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18 348 bytes (17.92K)
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2014-10-10 23:02:19
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all-time: 485


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                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

    aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn )

      ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

          dARkSidE wHQ (Amiga)  ·  aNAdUNe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

                sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)

      nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)  ·  wRitAZ eXPrESs gHQ (Graffity)

               dIE kRaNkeN bOMbeR dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Graffity)

   aLieNDeSiGN wHQ (Amiga-Tools)  ·  tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)

      sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!   eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!

                                dA sYSOPs aRe:
             Node 1 & 2 :                            Node 3 & 4 :
         USR V.34+/x2 I-Modem       rAMSeS            Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-44730311          &&          +49-(0)30-44730312

           -----  nOw X2 aVAiLaBle  ------  nO RaTiOs !!!  -----

                           · bEEN tHERE - dONE tHAT ·
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                  nODE#1: +49-[o]4462-xxxxx [33k6]
                  nODE#2: +49-[o]4462-xxxxx [iSDN - sOON]
                  nODE#4: tELNET

                ++[rUNNING oN oRDINARY o3o/5o/18mB/4.3gB]++

  __(\·----------------------- ----  ---  --   -     -        - 


                     THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE - FAITH!       (\ __
          -      -    ---  --- ------- ----------------------·\)



                           Herning is not far away - 

                      Interview with "THE PARTY" organisers

                    done by Ghandy of Darkage, Faith & Gods

We heard about many editors that they plan to slagg off the event "TP7" btw.
the partyorganisers in general. To condemn people for their presented work is
one thing, to inquire and to ask those who were responsible about what really
happened is another and in my opinion better possibility, isn`t it? Now I
could start to argue how scene-journalism should look like, but instead of
boring 99.9% of all readers we better begin our email chat. Be sure to read
statements from real charged organizers who tried to defend themselfs as good
as possible.

Who are actually the main-organising people behind TP and what do they have btw.
what did they have to do with the scene?? Heard there are some real oldskool
sceners from The Silents in your team?!!??

The main organizing team behind The Party is a handfull of people who spend a
great deal of their spare time year round planning this event. It has pretty
much been the same people every year, but with small changes from year to year.
Some of us were members of demo groups many years ago, but decided that planning
demo parties was more fun than writing demos.

We did have strong relation ship with Silents in the early years, but we have
also been in close contact with other groups.

Maybe you want to introduce the readers the complete team of mainorganisers?
Their real name, ex-handle, what they did for the party etc. It`s just that
after you stopped to organise The Party series without groupnames it became
really a myth which people are doing that event. To my own surprise nobody of
the past or present editors ever dared to contact you guys until I made the
interview with Pearl "Stripe" Moeller. (if your friends want to introduce
theirselfs - just do it - they are welcome!)

Obviuosly it's too early to tell who will be the team for TP8. But the people
behind TP7 were:

Handle       Name                         Responsibility

Menzor       Rico Hessellund              Network
Dicey        Troels Riis Poulsen          Info-crew, finances
Ritzy        Tom Markussen                Public Relations
Stripe       Per Moeller                  Technics
SauberSound  Soeren Doessing              Competitions, events

I'll ask them to represent themself if they wish. I prefer to stay rather

The real final results of TP7 are still missing, where are they?

Only some drafts exist at the moment, which are available on our website. We
will continuesly update the page until official results are avilable.

What was the reason why the power failed for so many hours?

Although we only used about 50% of the capacity that was supposed to be
available for us, the transformation station blew up anyway. It was old and was
supposed to have been changed many years ago. The regional electrical department
fortunately had a new station standby nearby, so it was quickly replaced.

The power outage came as a surprise for all of us, so we decided to minimize the
power consumed throughout the party to avoid any further incidents. It worked.

Of course we are sorry for the inconveniences that it caused visitors, and it
also screwed up the events schedule. All organizers had to work extra hard to
catch up and missed one nights of sleep. 

I was impressed about the support the scene once again showed us. It seems like
everybody used the opportunity to stretch the legs and walk around and meet
other people. The crew from Mekka/Symposium helped us out with sending infor-
mations out to visitors, and some even entertained by writing songs for the
occasion and performing them on the stage. The mood was very good and relaxed
throughout the outage.

You wrote the organisers from the Mekka/Symposium did help you.. But didn`t
they also abuse the bad situation at TP7 to make a lot advertisment for their
own event?

Heh... no, that's not really how I see it. Sure, they made fun of us, but
everybody does that, and that is part of being rekognized.

Besides I don't know what you mean about the bad situation. If you are refering
to the 2 hour power outage, I would say it was mostly a fun and good experience.
I would also say it was a record short power outage, and the first one we ever
had during our 7 years of existence. 

If you are refering to the your impression of the amount of gamers compared to
sceners, I'm not sure I agree completely either. The amount of good quality
productions for the 16 scene related competitions show that we do have the
support of the scene, and the best groups still show up.

We have nothing against about visitors advertising for their own partyes, in
fact we support and encourage it. We want to help other demo parties as much as
we can.

Mekka/Symposium is a small party, but the amount of advertisement was over-
whelming. Hopefully they will do really good this year.

Hopefully, but this could happen as it did the last years at Assembly, The
Gathering etc. they won`t have the same mass of those quakegambling, mpeg-CD`s
-burning and pornomovies-watching-and-nearly-masturbating guys. We`ll see how
long they can keep the partyfeeling they are recruiting with... These gamblers
seem to be a sad trend which is on the best way to establish.

Eh... guess this is more rambling than a question.

Why didn`t you let the party take place in the Messecentrum Herning? In my
opinion these halls are much better, or am I`m wrong?

The exhibitions halls in Herning are much better and much nicer, and we really
enjoyed the two years we were there. But the price for renting these halls have
become unreasonable high, and there is no way we are going to afford it. The
first years were introduction offers.

But even if we could justify to double entrance fee, we probably wouldn't do it.
The second year in Herning we were harassed and we left with a feeling that we
were not wanted there. In Aars however we are welcomed by the owner of the halls
and the city in general. We feel very comfortable in Aars with the encouragement
they show us.

Does Pearl "Strife" Moeller still has to do anything with the party series? Or
did he totally quit as he announced in the interview with me about one year

Heh.. we have all quit every single year with a feeling of that it's too much
pressure to make this event, to much work, no sleep and no outcome. After a few
months of rehabilitation we have all decided to do it just one more time. You
can include Stripe in this pattern of behaviour, maybe more than anyone else.

Ghandy:Good to hear that he didn`t want to leave afterall.

Where did you get all those TV teams from? They were a lot...

Nordjysk mediecenter in Aabybro. We got a good agreement with them about that
they should make some TV coverage of the event. They were also supposed to make
continuously live cast on the network which was the main reason there was so
many of them. The webtv project failed unfortunately because the digital encoder
equipment burned out, and no one wanted to risk equipment to replace it.

How or where did you advertise for TP7? 

Only on our home page I think... though I'm not really sure about it. We did
send out some messages on usenet  also.

Would be interesting where all those non-sceners came from? Isn`t it depressing
that those fellows even didn`t look up during ANY of the provided competitions??
This event was done by former sceners for the scene, but most visitors didn`t
have any clue or interest for it. 

It's depressing yes. And also the reason why we should have closer contact
with guys like yourself. 

The biggest argument against the party that I heard was...
- it was too commercial and too expensive. (too less offered for the high entry

This is a contradiction and ridiculous. Yes, we ask a high entrance fee, but
this is because we want to keep all commercial interests out of The Party. The
competitions are completely funded by the Scene with absolutely no interference
from any companies.

This is true also for the almost everything else about The Party. It makes me
sad everytime I hear that we are called commercial, because nothing could be
more wrong. The entrance fee covers the cost, and the events have yet to be

This year we borrowed loads of network equipment from two companies, who in
return put banners on hte walls. I can't imagine anyone who wont make this

- only a few sceners were present compared to the mass of gameplaying or porno-
pictures leeching people at the party who really destoyed a lot of the party-

That's a problem we have to be more focused on. We want The Party to be open for
everyone to do whatever they like. The Party is however still the main Amiga
Event of the year, and our commitment attracted a lot of Amiga sceners. I
noticed also quite a few C64 sceners, who all had a blast at TP7.

Will you continue to organise it? What will you do with all the money you have
earned with this party?

I think I'll buy an ice cream. But continuing ? ... Most likely not. The amount
of work required to put these events together cannot be justified.

Were you the one who was at the microphone during the prize-giving? Or who was

It was Ritzy.

What were the problems with the network? Did you install it by yourself or did
you engage a professional network team as the Gathering organisers did??

They sponsored network backbone equipment stopped working when there was load on
the network. The company that provided it worked continuously throughout the
event to solve the problems, but never really managed. Looking back I think we
should have used slightly older, but thoroughly tested equipment.

The network cabling (10km!) was done but our own network crew. Network servers
where also run by our own people. Albeit not payed for their effort at The
Party, some of them are network professionals in real life.

Maybe you want to make some additional statements? You are welcome...

After 7 years of commitment and hard work to put together these events, based
solely on voluntary efforts, I think it's time we get some respect and under-
standing from the scene. Remember we do this only because we love the scene and
it's attitude, and because we like the challenge of presenting the work of the
scene under the nicest possible circumstances.

I'm really tired of hearing all the crap about being commercial.

Thanks a lot for the interview and all the best for TP8 or will there be a
Summer Party in 1998?

No, there will not be a summer party in 1998.                             
As for the results, I finally got the remaining database files with votes.
All competitions seems to be stable, except in Java, 4-Ch and Multi-Ch    
music. Hopefully I'll be able to finish these within the next few days.

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 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 | aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn ) |
 \                                                                       |
 \\            Node 1 & 2 :                     Node 3 & 4 :             |
 |\\          USR V34+ Modem                     Euro  ISDN              |
 | \\       +49-(0)30-44730311               +49-(0)30-44730312          |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]