File Archive

File download


File size:
1 282 bytes (1.25K)
File date:
2000-05-14 02:51:36
Download count:
all-time: 2 719


- Birdie'00 results                     -
-                                       -
- sorted by: dj cop killah              -

1 Traxxa			sombie / tazadum
2 15% of the pie		Avalance
3 en grek extendend		thypyroo / spantobi

1 organized chaos		zantac / smeuch
2 Bakunin Blues			Altemark / spantobi
3 Are1024			sombie / tazadum
3 Bamses utflykt		Agenten / ste
3 The miscarriage of jennifer	Stanley / trinity

1 Regeringen ser dig, AREA 51	bejrutt / ste
2 Out On The Field		Gazman / Hypercube
3 Annu en brud			girlfriend / GB

1 Quest QB demo			Lator
2 restoration			Zimmerman

1 Meditation			Scarab Corpse
2 Houston 600			Cryonics & Sublogic
3 It's all your fault		Hypercube

64k Intro
1 ORB				tazadum
2 ?				replay
3 mensa				PW INC

Wild Compo
1 Stop Nisseman
2 Vargen och de 3 sma grisarna  Synchrof / stay disco
2 Bogdan rap			Phobia
3 Drink & Play			Joel Lehtonen / The_Seyeds 

Mp3 Compo
1 gosig slatex?			Altemark / spantobi
2 Esi In Aure			Chas
3 Arnolds visa			Savage
3 leaving			zantac

1 idiotchippen			Agenten / ste
2 ?				thypyroo
3 ?				?

1 ?				thypyroo / spantobi
2 multimedia			dj cop killah / the new thinkers