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File size:
2 855 729 bytes (2.72M)
File date:
2000-07-26 05:25:34
Download count:
all-time: 684

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • DATA/ dir
  • DATA/DATA.001 39.72K
  • DATA/DATA.002 63.25K
  • DATA/M97.001 826.73K
  • DATA/M97.002 142.81K
  • DATA/M97.003 466.91K
  • DOS4GW.EXE 259.18K
  • M2.EXE 29.98K
  • MATURA97.CFG 2.04K
  • MATURA97.EXE 349.57K
  • MATURA97.ICO 3.69K
  • MATURA97.NFO 7.50K


														M A T U R A   ' 9 7


 ==[TABLE OF CONTENTS]=========================================================

	 I)......... Introduction
	 II)........ System requirements
	 III)....... Command line parameters
	 IV)........ Troubleshooting
	 V)......... Additional hints
	 VI)........ Commercial disclaimer
	 VII)....... Credits
	 VIII)...... Contact adresses


   Welcome to the MATURA '97 documentation file. Please read this file care-
   fully before installing or starting the demonstration. It contains some 
   useful informations that might avoid system crashs and/or unnecessary 

   This is our first release. It was done under a real pressure during the
   MATURA '97-exams and especially made for the MATURA '97 party (no real
   There shouldn't be too many bugs, so we hope you can enjoy the show...


   The MATURA '97 demonstration requires at least a 486 to run. 
   Note: we have coded and tested the demo on a PENTIUM 133, and we highly 
         recommend to use at least a PENTIUM 90 !

   A Gravis Ultrasound Card (with at least 768kb of DRAM) is highly re-
   commended, though not necessary for music output. Again: it will run 
   without this one, but dependend on what soundcard you have the demo will 
	 slow down !
   Note: the demo will even run without soundcard, but it will run as if a
         soundcard were installed, so don't care if the screen is black for
         a long time at the beginning of the demo...

   To summarize here's the optimum system requirement:

   PENTIUM 133
   Fast SVGA  (with at least 1MB RAM and VESA-version 1.2 support !!)
   GUS (=Gravis UltraSound...)
   510kb of free conventional memory
   6 MB of free XMS or EMS

 ==[COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS]===================================================

   There are six built in command line parameters.
   Note: if you want the demo start always with the same parameters, you
         should use the matura97.cfg-file.
        BUT: if you have selected an option in the matura97.cfg-file and
             you give the same option directly to the demo using the command
             line, the option selected in the config-file will be overruled !

   General Syntax:

     MATURA97 [Options]

     Note: the letters of MATURA97 don't have to be upper...


     -?,-h   shows a short info about the command line options explained here
     -px     demo starts at part x (possible values: 1-3; standard -p1)
     -f      fast demo starting    (automatic Soundcard-detection)
             Note: if computer hangs when you use this option, try again and
                   select your Soundcard manually...
     -l      loop demo endlessly
             Note: if you have selected the -px option the demo will start there
                   but later it will always loop to the BEGINNING of the demo !
     -nw     no warning messages will be shown
     -ddXXXX data directory. (standard is actual directory)

   some examples:

     MATURA97 -?       Get the helpscreen
     MATURA97 -p2 -l   demo starts at part 2 and loops until esc is pressed
     MATURA97 -ddC:\MATURA97\DATA    the directory containing the data-files is


   Q: The MATURA '97 demonstration crashes after the second part...
   A: Not enough LOWMEM ! try to reboot without unnecessary drivers

   Q: The monitor display is somewhat messed up...
   A: Try to recalibrate your monitor. MATURA '97 uses some modes that
      are not likely set up for your monitor.               
 ==[TIPS AND TRICKS]===========================================================

   - We tested running the demo under Windows 95 and it should run but a
     message like "unable to syncronize music to screen" will be shown. You
     can continue but flickering will occur !
     Note: - it is better running the demo under DOS...
           - you should use the matura97.pif-file for running under Windows95
             because it was especially done for that

   - We didn't test running the demo under Windows 3.X...
     Try if you want, but it won't run better than under good old DOS.

 ==[COMMERCIAL DISCLAIMER]=====================================================

   MATURA '97, (C) 1997 by EXTERN.

   All means of publishing is prohibited as long as no written agreement
   with EXTERN is made.

   This software  is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
   expressed nor implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of
   merchantability and fitness for  a particular purpose. In no event will
   any of the authors or copyright  holders be liable for any damages cau-
   sed by the use, or inability to use, of this demonstration.

   The MATURA '97 demo may be freely distributed as long as no
   money is charged for it, no modifications to the distribution package
   are made and no attempt is made to restrict further copying, distribution
   and using of the MATURA '97 demonstration. If you have problems
   with this, or do not understand this, contact us.

 ==[CREDITS ]==================================================================

   - Coding     : Visual Effects by NEMA (Josua H”nger)
                : Additional Coding, Soundsystem adaption, syncronisation and
                  all hard background-Coding by FUSiON (Kay Huber)

   - Pictures   : Teachers photographed by Adrian v Mhlenen
													 scanned by Mr Perfect (Simon Dellenbach)
												 additional design by FUSiON
                : Handdrawn pictures drawn by Mr. Moser
                  pixeled by
                    Mr. Lexip (Harald Studer), "KNIGHT"
                    NEMA (Josua H”nger), "INRI"

   - Music      : "Borrowed" from Purple Motion, Big Jim and Basehead

 ==[CONTACT ADRESSES ]=========================================================


   NEMA   :     Josua H”nger
                Oberhardstr. 31a
                CH-4900 Langenthal


   FUSION :     Kay Huber
                Haldenstr. 81
                CH-4900 Langenthal


   Note: Both adresses will change soon (about november 1997) so you should
         use our Internet-address:

   EMAIL  :

   Note again: at the moment (summer 1997), we are doing our military service,
               so we aren't able to answer your mail imediately...

 ==[END OF TEXT]==============================[NEMA & FUSION / EXTERN '97]=====