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File size:
4 823 bytes (4.71K)
File date:
2005-01-03 23:09:50
Download count:
all-time: 2 366


                              TIG'98 RESULTS

Title               Author              Points

Amiga Demo

01 Neo		    Darkage		105
02 Scout	    Genesis		89
03 Dream            Morbid Vision	65

Amiga 64k Intro

01 Disco2000           Darkage		75
02 Dinosaurs Inside    Degeneration	56
03 Khristacc           Risiko+		55

512 bytes Amycoders compo

01 Nao            28
02 Sniper         23
03 Azure          20
04 Ray            0

(For 512 bytes compo was selected a jury of pc coders as voters)

PC Demo

01 Dual Soul           JapoTek                 114
02 Otrunx              Day Zero Deflection     70
03 May                 Yello Fan Club          56
04 My Way              Tequila                 52     

PC 64k Intro

01 Delve into my mind  Ram Jam


01 Earth Breath        Rio/Ram Jam             54
02 Pathos              Synthetic Brush         53 
03 Crying Demon        Flagman/TBT             42
04 Tranx               CuTnPaste/JapoTek       30
05 Time will tell      Stile9/Genesis          22
06 Nynpha              Zek/Medieval            20
07 Natural Goddess     BlazeOne/Genesis        19
   Stella Morta        Mhur                    19
09 Moon's Flower       Piola                   17
10 Buz                 Surfing/Ram Jam         11
11 Best Friends        Wade/Darkage            10
12 Vatten              Grid/Ram Jam            8
13 Shadow              Lanch/Darkage           7
   Escape              Yure/Degeneration       7
   La fia di Leto      Swan                    7
14 Pulp                Matarazzo/Giants        6

Composita Live (Fast Music)

01 Techno Mar Rosso    Dixan+Nabo                       100
02 Aut                 Fby/Spyral                       76
03 Ink                 Pedro/CBR                        34
04 Dainaline           Gecco/Yello Fan Club             32
05 No Title            DustBin & AsYntote/JapoTek       31
06 No Title            Dipa/Day Zero Deflection         19
07 Estate Senza Fine   It-Alien/Parenthesis             19
08 Fuckshit            Wizard/Swap                      8

4 Channel

01 Sambing                 Fby/Spyral                               53
02 The Wayfarer's Theme    Dixan/Ram Jam                            40
03 Surfingb                Surfing/Ram Jam & Fairlight & Damones    38
04 10$ Fashion Parade      It-Alien/Parenthesis                     33
05 Japodance 2             AsYntote/JapoTek                         22
   Blue Spirit             Teo/Absurd                               22
06 Against the Time        Dustbin/CBR                              19
07 Restricted Area         Nabo/Deathstar                           18
08 Espaxe                  Photon/Genesis                           16
   Alien Soul              Corrosion/Degeneration                   16
09 Bubbles in the Wind     Psycho/Endzeit                           12
10 5 Seconds of...         Wizard/Swap                              9
11 Pizza e Donne           Gecco/YFC                                7
12 No More Sounds          Dx0                                      5
13 Noises                  Morgoth                                  2
14 Aplysia Punctata        Synthalia                                0


01 Just a little love      Lorys/Dreamers                           29
   Apache                  Fby/Spyral                               29
03 See the storm           Nabo/Deathstar                           27
04 Groovin'up da 'style    Dixan/Ram Jam & Spinning Kids & TBT      25
   Beefing Up?             Yello                                    25
06 Type4                   Dustbin/CBR                              24        
07 No title                AsYntote/JapoTek                         23
08 Sad Princess            Dipa/D0d                                 19   
09 Rude                    Poison/Tequila                           13
   Lobotomized             Wizard/Swap                              13
   No title                Spillo                                   13
12 Underwear Dick Movement El Diablo                                12
13 Pure Fantasy            It-Alien/Parenthesis                     11
14 Losed Love              Red                                      10
15 Prelude to everything   Ez/Deathstar                             6 
16 Autumnal Sunsets        Ph0ton/Genesis                           3
   Cybill                  Smadrach                                 3
18 Make me feel            Psycho/Endzeit                           2
19 Arcturus                Dj Batman                                1
20 Neve Ende               Morgoth                                  1

TIG 98 Results 

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