
12. 110pt. Kraft by Shagma
13. 73pt. Fantasia by Rhovanion
14. 40pt. The 4 Eyed Menace by Maestro
15. 17pt. Hardslack by Abnormal Lodge HQ
16. 0pt. WorMspeeD by X-OperatoR
17. 0pt. no3Dgreier by sLACKER
18. 0pt. vakuum by capacity
19. 0pt. Alot of Crap by Merola
20. 0pt. Kraft by Shagma
21. 0pt. To toradere pe rad by Folkemxkk
The WAPcompo
1. 0pt. Anime1 by Plauge of Boredom
2. 0pt. DivWap by Not404 - Paal Christian Bjxnnes & Louis Erdman
The Amiga democompo
1. 77pt. HYPNOPOLIS by Spaceballs
2. 40pt. Www.ebster by Contraz
3. 22pt. Space Travel by Apathy
4. 22pt. HappyDemo by Furry Boys
The PC democompo
1. 0pt. Fast intro by Mighty BungHolios
2. 0pt. Bellybutton Grove by dot dot
The Useless utilitycompo
1. 0pt. Keyboard tester v1.0 by [Tiger]
2. 0pt. Userfriendly-Viewer by TaLoN^LzR
3. 0pt. Coke Temperature Monitor (TM) by TaLoN^LzR
4. 0pt. Thomas Bergskaug by Xarvia
5. 0pt. Project Zero by falxx
6. 0pt. -= NaSa =- by NemeZis of [AaC]
7. 0pt. The Amazing Minesweeper Solver by Sesse
8. 0pt. Global Pollution Preventer by TenTaCle
9. 0pt. QCounter by temujin
10. 0pt. BINARY by Fishy
11. 0pt. c (as in cd) by Gilrim Dol And Dominium Enceladus (Spiritual
Leader and advisor: Zintaro)
12. 0pt. c (as in cd) by Gilrim Dol And Dominium Enceladus (Spiritual
Leader and advisor: Zintaro)
13. 0pt. Confidence`O`Booster by sirs0nar / SIRS
14. 0pt. timepast by Flank
15. 0pt. Do Stuff by Gloom
16. 0pt. SpraeiDottEnno by Gloom
17. 0pt. Seriously Useless Proggie by Gloom
18. 0pt. y2k by Klogd
19. 0pt. The outlet Counter by umglurf
20. 0pt. Exxxit by Johnny Surfer
21. 0pt. Whats wrong? by Porqpine
22. 0pt. Opprett by Yoshy
23. 0pt. ndeLiTe by joso
24. 0pt. Blackout by torbi
25. 0pt. Thomas Bergskaug by Zpacy
26. 0pt. File Doubler by Bullseye
27. 0pt. Mrknflk by Fuglemat
28. 0pt. Alfatime by Hwoarang
29. 0pt. SkoleBasic by System Halted
The Amiga/PC democompo
1. 791pt. Hypnopolis by Spaceballs
2. 528pt. Bellybutton Groove by Dot dot
3. 442pt. Www.ebster by Contraz
4. 206pt. Space Travel by Apathy
5. 80pt. happyHappyHAPPY by FurryBoys
Official computing for The Gathering 1900 handled by Zepo.
Party archive @ ftp.scene.org