File Archive

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File size:
15 771 bytes (15.40K)
File date:
2005-09-28 23:49:13
Download count:
all-time: 1 152


  __      |                                                        |
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          |       ¦             \/             \/                  |Sk¡n 

                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

       aMiGa · pC · cONSoLe · aScII   ( c64, aTaRi & aRCHiMEdEs sOOn )

                 ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn

               aRtWoRk gHQ (Amiga & PC)  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

                sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)  

                   tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)

      sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!   eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!

                                dA sYSOPs aRe:
             Node 1 & 2 :                            Node 3 & 4 :
            USR V34+ Modem          rAMSeS            Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-47411057          &&          +49-(0)30-47411058

        sTiLL uNDeR cONsTRuCTiOn! sOon aLL dEMoS eVEr rELeASeD oNLiNe!

                                  ·     ·
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       |  ·H2o!·              \\___ \ / ___//                      |
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               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__
               \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /
Zonk           /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
                 \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__///
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      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
              ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__

 Rush Hours 1997 party by Freezers
  - ascii invitation..  look out
       for invitation intro!
Board	CNet/5 Pro		Hidden/CoCo!		12:27 22-01-97 +49-UNPUBL

               Freezers would like to invite you to a party...

                 _____ _____        ____     ._____.
            .____\    \    /___  ._/  _/___  |     |___  -ÐÅ!
            |    /    /   //   \_|_____    \_|    _    \_.
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        |___ /      ._               /      .____\    \   ¬#µ_   ØL
            /_______| \_____________________|     \____\    °#ææøÆ

                                RUSH HOURS'97

                      THE (BIGGEST) PARTY IN POLAND!!!

                             RUSH HOURS PARTY'97

                       THE BIGGEST PARTY IN POLAND!!!

         Party  place  -  Politechnik  Hall,  Armii  Krajowej 23/25
                         Street, Czestochowa, POLAND

        Date: 22-23 February 1997 (first weekend of winter vacation)

                          Hardware - Amiga, Atari.

                         - Hall  for ca.1000 people
               - Quiet sleeping-room (without techno music :-)
             - bar  with  hot  meals  (Non-stop)  -  low prices
                       - toilets of course,   showers
                         - big   screen  4×5  meters
                                - manga-room
                              - porno-room :-)
                  - real techno-party party  after midnight
                                - a concert,
                    - as always surprise and much more...
                           - a lot of crazy compos

                      Only 2 days, but a lot of fun...

                          Entry - 3o PLN or 15 USD

                          Free  entry  for  girls!


                                - demo compo
                             - 64&4k intro compo
                              - 4ch music compo
                              - graphics compo
                             - raytracing compo
                             - crazy demo compo

              HARDWARE - A1240/50+32MB RAM OR 1230/50+10 MB RAM

   -  Demos MUST start on one of this configurations.  If after third try the
demo  will  be  fucking  up, then automatically it will be disqualificate and
reject.   Max.   demos  length  (Amiga and PC) is 8,80 MB - 10 disks DD.  All
totals shits like poor azkee-demos &tc will be removed to crazy demo compo.

   -  Intros  (4k  &  64k)  MUST  start  on  A1200+4MB  FAST.   If it will be
corrupting see bottom!

Note,  that  all  demos  and  intros  must back to system after finishing the

   -  Graphics  and Raytracing.  The best way its will be in IFF format.  Its
allow  to GIF, TIFF or JPEG format.  Pictures in others formats or scans will
be fuck out.

   -  4  Channel  compo:   only Protracker (.mod) format, only four channels,
max.  playing time=4 minutes., no sampling-sequences, only your own sequences
create  for example on Mod2smp.  Modules with sampled pieces of songs will be

   Guards  won't be pursuing for drinking of refreshing drinks :), beer, hard
drink,  or vodka.  You can be drunk like fucking pig, but it's not allowed to
demolishing  anything.   In  case  of  demolishing  a  delinquent will pay of
damages or will pay a visit at Police Department.

                                CRAZY COMPOS:
                              FAST MUSIC COMPO
                             MASTERBLASTER COMPO
                                 RAVE COMPO
                          BALOONS DESTROYING COMPO
                                 CHEST COMPO
                                 ROPE COMPO
                              DEATH DRUNK COMPO
                MAKING A SNOWMAN COMPO (depends of weather!)
                    SNOWBALLS COMPO (depends of weather!)
                             AND MANY OTHERS...

   Reach a party place will be signed, anyway it's very banal indeed.  Out of
The  Train  Station  (TTS)  , go to tram stop (no mather what number - anyway
there are only two :) and depending where we out go:

1.  From which tram stop?

   - tram stop around TTS (go to North Housing Estate region) - go out on 3rd
tran stop.

   - tram stop in NMP Avenue, near Mc Donalds - go out at second tram stop.

2.  Where to go out of tram?

   -  at  the  right side are three big buildings, at the left is Politechnik
High  School.   Go  up  about 200 meters (on Politechnik side) and you are at
party place.


                                   mR uHu
                              jAREk  cISZOWSKi
                              jOSELEWICZa  2/6
                             42-2oo cZËSTOCHOWa


                             mARCIn  cZARTYÏSKi
                              zAMENHOFFa  18/6
                             42-2o7 cZËSTOCHOWa

         Spread It!  Spread It!  Spread It!  Spread It!  Spread It!
                           Use it into yours mags!


                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__
               \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /
Zonk           /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
                 \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__///
         _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _
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      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
              ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__

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 |     |    |    |    :    |    |    |    |    |    | /  |    |    |     |
 |     |    :    |    .___/|    |    |    :    |    :    |    :    |     |
 |     |         |    |    |    |    |         |         |         |     |
 |__ _ |         |    |    |    |    |         |         |         | _ __|
 |     ¯\_______/|____|    |____|    |\_______/¯\_______/|________/¯     |
 |                              |____|                                   |
 |                              :    :                                   |
 |           .____.                  .____.              .____.          |
 |   ________|    |      _________   |    |      _______ |    |  .____.  |
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 | |____|    |    |    |    |    |   |    |__/ |    .    |    |  |    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |    |    |   |    | /  |    |    |    |  |    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |    :    |   |    :    |    |    |    |/\|    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |         |   |         |    |    |    :  :    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |         |   |         |    |    |            |  |
 |      |____|____|    |\_______/¯   ¯\_______/|____|    |\____/\____/¯  |
 |                |____|                            |____|·AbN·          |
 |                :    :                            :    :               |
 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 |    aMiGa · pC · cONSoLe · aScII   ( c64, aTaRi & aRCHiMEdEs sOOn )    |
 \                                                                       |
 \\            Node 1 & 2 :                     Node 3 & 4 :             |
 |\\          USR V34+ Modem                     Euro  ISDN              |
 | \\       +49-(0)30-47411057               +49-(0)30-47411058          |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]