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                                The Party  1998
                               - - - - - - - - -
                 official results in text (converted by DC-1)

              The Party was held at Messecenter in Aars, Denmark
                            27-29. December, 1998

- - - -
 1. MOAI Nomad of Nomad
 2. State of mind BOMB of BOMB
 3. kkowboy purple+blasphemy of purple+blasphemy
 4. Yume 2 INF of INF
 5. tao zden&loonie of zden&loonie
 6. velvet DELUXE Prone of Prone
 7. 6 feet Kolor of Kolor
 8. Curse Quad of Quad
 9. Analog 801 Nah-Kolor of Nah-Kolor
10. Pestilence bandwagon of bandwagon
11. Manual Replay of Replay
12. Dreams Orchid of Orchid
13. are you satisfied? pdg of pdg
14. Grudge R.R.E. of R.R.E.
15. Grundlagenforschung Cer / digital underground of Cer / digital underground
16. Sloop John B Blocc of Blocc
17. electronic pleasure loop of loop
18. Embressi Salarc,Codjer & Fuse of Salarc,Codjer & Fuse
19. no title
20. My Fellow Human Beings Skraappa Skruuppi of Skraappa Skruuppi

PC 64k intro
- - - - - -
 1. Alien Sex Clone echocraftsethsimn of fudGe of echocraftsethsimn of fudGe
 2. Hplus Halcyon of Halcyon
 3. Transformers Snckho of Enfrosyne of Snckho of Enfrosyne
 4. Pure Quad of Quad
 5. DOH! LisCom of LisCom
 6. Alienation Aardbei of Aardbei
 7. Tiputipu virnu of coma of virnu of coma
 8. First Step ECC of ECC
 9. Superfluxx Suburban Creations of Suburban Creations
10. Windans 98 Macrosoft of Macrosoft
11. Prison ((Rebels[Macaw])&&(BasB)) of ((Rebels[Macaw])&&(BasB))
12. E-Powder colas of colas
13. jesus 100 cynic of haujobb of cynic of haujobb
14. Giana is god Robo and Pta of Robo and Pta
15. Saturae Nostalgia of Nostalgia
16. Teknotic erdol of magic of erdol of magic
17. too short Artificial Interrupt of Artificial Interrupt
18. no title

Amiga demo
- - - - -
 1. Alien 2 scoopex of scoopex
 3. WildLife Pink of abyss of Pink of abyss
 4. Dualcrew - Shinning Adam of Adam
 5. Substral Ephidrena of Ephidrena
 6. Raybong Loveboat of Loveboat
 7. Swift IRIS of IRIS
 8. Juusto 2 Thain (ind.) of Thain (ind.)
 9. Take A Bath With Tulou 2 Tulou of Tulou
10. Power robo of robo
11. Bagl‘ns Ingenor arbejde Sumpen of Sumpen
12. QAPMOC Nose Bears of Nose Bears
13. julemandens sidste ferie loonis of loonis
14. no title
14. no title

Amiga 40k intro
- - - - - - - -
 1. 1000% ntibyte of Scoopex of ntibyte of Scoopex
 2. The Morning Trip Psycho of Loonies of Psycho of Loonies
 3. Cruisin II - Cruise In Dexter of Abyss of Dexter of Abyss
 4. G-Spot Speedo of Loveboat of Speedo of Loveboat
 5. Colors Cromatics of Cromatics
 6. Moving Dip/Darkage & Bird/Scoopex of Dip/Darkage & Bird/Scoopex
 7. Tinnitus Digger/IRIS of Digger/IRIS
 8. Amiga 40K Intro Rave Net Overscan of Rave Net Overscan
 9. Machinery Factor of Boomers of Factor of Boomers
10. Eniac4k Puryx of floppy of Puryx of floppy
11. Theorema Modem of Darkage of Modem of Darkage
12. Lem Ninja Gefilus of Ninja Gefilus
13. no title
14. no title

C=64 demo
- - - - -
 1. Triage III Smash Designs of Smash Designs
 2. The Quark Breeze of Breeze
 3. Coma Job 2/3 Oxyron & Crest of Oxyron & Crest
 5. "We hate PC's" /SPD Stirf of Spiders-Crew of Stirf of Spiders-Crew
 6. 8 Bits Viscid & St0ff / Neoplasia of Viscid & St0ff / Neoplasia
 7. Brak MZ1453, Boris Bahnhof & Copy-Dan of MZ1453, Boris Bahnhof & Copy-Dan
 8. Jamaica Dream Iceman/WOW of Iceman/WOW
 9. A Smooth-Scrolling Debut Jinx of Jinx
10. no title
11. no title
12. no title

Java demo
- - - - -
 1. Apex digital nerds of digital nerds
 2. Letmaelk IV E605 & Phosphor of E605 & Phosphor
 3. no title
 4. no title
 5. no title
 6. no title
 7. no title

Java intro
- - - - -
 1. supermegaplus Prone of Prone
 2. no title
 3. no title
 4. no title
 5. no title

Windows'98 demo
- - - - - - - -
 1. Incoming Future Gods of Gods
 2. Nikolaus Bartman&Wintermute&Pink of Abyss of Bartman&Wintermute&Pink of Abyss
 3. Natural Beat madami of madami
 4. Virne under Windows coma of coma
 5. VoodooCowboy Hemulianerna of Hemulianerna
 6. no title
 7. no title
 7. no title
 9. no title

Pixel graphic
- - - - - - -
 1. Hina tmk of INF of tmk of INF
 2. f l u x Made/BOMB of Made/BOMB
 3. Killer Animal Reign - Die rasende Posaun' cyclone of abyss of cyclone of abyss
 4. Men in Black and White Jamon/Juice & Pink/Abyss of Jamon/Juice & Pink/Abyss
 5. X in OiL Cougar of Sanity of Cougar of Sanity
 6. family. love. morality the united states of america of of the united states of america of
 7. Disbelieving Thomas
 8. dior hellfire_ of haujobb of hellfire_ of haujobb
 9. devs moniq of cromatics of moniq of cromatics
10. Pixels are a kind of Magic X-Man of X-Man
11. Simple? Bifrost of Loonies of Bifrost of Loonies
12. MouthFull Bandy of IRIS of Bandy of IRIS
13. Wild Nature Judas/Endzeit^Abyss of Judas/Endzeit^Abyss
14. Sequential Jesus
15. Fear me Inferno of Quad of Inferno of Quad
16. supa, knulla, hiss wiDe / LSD of wiDe / LSD
17. Elvstone on lsd thypyroo of the spantobi family of thypyroo of the spantobi family
18. ze wittle fwuffy wabbit chwistmas edit gafkhan. of cromatics of gafkhan. of cromatics
19. Inca Spirit Laika of Loonies of Laika of Loonies
20. e.l.e. p of aesthetica of p of aesthetica
20. Scarface sAcRiLeGe of sAcRiLeGe
22. Sail Away Danube of Danube
23. Face Noogman & Chip / Endzeit of Noogman & Chip / Endzeit
24. China Remix Curt Cool / Depth of Curt Cool / Depth
24. Peacefull morning DCS + RNO of DCS + RNO
26. China Remix Fame of Nah-Kolor of Fame of Nah-Kolor
27. Dreamfox guinevere of magic of guinevere of magic
27. Carrie on cheesy of sUBSCURe of cheesy of sUBSCURe
29. Explding Sheep Exploding Sheep of Exploding Sheep
29. Love Kombo of Kombo
31. Der gik en bus klokken 2 fasix of cromatics of fasix of cromatics
31. give me a break sunday of sunday
33. Moonboots LoveLace! of MaWi of LoveLace! of MaWi
33. Killing my dreams Mr.HD of Expulsion of Mr.HD of Expulsion
33. Jah Live cori of DAL of cori of DAL
33. no title Mystic of Mystic
33. The inner child - Das Kind in Dir! Nazgul of Nazgul
38. Hmm_What? mini of dUMb of mini of dUMb
38. The Partido SiMoN of SiMoN
40. Japanese sunglasses Manko of The drifters of Manko of The drifters
40. Funk Soul Brotha Graffito of Graffito
42. K‘mpekrokodillettantisk kropumulig paddebanan-hat svend-b‘nk af de gule busser of svend-b‘nk af de gule busser
42. Sunset Andreas of Andreas
44. mr and mrs man weez of loop of weez of loop
45. no title

- - - -
 1. Suburbs 2100 3D Addict of 3D Addict 
 2. understick kRafton of NOMAD of kRafton of NOMAD 
 3. Wheels in motion dental headache of cromatics of dental headache of cromatics 
 4. Out Of Gas Christer of Ips of Christer of Ips 
 5. Windows 98 ' Lax-on theMOOSE of 2Stupid of theMOOSE of 2Stupid 
 6. Space Cab Freek Show thypyroo of the spantobi family of thypyroo of the spantobi family 
 7. Formula One suurland of suurland 
 8. Poisoned King Ransom of IRIS of Ransom of IRIS 
 9. 10 mbit Delta 9 and The Madman of Delta 9 and The Madman 
10. Impression Linex of Linex 
11. Tubular Bells FirimaR of ECC of FirimaR of ECC 
12. Sompko Quickspace of exposure of Quickspace of exposure 
12. Titan dok of dok 
14. The Beginning Wario of Smurfs of Wario of Smurfs 
15. Leaving Space Rachael of Rouge of Rachael of Rouge 
16. Mercury beatomen of beatomen 
16. Underwater Base Sniper of Sniper 
18. Sleepy Owls Flux of Flux 
19. Hovercraft Myst of Katana of Myst of Katana 
20. Y-A-R-T-S Alsace of Zikes of Alsace of Zikes 
21. Aquarium damien76 of Ips of damien76 of Ips 
21. Fire! Ego5 of Ego5 
23. Caddy The_Baptizer of Zap Intelligence of The_Baptizer of Zap Intelligence 
23. bowling svab Grandalf of Grandalf 
25. CAT SPEAKER Thumanji of Thumanji 
26. The Elevator Skywalker of Uniwarez of Skywalker of Uniwarez 

C=64 graphic
- - - - - -
 1. Hasenzaehnchen hat Angst rAYDEN0 of Alpha Flight 1970 of rAYDEN0 of Alpha Flight 1970
 2. Haunted Sander of Sander
 3. Machines AEG of AEG
 4. Donnernde Kataun Cyclone of Cyclone
 5. Technocracy Deekay of Crest of Deekay of Crest
 6. Sunday morning Hardsequencer of Hardsequencer
 7. 2 planets katon of Lepsi De of katon of Lepsi De
 8. Mindbluster sebaloz of sebaloz
 9. Jimmi Hendrix Iceman of Iceman
10. GEN 13 ZEALOT / Out of Order of ZEALOT / Out of Order
11. Little Devil exile of exile
12. Fantastic Zool TUM of TUM
12. no title

- - -
 1. no title  Sumpen of Sumpen
 2. no title  Rebels +hashmiton of Rebels +hashmiton
 3. no title  2 Stupid of 2 Stupid
 4. no title  Spantobi family of Spantobi family
 5. no title  TUM of TUM
 6. no title  trinity / Rbi of trinity / Rbi
 7. no title

4channel music
- - - - - - -
 1. Junk Freaks Moby/Sanity & Pink/Abyss of Moby/Sanity & Pink/Abyss
 2. Austin powers Muffler of Loveboat of Muffler of Loveboat
 3. Daydown Virgill of Haujobb of Virgill of Haujobb
 4. 21 Groove Street Reverant of Reverant
 5. Life goes in patterns Hi-flo of Damage of Hi-flo of Damage
 6. no title Dualcrew - Shinning of Dualcrew - Shinning
 7. Groove du monde djzip and beek of djzip and beek
 8. analogia nostalgia tristan of aesthetica of tristan of aesthetica
 9. Meditation fby of fby
10. Fried Funk Tim‘x of TiD of Tim‘x of TiD
11. Extender PuRyX of Maximum of PuRyX of Maximum
12. Pleasure dome nutman of IRIS of nutman of IRIS
12. Cyberspace Cruising Curt Cool of Depth of Curt Cool of Depth
14. Paranoid Spook of Kahvila ^ Orchid of Spook of Kahvila ^ Orchid
15. Mind Trip Punnik of Knip'N Plak of Punnik of Knip'N Plak
16. no title maktone/superstars^x-pression & of maktone/superstars^x-pression &
17. Rampage Tricktrax of IRIS of Tricktrax of IRIS
18. toch WEL Grolsch Jay & Bassie of Jay & Bassie
19. evening prayer frequent/ephidrena & mj/iris of frequent/ephidrena & mj/iris
19. Banana_addiction Zixaq of Ephidrena and Bifrost o of Zixaq of Ephidrena and Bifrost o
21. Synthetic Flowers beatomen of beatomen
22. qop
23. Kimbrergarden Funk Magus of Magus
24. Welcome to the future dIS of Nukleus of dIS of Nukleus
25. Pznutt pinocchio of Contraz of pinocchio of Contraz
26. no title

Multichannel music
- - - - - - - - -
 1. ratzbatzfatzfatz salt of KOLABORE of salt of KOLABORE
 2. Shape Shifter 2 Sierra of Smash Designs of Sierra of Smash Designs
 3. Superboat Loveboat of Loveboat
 4. Some other world Neophire of RBI of Neophire of RBI
 5. vikings loonie of analogue music of loonie of analogue music
 6. All your ways Method of Trinity of Method of Trinity
 7. El Diablo En Me Casa Dan Dryer of UMP & Smash Designs of Dan Dryer of UMP & Smash Designs
 8. Good Morning Aars Oxygener of Superstars of Oxygener of Superstars
 9. Knock down your brains darkxceed of Quad of darkxceed of Quad
10. Come to me gday of Quad of gday of Quad
10. In her majestys duties silverstance98 of Neurotica of silverstance98 of Neurotica
12. Olen nainen Speedo perkele / Loveboat of Speedo perkele / Loveboat
13. KHAMOS Adam of Dualcrew - Shinning of Adam of Dualcrew - Shinning
13. Pannical Affection beatomen of beatomen
15. Symphony of Sorrow burtil of BasicBoys of burtil of BasicBoys
16. Deep Down Below DiGiSTORM of Logic of DiGiSTORM of Logic
16. Planned Spontanity Zixaq of Ephidrena and Bifrost o of Zixaq of Ephidrena and Bifrost o
18. Head Rush 604 Aurum of Aurum
19. The Projector age Projection of Projection
20. no title

C=64 music
- - - - -
 1. Just parking Rorschach of Padua and NoName of Rorschach of Padua and NoName
 2. Compomusik Alien/WOW of Alien/WOW
 2. Salsa Cafe G.Hultink & Hoog of G.Hultink & Hoog
 4. Gamblin' Around! Draken of Draken
 5. Dreamin' Viscid/Neoplasia of Viscid/Neoplasia
 5. Klanghammer Taxim of Tempest of Taxim of Tempest
 7. devilish bzyk of samar lepsi of bzyk of samar lepsi
 8. Unfinshed Bag Of Cheese Bordeaux of Active of Bordeaux of Active
 9. Compo tune Heinmck / TUM of Heinmck / TUM
10. Da Groove St0ff/Neoplasia of St0ff/Neoplasia
10. Das Schweigen der lamer Fantastic Zool / TUM / Smash des of Fantastic Zool / TUM / Smash des
12. O2B rambones of rambones
13. The lost super scrotum elefantiasis rAYDEN0 of Alpha Flight 1970 of rAYDEN0 of Alpha Flight 1970

4k web
- - -
 1. Abyss - ficken, poppen usw. poet/abyss of poet/abyss
 2. F†r K‘js †f W‘b! Kalle Kool of Zap Intelligence of Kalle Kool of Zap Intelligence
 3. C64/4ever cydo of cydo
 4. Draculas P98 Page Dracula of Dracula
 5. no title Karma of Karma
 6. Ahead of J-COP Smack of Smack
 7. ZzzZzzz.. jemo of Sommerset of jemo of Sommerset
 8. Gekkos 4kb webpage Gekko of Gekko
 9. no title
 9. no title

Wild classic
- - - - - -
 1. SCHLEUDERTRAUMA Gott/Elitegroup of Gott/Elitegroup
 2. McTheParty98 salt&anti&maxx&bine/CER of salt&anti&maxx&bine/CER
 3. no title
 4. no title
 4. no title
 6. no title
 7. no title

Useful monitor
- - - - - - -
 1. Super Users Ashtray Dexter of 2Stupid of Dexter of 2Stupid
 2. Mobby Dick II House's snagrot of snagrot
 3. no title
 4. no title

Video demo
- - - - -
 1. The Real Life After Christmas zonk and beyond of HYBRIS of zonk and beyond of HYBRIS
 2. Drive by Fruiting flunkium of iN-SeCT of flunkium of iN-SeCT
 3. Jamooh 2 Exposure of Exposure
 4. REAPER Arthus, Myth of Arthus, Myth
 5. Bad Wafers Yodel of Yodel
 6. Deeper Impact DreamForce of DreamForce
 7. X14 PSX Orange of Orange
 8. Sneak attack Cyclops of Fuel & Quad of Cyclops of Fuel & Quad
 9. Psychotic freak Peter terp of Peter terp
10. Man On A Stick don doh of don doh
11. brAinwAsh METRiC & Looman of METRiC & Looman
12. Party Machines MBB and BenJam of MBB and BenJam
13. Extra terrestrial sight Cheesy, Dreyer (Dwarf,Metric) of Cheesy, Dreyer (Dwarf,Metric)
13. Fingers bert of bert
15. no title
15. no title
