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- 8 437 bytes (8.24K)
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- 2014-04-01 23:04:21
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amiga demo compo
01. title I Want To Be Machine .. author APPENDIX pts 52
02. title New Age ............... author ENCORE pts 36
03. title Planet Goa ............ author DECREE pts 21
04. title Mayhem ................ author APPENDIX pts 14
05. title Murderer .............. author VEEZYA pts 6
amiga 64k intro compo
01. title Suicidal .............. author POTION pts 55
02. title Heaven ................ author WHELPZ pts 47
03. title Yoo! .................. author MOONS pts 43
04. title Index1.0Coma .......... author RETROACTIVE pts 5
amiga 4k intro compo
pc demo compo
01. title Mindmachine ........... author ADDICT pts 17
02. title Damned ................ author ADDICT pts 15
03. title Volite ................ author ADDICT pts 12
pc 64k intro compo
pc 4k intro compo
c64 demo compo
c64 gfx compo
c64 msx compo
01. title ?...................... author ? pts 16
02. title ?...................... author ? pts 15
03. title ?...................... author ? pts 9
04. title ?...................... author ? pts 5
05. title ?...................... author ? pts 3
graphics compo
01. title Angollage Blue ........ author RORK pts 19
02. title Sielanka .............. author DZORDAN pts 11
03. title Stracony Druid ........ author CANNA pts 13
04. title Plainswalker .......... author JOK pts 10
05. title Smock ................. author PORNEL pts 8
05. title Emulsja ............... author JOK pts 8
06. title Cien .................. author YON pts 7
06. title Gniewny ............... author DZORDAN pts 7
06. title Avenging Angel ........ author MISZTA pts 7
07. title Ostatnie Zabranie ..... author NELSON pts 6
08. title Pantera ............... author ZEBRO pts 5
09. title My Group .............. author SLAYER pts 4
10. title Panter ................ author DR.BROOKS pts 3
10. title PIO ................... author BUDGIE pts 3
11. title Yeeeee ................ author BUDGIE pts 2
11. title Above ................. author MIME pts 2
11. title Pani Jeziora .......... author FAZER pts 2
11. title Starborn .............. author BAMBOOS pts 2
12. title Magician .............. author CADAVAR pts 1
12. title Bzykanie .............. author DIXIE pts 1
13. title Kuziel ................ author QBASS pts 0
13. title Laciate ............... author SLIDER pts 0
13. title Ufolek ................ author DZIULAS pts 0
raytracing compo
01. title Psychoinvasion ........ author BIENIEK pts 15
02. title Ganja ................. author UBIK pts 13
03. title Elvens Hut ............ author VOICER pts 10
03. title Datura-Stramonium ..... author BONZAJ pts 10
04. title Aquatic ............... author BLUESHADE pts 8
05. title Life Is Brutal ........ author TRAITOR pts 7
06. title Big Love .............. author DEF pts 6
07. title McPlanet .............. author DEGRYSIN pts 5
07. title On The Big Tree ....... author DZORDAN pts 5
08. title Present State ......... author COMANCHE pts 3
08. title Shaman ................ author LUKASZ pts 3
09. title Trampki RULEZ! ........ author CONER pts 2
10. title Azorek ................ author KOMANDOS pts 1
10. title Portal ................ author FOX pts 1
11. title Dancing Queen ......... author SHEXBEER pts 0
4 channel music compo
01. title Fluorescent Sea ....... author SPECTRA pts 60
02. title ? ..................... author REVISQ pts 43
03. title Where's The Way? ...... author VOICER pts 40
multichannel music compo
01. title Alchemist'sPeacefulExis author LUKASZ TARANTA pts 28
02. title ? ..................... author JAZZCAT pts 26
03. title Made In Houzz ......... author PROTAS pts 26
04. title ? ..................... author GROGON pts 13
05. title Crossing Paralaxes .... author FREQUENT pts 13
06. title ? ..................... author ? pts 11
07. title ? ..................... author ? pts 8
08. title ? ..................... author ? pts 8
09. title ? ..................... author ? pts 2
10. title ? ..................... author ? pts 2
crazy demo compo
01. title Party.zanci ........... author 4 LITTLE COWS pts 16
02. title X-Files ............... author CIAPCIUSIE pts 8
03. title Execologia ............ author PRZYJACIELE STEFANA B. pts 5
04. title Szansa Na Sukces ...... author PRZYJACIELE STEFANA B. pts 3
wild demo compo
01. title ? ..................... author ? pts 5
02. title ? ..................... author ? pts 0
S E E Y O U I N ' 2 0 0 1
[for any results-reasons, juma/apx]