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Apocalypse 1999 Results - Czech Party

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\- 4CH  MUSIC -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      11      6       Refrigeration              Roger^CFN
 2      8       7       Jazzfish                   Dobromir^DW
 2      8       10      Acid Race                  Piper^MRS
 3      6       5       Experimental trance        Spectra^Veezya/OPE
 3      6       1       First lies                 Laxical^SCX
 4      4       2       Hired Guns - theme         VET^ATC
 5      2       3       Jungle                     Noro^ATC
 5      2       9       Pierdy2                    Frank^ToiletFans
 6      1       12      Come On Baby Kill My Life  Subterra Brothers
 7      0       8       Kibel                      Miniu^ToiletFans
 7      0       4       Lsd trip 3                 Voicer^OLB/APT^VOID
 7      0       11      Crazy Lazy Funky           Hollowman^TRiP

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\- MCH  MUSIC -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      12      7       Tomorrow                   Immortal^
 2      8       3       Astronaootix               Spectra^VZY^OPE
 3      6       4       Hearsay                    Roger^CFN
 4      5       5       Psychik                    Dobromir^DW
 5      3       6       UVLight                    Piper^MRS
 6      2       2       Magnetic Storm             Voicer^OLB^APT^VOID
 6      2       1       Acme                       Laxical^SCX

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      | -/\- 2D  GRAPHICS -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      12      7       Krzyk                      Jok^DreamWeb
 2      8       5       AllymandreDeepTreep        Rork^Decree
 3      7       6       Masquerade                 Pewex^PSB
 3      7       11      Origin                     Caro^NAH^PHT
 4      5       4       Masta kila gacek           Thung^WPZ
 5      3       3       Gray                       VET^ATC
 6      1       1       Evolution3                 Johnie^AR
 6      1       2       Orel                       Noro^ATC
 6      1       12      Starport                   Elektronek^BAEGS
 6      1       10      Smoked Old man             Dizzy^hLA
 6      1       13      City                       Speedy^HVR
 7      0       8       Stoned                     Budgie^Absurd^DreamWeb
 7      0       9       Smok                       Dromader^QCK

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |    -/\- 3D TRACE -/\-    |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      9       3       Krnabrny                   Ubik^DreamWeb
 1      9       6       Rest In Peace              Fractal^iNS
 1      9       4       Kermit                     Duncan^DECEASE
 2      5       5       Kyla                       ASL^NSN
 3      1       1       Sachy                      Noro^ATC
 3      1       2       GennyBase                  Voicer^OLB^APT^VOID
 3      1       7       Stairs and Flowers         mLha^sHD
 4      0       8       1957                       Wertexx
 4      0       9       Office                     Amiga^hLA

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\- ANIMATIONS -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      36      4       Lost In Space              Tim
 2      4       3       Pokoj                      Vonka
 3      3       2       Domek                      Jerry
 4      2       6       Powered by Amiga           Maty
 5      1       5       Starport                   Elektronek^BAEGS
 6      0       1       Oil Lamp                   TiTT^VRT
 6      0       7       BH-90210                   Rat^uNN

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      | -/\- PRESENTATIONS -/\-  |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

                             <no entries>

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |   -/\- 128k INTRO -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      8       2       Magnify                    Absurd
 1      8       3       Enemy                      Phase Truce
 2      4       4       Trippin                    Zeleny^VCT
 3      2       1       Smoked                     Horizontal Lamerz

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |    -/\- 68k DEMO -/\-    |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      22      4       TunOn-TuneIn-DropOut       Floppy
 2      12      3       Trip To Kosovo             Subway
 3      3       1       Overt Enemy                Harvester
 3      3       2       Utopia                     Madwizards

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |    -/\- PPC DEMO -/\-    |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

                             <no entries>

                      :    __     \  /     __    :
                      ¦    \/      \/      \/    ¦
              _ _ ____|__________________________|____ _ _
                      |                          |
                      |  -/\- CRAZY COMPO -/\-   |
       _ _ ___________|__________________________|___________ _ _
                      |                          |
 Place  Points  Entry ¦  Name                    ¦  Author
  _ _ ________________:__________________________:________________ _ _

 1      11      4       Wtenczas                   Vectors
 2      10      6       Fanda                      Sasosh
 3      7       7       Tucolor                    Vertical Syndicate
 4      2       5       Babe                       TiTT^VRT
 5      1       1       Setric                     Noro^ATC
 6      0       2       Votice remix               Noro^ATC
 6      0       3       Tomik hulic                Bazooka