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1 787 bytes (1.75K)
File date:
2019-03-23 02:23:16
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all-time: 809


Scenery 98 (renamed from Twitter party)
3-5 July 1998
Podkowa Lesna Glowna

1. Pigsty 2 by Sataki                                     110
2. Applause 2 by Arise                                     78
3. Velocity by Onslaught                                   70
4. Something Preview by Vaudeville Crew & Vulture Design   58
5. Progress by Arise                                       52
6. Knock Out by Mlecze Design                              37

1. Alien New Generation by Katon/Lepsi De/Arise 115
2. Silence by Sebaloz/Lepsi De                   96
3. Untitled by Chash/Fraction                    56

01. Katatonia by Kordiaukis/Arise          128
02. Untitled by Deinonychus/Sataki         103
03. Breathe-Remix by Randy/Fraction         96
04. Pull the Plug by Wacek/Arise/Albion     92
05. Cosmic Voice by Chash&Signor/Fraction   80
06. Grawer by Signor/Fraction               79
07. Pretty Miss by Klax/Alliance/Oxygen     76
08. Illusions by Hank/Draco                 ??
09. The Mirror by Gregfeel/Lepsi De         65
10. Helena i Chlopy by Max/Oxygen           57

C64 visitors:
 1. Sapper/Arise/Fraction
 2. Pawello
 3. Pasthor/Fraction/Skylight
 4. Killer/Fraction/Skylight
 5. Provocator/Sataki
 6. Deinonychus/Sataki
 7. Jericho/Elipsy
 8. Trail/Elipsy
 9. Bigos/Sataki
10. Yaro/Arise/VooDoo
11. Katon/Lepsi De/Arise
12. Bimber/Arise
13. Exact/Acheron
14. Klax/Alliance/Oxygen
15. Fangorn/Alliance/Vaudeville
16. Snip/Sataki
17. Chash/Fraction/Adder
18. Thorgal/De-Koder/Apidya
19. Shapie/Sataki/Apidya/Vaudeville
20. Naphalm/Onslaught
21. Sebaloz/Lepsi De
22. Luke/Arise
23. Browar/Arise
24. Splatterpunk/Vaudeville
25. Kordiaukis/Arise
26. Corwin/Fraction
27. Cobra/Fraction
28. Elban/Scs+Trc/Arise
29. Szczygiel
30. Shell/Fraction/Sataki