File Archive

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File size:
65 269 bytes (63.74K)
File date:
2000-01-23 04:04:22
Download count:
all-time: 1 247

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • old.skool 63.46K
  • old.skool.txt 2.07K


                  _|____                   |.
                (`----  )                  |||
                 ¯¯|¯¯¯¯ a p a T h y       |||
                   |                       ||| . ..
           ..... . |      ________      ._____.   :............
           :   _______ .__\__    /____ _|     |_ __.    _____ :....... .
           : ./   _   \|    /   /  _   \_     _/   |____\    \_____
       . ..: |    _    |      _/   _    |     |   _     .\    \   /
             |____/    |______\____/    |_____|___/     |        /
         - ------/_____|----------/_____|--------/______|_______/---- -
        tF!/u'R!   .                       |||
                   |.                      |||
                   ||   o l d . s k o o l  |||
                   |.                      |||

                    code&design..: strife
                          music..: maze
                            gfx..: angeldust

    This intro has been in development for 4 years.  I've used far too 
   much time on this one, coding silly stuff and making a silly design. 

   The Apathy logo was made by death/apt back in 1996, the other picture
                         is made by angeldust/apt.

     I almost released this back in 1997 but rolex told me it was too 
              booring so it got delayed until now, 1999.  =)

  I think the new groups in the scene, like many unknown polish groups, 
   should use more time on the design in their intros. Don't forget the 
               design, it is important. or to put it like apple do:
                          "think different!"  =)

          this intro requires nothing more than a standard a1200

       look forward to the next issue of our musicpack, feedback#7!

              reach us through snailmail at punisher/apathy 
                 or through email at
                 Apathy HomePage:  Http://Apathy.Nasha.Com

                  greets to all our friends in the scene!