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9 692 bytes (9.46K)
File date:
2005-11-21 23:23:11
Download count:
all-time: 1 854



                         ú úùþùdŽùC™dERZùCšNtùþùú ú

          þ ™NE ™f dŽ biGGESt dEM™ ŽNd C™diNG b™ŽRdS iN EšR™PE þ
               þ SšPP™RtiNG ŽMiGŽ/PC/C64 SCENE Stšff ™NlY þ
                þ ™VER 9ooo dEM™S fR™M 1978 t™ dŽ NEWESt þ
                 þ diSkMŽGZ þ EMšlŽt™RZ ŽNd EMšS™ftWŽRE þ
                         þ ™VER 6ooo S™šRCEC™dES þ
                           þ GR™šPS ŽRE WElC™ME þ
                               þ N™ RŽti™Z þ
                                þ 23 GiGZ þ

                  þú56koúšSRúúúúúúþ +49-3o-soon-back þ 24h þ
                  þú56koúšSRúúúúúúþ +49-3o-soon-back þ 24h þ
                  þúŽCtiVEúiSdNúúúþ +49-3o-soon-back þ 24h þ
                  þúŽCtiVEúiSdNúúúþ +49-3o-soon-back þ 24h þ

                         úù SYSdšdE : PigPen^oCCult ùú
                      úù tEMP™RŽRY G™d : Jigga^oCCult ùú


Sorry, but I _have_ to attend military services on 1rst of Sept. 1998,
and this board will be back online when I finnished as soon as possible!


                         [iN] [SCENE] [i] [tRUSt]

  Invitation for Gravity 3

                    . ..:: ...: .............
          ..........    ::......::   ..... ::   _____    ..........
     . ...:: .... :;.. .        ::   :: .: ::  \\   /. ..:: .... ::.......
   ...... ::...:: ::    ___ ____::_  ::....::  _\  /_.   ::...:: :: .... :.. .
   :..  :   ___ __::____\__\\___  /-.        _|_\\// |__ __.     :: :....:
    ____:___\__\\___     /   ____  _|_     //  / \/  | // _|__  _::__. _____
  .-\ _______/|   |/    /|   \ |   \  \\  //  //     |    ___/  \_   |/    /
  |   \____   |   /  __/_|    \|   \\  \\//  //      |     |----|    /     |
  |     \/    |_  \  \_  \     \    \\  \/  //|      |_    |    |______    |
  |__________///___\______\_________|\\    // |_____///_________/__//___shp!
 -------------------------------------\\  //---------------------------------
  G R A V i T Y  -  t h E  p A R t Y   \\//  3 R d  E d i t i O N  -  1 9 9 8

               Howgh! Anadune, nEON bROS and Amnesty PC are proud
               to invite you to the phenomenal party - GRAVITY 3!

               WHEN: 28.08 - 30.08 1998 WHERE: Rest Centre called
               "ZHP  -  chor¹gwiany osrodek wodny" in Turawa near
               Opole/Poland (about 16 km from Opole)

               PARTY  PLACE:  is  located  in a very nice region,
               just  next to lake called "turawskie" or just big.
               There  is also much place for tents - don't forget
               to bring them yourself.

               HOW  TO  GET  TO THE PARTY PLACE: best - with your
               own  transport, also by train. When you get to the
               central  railway  station  in Opole you must go to
               the  "PKS"  -  bus service - which is located just
               opposite to the station. Buy ticket (costs about 1
               DM) to the "Turawa - Borowik"... that's all. Be on
               time!  There  will  be  also  a  special party bus
               bringing  party people from the station to Turawa.
               Leaves  at  9.00,  12.00, 15.00 on 28.08 (friday).
               Probabaly there would be some more courses.

               ENTRANCE COST: about 10 DM (girls gets for free)

               WHO  IS  ALLOWED  TO  ENTER THE PARTY: people from
               Poland  which  are invited (or brings to the party
               computers  or own productions) and all people from

               HOW  TO  RESERVE  AN  ACOMMODATION:  just write at
     ,  cost: about 6 DM per day. You
               will  get  2-5 personal room with shower. If there
               would  be  not enough rooms you can always bring a
               tent (cost: about 3 DM per tent daily).

               COMPETITIONS: 29.08.1998 (saturday)

                     - Music Compo      (16.00)
                     - 4kb Intro Compo  (18.00)
                     - Crazy Demo Compo (18.30)
                     - 64kb Intro Compo (19.00)
                     - 3d Compo         (20.00)
                     - Gfx Competition  (20.30)
                     - VHS Compo        (21.00)
                     - DEMO Competition (22.00)

               COMPUTERS: Amiga, Pc, C-64


               	29.08 - time: 15.00 for music
               	30.08 - time: 14.00 for rest

               COMPO MACHINES:

               PII300  Mhz, 128 Ram, Diamond Viper V330 AGP 4 Mb,
               GUS 1 Mb, Mainboard ASUS LX P2L97, etc.

               Amiga  PowerPC  -  060,  603e  240  Mhz,  64  Ram,

               CONTACT/DETAILS: (you can also reserve a table for


               	ShaRp/Anadune^nEON bROS
               	Slawomir Wanat
               	ul. Spychalskiego 10/9
               	45-716 Opole




               	tel. +48-77-746-016 (ask for Slawek
               	or for ShaRp)




               and sometimes...


               	ShaRp^And on #opole, #amisia,
                                    #polishscene, #amigascne


               Celic/Anadune		(Amiga)
               KAZik/Anadune  	        (Amiga, PC)
               ShaRp/Anadune^nEON bROS  (Amiga, PC)
               Cortez/PSN+FST+OMC       (PC)
               Brach/Amnesty            (PC)

               C YA ON G3!

               [ver. 1.02e 22.07.98]

 |                                                                   \\  |
 |     :____.              .____.              .____.                 \\ |
 |     |    |____  _______ |    |     ________ |    |      _______     \\|
 |__ _ |    |    |_\__.   \|   _|___  \___.   \|    |    ._\__.   \_ _ _\\
 |     |    |    |    |    |   \_   \_    |    |    |   _|    |    |     \
 |     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |__/ |    |    |     |
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 |__ _ |         |    |    |    |    |         |         |         | _ __|
 |     ¯\_______/|____|    |____|    |\_______/¯\_______/|________/¯     |
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 |                              :    :                                   |
 |           .____.                  .____.              .____.          |
 |   ________|    |      _________   |    |      _______ |    |  .____.  |
 | _/        |   _|___ ._\  _____/   |    |    ._\__    \_    |  |    |  |
 | |    .    |   \_   \|    __)__    |    |   _|    |    |    |  |    |  |
 | |____|    |    |    |    |    |   |    |__/ |    .    |    |  |    |  |
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 |      |____|____|    |\_______/¯   ¯\_______/|____|    |\____/\____/¯  |
 |                |____|                            |____|·AbN·          |
 |                :    :                            :    :               |
 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 | aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn ) |
 \                                                                       |
 \\            Node 1 & 2 :                     Node 3 & 4 :             |
 |\\          USR V34+ Modem                     Euro  ISDN              |
 | \\       +49-(0)30-44730311               +49-(0)30-44730312          |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]

          _____                  passed through ..
        _(    /_________
        \    _         /---|      ____                  _____
       ·-\----)_______/    |______\_  )__ _____        _\   /______
                     |_____|       _    /_\ __/_______/_  _/     _/__
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                ·-/------- \      _      /__\ _  ))_ _|   /_  ___ ---\-
                   ·ave'bm  ·-----/_____/     /    /_\    _/_( _/____
                                       `------\______\|___|_\__      )_
                                          +o positive pain