File Archive

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File size:
5 306 bytes (5.18K)
File date:
2005-01-18 23:12:59
Download count:
all-time: 2 072


 ____  & iNDUSTRY 
|::  |   ____      	  
|.   |__|:   |__          presents 
|    |  |__| |  |___ _______
|_____  |    |  |  :|      :|
...| |  |  | |     .|  |   .|........ .. .
   |____|    |______|   ____|
      |______|      |__|'99   		O F F I C I A L  PARTY  C H A R T S

	------ --  -

             01 They Are Here / Loco^Jce^Hyp			- 97

             02 Share Luv / Pain^Jce^Hyp			- 95
             03 Tha Beauty / Night Knight			- 83
             04 Asciisaurus / Ilke^Pas Maters			- 70
             05 Prvi April / Rudy+String+Destr	  		- 25

	-------- --  -

             01 Hulio Ciglesias / Tranceweaver 			- 75

             02 Sadness / Lost Horizont				- 33
             03 Fusion Energy / Deviant				- 32
             04 Cyber Nature / Fish 				- 26
             05 Infinity / God jr^iq2000			- 26
             06 9869 / Impact 					- 24
             07 Desert Sky / Agonizer 				- 25
             08 Nebeski Narod / Cooler^Titan 			- 20
             09 Flow / Faktor-X					- 17
             10 Cycling / Hyperbaba^Nevermind	 		- 13
             11 Goa / Phase^Dkg					- 8
             12 President Evil / Zero^Dkg		 	- 8
             13 Buka / Mara 					- 6
             14 Prototype: Xound / Pyc				- 6
             15 4 Ivana / Changai^Industry			- 5
             16 No Vej Aut / Evil One				- 4
             17 Appeal / Phuzzy Logik^Dkg		 	- 3
             18 Danijele Moj / Ilke^Pas Maters			- 1
             19 Star Attack / Rep^Titan				- 1
             20 Xm / B2o 					- 1

	24BITs GFX:
	----------- --  -

             01 Rubber Duck / Pain^Jce^Hyp			- 100

             02 Mama Raised A Hellraiser / Cold Tea 		- 49
             03 The Dzamperka / Loco^Jce^Hyp			- 41
             04 Adiemus II / Jamon^Jce^Hyp			- 39
             05 Kapljica / Lost Horizont			- 35
             06 Now / Chuck 					- 21
             07 Create / Fish					- 18
             08 Neptune / Tranceweaver				- 17
             09 IQlogo / Cx8x^iq2000				- 13
             10 Rebirth / Tnz					- 13
             11 Canaboid Party / BP^Hyperopia			- 11
             12 Alien / Vita					- 10
             13 Devil / Arlekino				- 10
             14 Futureal / Dguki				- 10
             15 Prvo Mesto / Mara				- 6
             16 Planet Hemp / Asarhad^Crs^Nvx^Ba		- 4
             17 Abstract / Faktor-X				- 3
             18 Warped Angel / Ilke^Pas Maters			- 1

	--------- --  -

             01  Ballz / Tzn     	        		- 92 

             02  Advanced Party / Loco^Jce^Hyp			- 76
             03  Delfin / cx8x^iq2000				- 37
             04  M6 / Dejan Milosavljevic 			- 33
             05  Luka / Lost Horizont     			- 29
             06  Gate Of Your Mind/ ZMilos^Logic		- 24
             07  Ostrvo / Ciric Vukasin				- 19
             08  High Acidity Level / Faktor-X 			- 17
             09  Armageddon / Ventura				- 17
             10  Xoyuran Sun Flower / Ch			- 6
             11  Prvo Mesto / Mara				- 5
             12  Abduction / Night Knight			- 5
             13  Diverge / Rudy^Nevermind			- 3

	------ --  -

             01 Don't Call Me Babe / Jamon^Jce^Hyp		- 175

             02 Mumu Land / Pain^Jce^Hyp			- 57
             03 Pale Face / Loco^Jce^Hyp			- 40
             04 Love / Rudy^Nevermind				- 27
             05 The Truth / Freak^Mad Virgin			- 24
             06 Gurumatic3000 / Ilke^Pas Maters			- 23
             07 Beavis / Faktor-X				- 19
             08 Unhurtless / cx8x^iq2000			- 17	 
             09 Noize And Overdoze / Asarhad^Crs^Nvx^Ba		- 13
             10 Free / Neutron					- 4

	---- --  -

             01 Extra Trip / Changai^Industry			- 61

             02 Thru The Alpha / Hyperbaba^Nevermind		- 27
             03 Hopper On Chaos / Asarhad^Crs^Nvx^Ba		- 25
             04 Deton8 / Phase^Dkg				- 24
             05 Sewage / Ilke^Pas Maters			- 20
             06 Markice Ce Poskupeti / Paranoid^Crs		- 17
             07 Da Hood / The Bulshit Artists			- 15
             08 Satisfy / Tyela					- 15
             09 Herlock Sholmes / Night Knight			- 11
             10 Es / Phuzzy Logik^Dkg				- 9

	----------- --  -

             01 Y / iq2000+Nevermind				- 106

             02 EggWould / BullshitArts	 			- 73

	-------- --  -

             01 Smoke2 / Mad Virgin				- 215

             02 Pogon / Eastgate				- 186
             03 1st / Logic					- 64

	--------- -- -

             01 Serdar / Veljko					- 117

	-------- -- -

             01 Mess / Alcal					- 24

             02 Chech System / Ventura 				- 22
             03 Chudo / Mikailo					- 16
             04 Rts / Mad Cat^Mad Virgin			- 13
             05 PIEIuSS v13.7 / Ilke^Pas Maters			- 6

	----- -- -

             01 WILD / Nevermind				- 95

             02 Capital Punishment / Juice			- 53
             03 Logic / Maig					- 48
             04 Winld Knight / Night Knight			- 31

    official world wide web site:		 http://www.sezampro.yu/yalp99
    support bulletin board systems: 	       underground, fonoc, toxic waste

                         (c)1999 mindEscape & iNDUSTRY

Party archive @