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19 748 bytes (19.29K)
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2000-06-22 19:55:58
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  /______/     /____      /________\   /_     /________\      /_______\     /_

            //_______________      - escape2k -       _____________\\
                         12-14.5. 2000 in Espoo, Finland.
                         info  version  1.10   [english].

  * Organization preserves to the right to change the contents of this 

      - 1. Escape? -

         1.1   * What?
         1.2   * Where?
         1.3   * When?
         1.4   * Prices

      - 2. What we offer -
         2.1   * What we offer
         2.2   * Compos
         2.3   * Prizes
         2.4   * Schedule
         2.5   * Raves
         2.6   * Party network
         2.7   * Equipment
         2.8   * Food
      - 3. Rules -
         3.1   * Partyrules
         3.2   * Comporules
         3.3   * Disclaimer

      - 4. Contact -
         4.1   * Organization
         4.2   * Ticket sales
         4.3   * Contact
         4.4   * Internet

      - 5. FAQ -


    1.  Who is Escape?

         Escape is an "underground" demo scene party, held for the 
first time. There is altogether room for ca. 100 computers. In 
addition there will be raves at nights, held in the immediate 
proximity of the party hall.

	 Because the party is held for the first time, we are want you
to tell us your opinions and suggestions. So that we would be able 
to arrange a party best fit for you (see 4.3 "contact").

    1.2 Where is Escape held?

    	 Escape is held in Olari highschool, Espoo (Finland). The 
school auditorium and cafeteria will serve as the party place. The rest 
of the school is closed because of security reasons. The school was 
built in 1993, so the building is new and modern. Notice that at the time
of the party the auditorium of course isn't an auditorium, the 
seats will be taken out. See 4.3 for more accurate information on the 
location of the party place.

    1.3 When is Escape held?

         The party will be held this year on the second weekend of May
(12.-14. (fri-sun)). The doors will be opened on friday the 12th of May at 
8pm. The ticket salling from the door will end at 11pm therefore people 
with computers should there by then. Normal tickets (without place for
a computer) can be bought also on saturday and sunday. The ticket selling
will always end for the night at 11pm. The doors will be closed on sunday
at 6pm. The organization will keep all the stuff left at the party place =)
You can ask for your forgotten stuff back afterwards.

    1.4 How much does it cost?

         The ticket prices are:

    * A COMPUTER PLACE, includes a normal ticket needed for entrance, 50 FIM 

    * A NORMAL TICKET, includes the right to hang out at the party place 
         until 6pm on sunday, 30 FIM for men and 20 FIM for women.
The Organization will not be offering free food for you, so remember to have
some cash or food with you. (see 2.8)

    2. What we offer

 * for people with a computer place

    * one electric plug (230V) (bring your own extension cords). The usage 
      of electricity might have to be limited. This is unlikely, though.

    * one RJ-45 plug. If you insist on using BNC make sure you have a lot of 
      cable with you (we don't offer official BNC support we recommend that 
      you use UTP).

    * one wooden extremely hard chair. We recommend that you bring your own 
      chair. But don't bring a big armchair that takes up a lot of room. A 
      comfortable office chair is a good choice.

    * room on a table 80cm x 70cm (32" x 28") (width x depth). On some tables 
      the measurements are 70cm x 80cm, so the surface space on both is the 

    * party network 10mbit/sec UTP. 

    * internet connection (112kb/sec) routed, so playing in the web propably 
      won't be possible. (NOTE. It is most likely that we get either 10Mb/sec
      or 100Mb/sec Internet connection, not absolutely certain yet, though).

 * to everyone:

    * a big screen (600x900cm) to watch the compos and other neat stuff.

    * raves at nights

    * 10 toilets (separate for men and women)

    * a brand new coffee machine. Makes coffee, espresso, cappucino and
      hot chocolate.
    * a candy bar machine, which sells mars, snickers, twix, dove and 
      bounty chocklade bars.

    * infodesk/helpdesk

    * a dataprojector (atleast 1024x768) 

    * audio 2x350W (2x15" mid-range + 2x18" subwoofer)

    * a sleeping area (possibly even in a quiet place) if you are going to 
      sleep make sure that you have you sleepingbag and pillow with you.
      Most likely the sleeping place is in the corner of the cafeteria.

    * a chance to vote in compos.

    * a few computers that are available for everyone (for voting).

    * possibly a chance to order food through the organization (see 2.8)

    2.2 Compos

         (see 3.2 for rules)
 * accelerated PC-demo compo 
 * non-accelerated PC-demo compo
 * 64K PC-intro
 * 2d graphics compo 
 * 3d raytrace compo

 * WILD compo

 * Animation compo

 * Music compo

         We'll possibly arrange some outdoor compos if somebody shows interest 
towards them.

    2.3 Prizes 

         The winners of the compos will be rewarded depending on the current
financial situation. The amount will vary unless we get all the tickets sold.
The following chart will show you the possible amounts:

  Entrys       |  Rewarded entrys
            1  |  1
            2  |  1
            3  |  2
          >=4  |  3

Compo       |  position/amount of money
PC-demo     |  1. / 600FIM
accel.      |  2. / 200FIM
            |  3. / 100FIM
PC-demo     |  1. / 400FIM
non-accel.  |  2. / 200FIM
            |  3. / 100FIM
64K PC-     |  1. / 300FIM
intro       |  2. / 200FIM
            |  3. / 100FIM
Animation   |  1. / 300FIM
            |  2. / 200FIM
            |  3. / 100FIM
WILD demo   |  1. / 300FIM
            |  2. / 150FIM
            |  3. / 100FIM
Music       |  1. / 300FIM
            |  2. / 150FIM
            |  3. / 100FIM
2D GFX      |  1. / 300FIM
            |  2. / 150FIM
            |  3. / 100FIM
3D raytrace |  1. / 300FIM
            |  2. / 150FIM
            |  3. / 100FIM
                    5000FIM altogether

    2.4 Schedule

  Fri 12.5.2000        klo 20.00      doors are opened
                           23.00      ticket salling is over for the day
                           24.00      official opening ceremony

  Sat 13.5.2000        klo 01.00      rave begins
                           05.00      rave ends
                           10.00      ticket salling for the day begins
                           12.00      deadline for all compos
                           15.00      music compo
                           17.00      3d raytrace compo
                           20.00      2d graphics compo
                           23.00      ticket salling is over for the day 
                           24.00      wild demo
  Sun 14.5.2000        klo 01.00      rave begins
                           05.00      rave ends
                           05.30      animation compo
                           07.00      PC-demo compo (non-accelerated)
                           09.00      PC-demo compo (3d-accelerated)
                           10.00      ticket selling for the day begins
                           11.00      voting ends
                           15.00      award ceremony 
                           18.00      party is over

    2.5 Rave party

         There will be raves held near the party place. We're trying to get as 
much effects and the best sound system we can. Raves will be held in the 
immediate vicinity of the party hall. There will be a couple of top dj's 
playing the music. Raves will be held on both nights (lasting about 4-5 
hours each). 

    2.6 Party network

         We're aiming to network the whole party with hubs and rj-45 cables. 
The organizers offer everyone with a computer place a possibility to join 
their computers to the network. Voting and submitting compo entries will 
be done through the network. If you want join the network remember to bring 
your own network cards and an rj-45 cable (the recommended length is 10 
meters (about 3,5 ft)). We don't offer official BNC support, though there 
might be some BNC plugs available. The speed of our party network will be 
10 mbit/s and 112kbit/s to the internet (the city of Espoo has promised the 
place an internet connection at the speed of 10-100 (?) Mbit/s. It should 
be delivered in March, so if this will happend we'll have a faster internet 
	 We assume that everyone who buys a computer place is able to connect 
their computer to the network, but if you experience any problems contact the 
info/helpdesk. We are not responsible for the functionality of the network. 
Though we aim at building a flawless network so everyone would be happy ;). 

    2.7 Compo machine

 * Intel pentium II 450Mhz
 * 128Mb sdram
 * Matrox g200 marvell (will be changed!)
 * SB 16
 * Real magic hollywood plus dvd decoder
 * Windows 95/98, Dos 7.0, Redhat linux 6.0
 * newest DirectX
 * VESA 2.0 support
 * Winamp (newest)
    2.8 Food?

         Escape organizing will be trying to arrange cooperation with a 
near by pizza delivery company. What we're aiming is that when we get 
at least 10 orders we'll forward them. This way we'll most propably get 
the pizzas at a discount price.

	 You are free to bring your own fridge, which we recommend if you're 
bringing your own food or drinks. Your third option is walk to the center of 
Olari where there will be an S-market, Rimi and some kebab kiosk waiting for 
you. There are also some pubs and restaurants, but we as the organizers don't
approve drunken behaviour at the party place so try to be reasonable.

    3.  Party rules

        * You are not allowed to bring any intoxicants (like cigarettes, 
          alcohol or drugs) to the party. Don't even try to sneak some in 
          because our security guys will go through your stuff.
        * The organizers are always right.
        * The organizers are not responsible for the stuff you bring to the 
          party place. You bring you own stuff at your own risk.

        * Everyone is responsible for the damage they do. Whatever you break
          you pay for it.

        * All attempts to hack or otherwise harm the party network are not 
          looked the other way. 

        * We preserve the right to change the rules.

        * Disobeying the rules  above will lead into immediate removal from 
          the party place. 

        * By taking part to the party you agree to follow the rules.
        * Remember that you also have to follow  all the finnish laws during 
          the party (and before and after ofcourse ;). We are not at nomans-

    3.2 Compo rules

 * General:

    * All entries must be submitted before the deadline (Saturday 12am)

    * Entrys must be submitted to our local networks ftp-server or on a cd-r, 
      cd-rw or floppy disk (max 2 floppies) to our infodesk.

    * All entries (except for the wild demo) must be packed (allowed fomats: 
      zip, arj, rar, gz, bz2).

    * Entries must not containt any illegal or ripped material.

    * Entries must be never before published.

    * We preserve the the right to publish your entries over the internet 
      and on the escape party cd.

    * Compos can be entered also through the internet. The time and place 
      where the compos should be sent will be annouced later.

    * All entries will be previewed. Only the 20 best entries will be shown 
      on the screen. 

    * We wish the resolution in the entrys wouldn't change while it's running,
      because the dataprojector might encounter problems changing the 
      resolution quickly. It might be best to change resolution on a black
      loading screen.

    * You are free to choose whatever name to the package your entry will be 
      sent in, though maximimum number of letters is 8+3 and it must be 
      compatible with the ISO-9660 standard.

    * The package must contain the following .nfo file: 

            ______________________\\            //___________________
            \\                                                   xz//
    /\_______ _ /\_______  _ __________ _   /\________    ______ ______/\
_)__\  ____/____\   ___/__  _\  ____/_______\_____  /_____\__  /_\  ____/___(__
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            //_______________      - escape2k -       _____________\\
      | This entry was shown at escape 2k and it came in X place |
      |                                                          |
      | Name of entry: ______________________________            |
      | Name of group or artist: ____________________            |
      | Url: ________________________________________            |
      | Greetings: __________________________________            |
      | Group members: ______________________________            |
      |                ______________________________            |
      |                ______________________________            |
      |                                                          |

 * PC-DEMO compo (accelerated): 

    * Maximum resolution / colours: 1024x768 / 32bit.
    * Minimum resolution / colours: 640x480 / 16bit.
    * 3d opengl or direct3d
    * The demo must not write anything on the hard drive.
    * The maximum size of the unpacked demo is 8Mb.
    * One demo / group.
    * Pure animation files are not accepted.
    * A nosound-mode required
    * The operating system must be either DOS, WIN32 or Redhat linux.
    * The maximum lenght is 6 minutes, demos that are over six minutes 
      long will be disqualified.
    * You should be able to quit the demo with escape ;). 
 * PC-DEMO compo (non-accelerated): 

    * Maximum resolution / colours: 640x480 / 32bit.
    * Minimum resolution / colours: 320x200 / 256 colours.
    * The demo must not write anything on the hard drive.
    * The maximum size of the unpacked demo is 8Mb.
    * One demo / group.
    * Pure animation files are not accepted.
    * A nosound-mode required
    * The operating system must be either DOS, WIN32 or Redhat linux.
    * The maximum lenght is 6 minutes, demos that are over six minutes 
      long will be disqualified.

* 64K PC-intro

    * Maximum size (unpacked etc.) 64Kb
    * Must not write anything to harddisk
    * OS either DOS or WIN32
    * nosound mode required
    * only one intro/group or coder

* 2D graphics compo:
    * The maximum resolution / colours: 640x480 / 24bit. 
    * Allowed formats are: JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA.
    * No scanned, ripper or raytraced images.
    * The package must contain 5 images. Two of the finished picture (a signed 
      one and an unsigned one) and 3 that show different phases of the 
      creation process.
    * Only one picture per artist.
    * Every image will be shown for about 20 seconds on the screen.
 * 3D raytrace compo:
    * The maximum resolution / colours: 640x480 / 24bit. 
    * The pictures must be calculated by computer.
    * Allowed formats are: JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA.
    * The package must contain 5 images. Two of the finished picture (a signed 
      one and an unsigned one) and  3 that show different phases of the 
    * No scanned, ripped or hand-drawn images.
    * Only one picture per artist.
    * Every image will be shown for about 20 seconds on the screen.

 * Music compo:
    * The music can be made in any way you wish, but it has to be in mp3 
      format when you deliver it to us. 
    * The maximum length of the song is 4.5 minutes, the song can be longer, 
      but it'll be stopped after 4.5 minutes
    * Only one song per one artist or group.
    * The package must include an instruments.txt file in which is a list 
      of the instruments and programs used.
    * Maximum of 192kbps.
 * Animation compo:

    * The maximum lenght is 4 minutes.
    * The maximum resolution is the maximum resolution of MPEG1.
    * The maximum size is 50mb.
    * Please don't send any animation through the network.
    * Allowed framerates: 24, 25, 30 fps.
 * Wild demo:
    * Nothing is censored. Everything is allowed as long as none of the 
      general rules are broken. 
    * Entry must be submitted on a VHS casette or on a CD-ROM in MPEG1- 
    * The VHS -casettes must be in PAL-format (unless you enjoy watching
      snowflakes :).

3.3 Disclaimer

         Escape organizing is not responsible for anything you may come up 
with. We don't guarantee anything that is written in this file. And we are 
also not responsible for problems, damages or losses caused by the 
alternation of this file. The organizers, the highschool of Olari nor any 
of the personnel is responsible for any damages, material or non-material.
We don't cover for the equipment stolen. Keep your eye on them. YOU CAN'T 

    4.  Contact

    4.1 Organization

         Antti Halko a.k.a grazer
         Anjankuja 3 B 107
         02230 ESPOO, Finland
         GSM 050-330 9431
         tel. (09) 8817 4610

         Juuso Korhonen a.k.a matrim
         Keulakuja 6 D 9
         02320 ESPOO, Finland
         GSM 040-750 4439
         tel. (09) 801 1080

         Lauri Mäkinen a.k.a nemonic
         Juhannustie 5 F
         02200 ESPOO, Finland
         GSM 050-383 1683
         tel. (09) 455 1781

        4.2 Ticket selling

         You can call Antti Halko (09) 8817 4610, if you want buy tickets and 
you dont't have access to the internet. 

         (see 1.4)

        4.3 Contact
         Party place:
         Escape 2000
         Olariniityntie 4,
         02230 ESPOO

        5.  FAQ

         * I'm a llama, can I come to the party?
           - NO!

         * Will there be any escape t-shirts?
           - If there's demand for t-shirts, yes.

         * Will the internet connection work ok?
           - Yes, if the city Espoo renews the connection in time.