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                       ÉÍ-ú        úúùþùúú       
                                 E S C A P E                     
                              party info file                   
                                   úúùþùúú        ú-ͼ

                              Escape philosophy

ESCAPE - yet another buenzli copy? No! First of all, we don't think there is
a need for a second demo only party in Switzerland, and then we don't want
the participants to work the hole evening for their demos.
We think what Switzerland needs is a place where the sceners meet and can do
what they most like - having fun together by talking about complicated 3D
algorigthms, making music or gfx, trading files and gaming. This means too,
that all platforms from Sinclair Spectrum up to Crays are allowed.

                            Necessary information

Date:      Saturday/Sunday 27th/28th of june, 1998
Location:  ref. Kirchengemeindehaus Buchs AG
           Postweg 3
           5033 Buchs AG
Time:      Doors opening Saturday 15.00
           Doors closing Sunday
Entry fee: 15 CHF (previously registered) / 20 CHF (not registered)
           Coke and food will be sold by the escape team for fair prices!!

!! High quality music system !! Video beamer shows multimedia arts and films 
!! A HUGE room to be filled !! Unbeatable compos !!

Please note that smoking in the party room and consumation of alcohol or any
other drug is not allowed. We don't expect to have problems with bad
behaviour - but don't doubt that we will kick people out who don't know how
to behave as an adult person.

                            How to get to escape

By car:
When you drive on the main street of Buchs, look out for the train station,
which is situated beside the main road, or better: halfway ON the road :(.
There are gate barriers over the road. On the one side you can see the COOP
and a post office. On the same side you also should see the church. Turn in
the road where the post office is, and there you are!

By bus:
When you are at the train station in Aarau, take the bus which drives to
Buchs. Get off in front of the post office and the COOP, turn in the street
where the post office is situated.


Surprise! You'll get all the infos you need at escape!


The best way to participate is by registering in our homepage at


You'll find there more, actual information, downloadable road maps aso. There
you also can register or see who's already registered. You also can rent or
buy netcards&cables offered you by the escape team. If you don't have
internet, you can mail directly to Crest at Lycaeum or Outworld. Please note
that it's much more comfortable for us if you register previously. Therefore,
coming directly to the party without a registration costs 5 CHF more.
Paying works like that: registered persons get a deposit form by us. They
will have to pay the entry fee BEFORE saturday. The deposit slip will count
as entry ticket.  Registering as early as possible makes life much easier for
If you want to cancel the registration, then write a message to us, but the
cancelling must be done by the 20th of june. LATER CANCELLINGS WON'T BE
ACCEPTED ANYMORE!! In this case you will have to pay THE FULL PRICE!

                                Network info 

Trying to get a cleaner and faster network, we want to run most of the com-
puters on twisted pair (RJ45) cables. Therefore, the escape team offers you
a sell/rent service of good netcards and cables for fair prices. You can buy/
rent them online at our homepage.
However, if you have an old card and don't want to buy a new one, we will
make a BNC segment too (with all the disadvantages...)
If you have any network stuff (hubs, routers, cables) you can lend us, please
contact our network administrator:

                        Escape stuff contact adresses 

Crest      main organizer           EMail:
                                    SMail: Patrick Lscher
                                           Mattrain 3
                                           CH-5502 Hunzenschwil
VAC        main organizer           ---
Vynka      organizer network
Gysh       organizer multimedia
J-Freak    free organizer 

If you have any questions left, of just want to get in contact with us, so
mail to Crest.
