File Archive

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File size:
20 708 bytes (20.22K)
File date:
2017-07-03 01:12:24
Download count:
all-time: 109


  • 4mention.11/4mention.txt 7.01K
  • 4mention.11/rgb50hz.prg 3.88K
  • 4mention.11/rgb60hz.prg 3.88K
  • 4mention.11/update.txt 681B
  • 4mention.11/vga100hz.prg 3.88K
  • 4mention.11/vga60hz.prg 3.88K


  | X | ========== ============ | O |
  |       ___________     ______   ______    ____________       |
  |      !           \   !      ! !      !  /           /       |
  |      ! !    _     \  ! !    !_!      ! / /  _______/        |
  |   ___! !   !_\     \_! !             !_\ \         \____    |
  |   :::!     !:/   / /:!       _     ! !::\_______  \ \:::    |
  |   :::!          / /::!      !:!    ! !::/         / /:::    |
  |   :::!___________/:::!______!:!______!:/___________/::::    |
  |   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::    |
  |   ::::::::::::::[ Dead Hackers Society ]::::::::::::::::    |
  |   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::    |
  |                      Dream 4mention                         |
                     | X | ======= Credits ======== | O |
                     | Programming................Evil  |
                     |                            Gizmo |
                     | Design.....................Evil  |
                     | Graphics (?)...............Evil  |


         | X | =========== Requirements ============ | O |
         | Machine......Atari Falcon compatible with FPU |
         | Monitor............................VGA/RGB/TV |
         | Memory......4meg ST/FastRam (400k must be ST) |
         | Weather.................................Rainy |
         | Shoes...................................Boots |
         | Food.............................Salami Pizza |
  | X | ============= Dissapointments =============== | O |
  | Well, from reading the name of this little "intro" or |
  | perhaps "demo" you might already have guessed it...   |
  | It just is a conversion of our "Dream Dimension" demo |
  | into 4 kilobytes.                                     |
  |                                                       |
  | However, the shrinking from 1.2 megs into 4 kilobytes |
  | have affected a few things. For starters, there's no  |
  | sound, not even chipmusic. Secondly there's no large  |
  | and colourful textures, and no pictures.              |
  | And last, there is an approx 30 secs init where the   |
  | tables and graphics are being calculated.             |
       | X | ======== A few words from the authours.. ======= | O |
       | We know this isn't very original, or inspiring for other |
       | people. But... it's all we had time to do.
       |                                                          |
       | The init time is annoying, we know that, hell we had to  |
       | live with it all tose time we assembled and tested.      |       
       | But.. it's tricky to make these small ones without some  |
       | precalcs.                                                |

 | X | ========= Files included here.. ========= | O |
 | * vga100hz.prg *                                  |
 | This file runs the demo on VGA, with 100Hz        |
 | frequency. If you have a semi-ok VGA it should be |
 | able to cope with this. If you're not sure about  |
 | if your monitor can do it, hmm.. don't start the  |
 | .prg file, it might damage the monitor.           |
 | If your screen can do this, then go for it, it's  |
 | the best screenmode to choose, it's much faster   |
 | than the RGB ones.                                |
 |                                                   |
 | * vga60hz.prg *                                   |
 | This is for you who have a bad vga, it'll show    |
 | the demo, but in a small "box" on the screen.     |
 | Just there so many people can see it..            |
 |                                                   |
 | * rgb50hz.prg & rgb60hz.prg *                     |
 | This is the RGB/TV versions, I recomend the 60Hz  |
 | file if you're able to run it, it gives a bit     |
 | larger picture than 50Hz.                         |
 |                                                   |
 | * info.prg *                                      |
 | This shows a small picture telling who did the    |
 | demo and for which system it is. The ALT-Party    |
 | rules required this one.                          |
 |                                                   |
 | * 4mention.txt *                                  |
 | Ehm... you're watching it.                        |
        | X | ============== Other crap.. ============== | O |
        | Ehum.. yes, if you manage to mess up your harddisk,|
        | monitor, computer.. or anything else when starting |
        | this thing.. you are responsible for that yourself |
        | we don't dare to give any warranty ;)              |
         | X | ========= Greetings.. ========= | O |
         | Harddiskcrash.. the greetingslist went  |
         | along with that, so.. greetings to      |
         | everyone who wrote us for our past demos|
         | all of you who visited ALT-Party..      |
   | X | ===== We can be written to as well.. ===== | O |
   | Yep.. throw away a letter to  |
   | and perhaps you'll even get an answer, that old    |
   | address is no longer is use, and will most|
   | probably stop working. Same thing with the url to  |
   | our homepage, you should not use the old   |
   | anymore, but instead.  |
   | That address will always point to the right server.|
Dream 4mention v1.1
Released September 19, 1999


- Falcon demoshell upgraded (CT2 compatible)

- Better video restore


Nothing to say really. The init is long and 
boring though.

Reason for upgrade:

I guess I don't have a good reason for spending time
on old shit. But I wanted to have CT2-able versions
of my own demos, so I might just as well release them.


Free to copy around as much as you wish. CD's or
whatever you like.


The authours cannot be held responsible for any
damages the demo might do. You are running it
at your own risk.

never give up - stay atari!
