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File size:
16 665 bytes (16.27K)
File date:
2005-09-28 23:49:13
Download count:
all-time: 1 550


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                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

        aMiGa · pC · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64, aTaRi & aRCHiMEdEs sOOn )

      ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

        aRtWoRk gHQ (Amiga & PC)  ·  aNAdUNe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

                  sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)

   aLieNDeSiGN gHQ (Amiga-Tools)  ·  tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)

      sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!   eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!

                                dA sYSOPs aRe:
             Node 1 & 2 :                            Node 3 & 4 :
            USR V34+ Modem          rAMSeS            Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-47411057          &&          +49-(0)30-47411058

        sTiLL uNDeR cONsTRuCTiOn! sOon aLL dEMoS eVEr rELeASeD oNLiNe!

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       ¯\_______________________ _)  Y  (_ _______________________/¯
             __                  \___ ___/                  __
         - ->\__ LOS ENDOS BBS <<-  (_)  ->> LOS ENDOS BBS __/<- -

---- SOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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        |               _                          _                |tGø
        :              (^) Belgian Scene Event 97 (^)               :
        |     /\        ¯                          ¯                |

Introducing : BSE '97 or The Belgian Scene Event 1997, to be the
              COWlest Amoooooooooooga party in Belgium in YEARS !
              (1992 to be exact, long live TRSI Easter Conference !)

What is it ?
BSE '97 will be a small but cool *Amiga Only* party held by
CRUX & BAD KARMA (CBK) in Hasselt, a town in the northwest corner
of Belgium close to the Dutch/German border.

Where and when ?
The date set for now is August 29 till August 31, 1997. Doors will
open the 29th at noon and close the 31st at noon so all of you peeps
can get home before school starts again September 1st (har har).

Party place will be Zaal Crutzenhof in Hasselt.

How to get there ?
By car, see that you get on the E313 highway (Antwerpen - Koln/Collogne/Keulen),
get of at exit 27 (Hasselt) and drive towards the 'Grote Ring' (the large circle-
like road around the town of Hasselt, should be to the RIGHT). Once you're
on the 'GROTE RING', take the 'KURINGERSTEENWEG' and then take the second road
to the LEFT. You will come out in the LARAZUSSTRAAT. Take the first one to your
LEFT and you will be in the 'Oude Kuringerbaan', the street where the party
will take place. No worries, we will indicate EVERYTHING so you won't get lost
(read : we'll TRY to indicate okay, bring a map to be sure :) ).

By train see you get to the station of Hasselt (Limburg). The partyplace
is at 200m of the station. (For foreigners: Take the train to Brussels,
then take the first one to Hasselt/Genk & Luik/Maastricht (make sure
that you sit in the front wagons, the last ones will go to Holland :).

Here are some train-hours :

Direct trains to Hasselt leave in Brussels (station Bruxelles-Midi) at xx:18
(mostly from track 12, but check to be sure).  At xx+1:45 you'll be in
Hasselt then.

Another way is take the train to Luik & Collogne in Brussels (BXL-Midi)
at xx:48.  Get of in Leuven (the first stop after Brussels, the third after
Bruxelles-Midi) and run to platform 3 (mostly !) where you can get the train
to Hasselt/Landen at xx+1:25 (the train to Luik/Collogne will arrive in Leuven 
at xx+1:17 so better be quick hehehe) to be in Hasselt at xx+2:10.

If you want to take the direct train to Hasselt in Leuven, its there at xx:47,
mostly on track 4.

On friday you will have trains till about midnight..  In the weekends aim
at 22:00 for the last train to and from Hasselt.

When you are in the front of the Hasselt station, you will see lots of busstops
in front of  you. Take the street on the RIGHT OPPOSITE hand of the square
(the F. Massystraat). You will end up at a pretty big road called the
KONINGIN ASTRIDLAAN. Walk left here and take the third one to the RIGHT.
(The Lazarusstraat). Then (after 20m) take the first one to the LEFT
and you will see the partyplace indicated :)

A seperate sleeping hall in the complex is provided
(and it *IS* isolated & silent!).

Toilets and stuff are also nice and clean. No showers though.

Inside the party place a bar will be available with all kinds of drinks
(beer, water, coke, etc.) at CHEAP prizes, where cheap doesnt mean 2 USD
for a coke. You will also be able to buy some sandwiches over there for
the same price of a drink (read: CHEAP FOOD :)

You are at about 5 mins from the main center of Hasselt, which
has LOTS of pubs, snack bars, also at very acceptable prices (but not as
cheap as in the partyplace :). and for all you party freaks: The biggest
disco from the region is at a 10 mins walk :). And for all you hard-rock
lovers out there, Metallica and LOTS of other groups will be giving a
LIVE concert at Pukkelpop '97 (which is at 5km from the Partyplace!)

And to make it clear for the first and last time : There will be
NO Cybercafe of any way and certainly NO party-network.
Ofcourse you are totally free to set up those things yourself and
we wont be mad for it, but its something we dont have the time
and cash for to organise...

The cash stuff
Entrance fee will be set at 350 BEF (Belgian francs) per person,
we only accept belgian francs, if you DO want to pay in your own
currency expect some ridiculous exchange rates in our favour.

If you want to pay in advance, no problem..  The price then is
250 BEF (Belgian francs, same stuff as above) per person.
If you pay in advance, your money will not be refunded if you
don't show up at the party, sorry.  Also no change on advance

You can mail the money to PO BOX 25 / 3000 LEUVEN 3 / Belgium.
With the cash send your 'password'.  We'll ask you for it at
the entrance if you claim to have payed in advance. If someone
else knew about your password and got in with your money before
you..  tuff luck. Better find the dude and kill him (OUTSIDE the
party-place please !). Also add your first name and handle please

And ofcourse if you dont like the Belgian postal service, you
can use a bank-transfer too..  The account-number is 330-0201835-32.
In the message put your handle, real name and password.

We're ofcourse thinking of some competitions but nothing really has
been set for now.  Expect the normal ones like Demo, Intro, Graphics,
Music etc but also some nice other ones.  Idea's we have for those
now are Wipeout speed trials and Ridge Racer Revolution in link-mode
(both on a niiiiiiiiiiiiice Sony Playstation) and what about a Karaoke
compo ?  We'll provide some funny tunes for you to sing along.
Read: It will be LOTS of fun! :)

Prizes (hardware from sponsors, cash depening on how much we have left
after taking off al our expenses), will be set later.

Why ?
OK, you probably wonder how we can be so mad organizing a party in
a nowhere-land like Belgium.  Well to make it easy we want to prove that
there IS indeed a scene left in Belgium and that it can still organize
something decent.

But remember that we make this party for FUN.  We dont want to make
ANY money on it, all we have left will go to the prize-money for the

Ok, you want to know more
To contact the organizers of BSE '97 you have some options :

E-Mail : /
WWW    : <SOON>
S-Mail : PO BOX 25
         3000 Leuven 3
BBS    : CyberGarden +32-11-333703

Party staff
Here's a list of the people crazy enough to organize this :

Main organizers : FRaNKy/cBK & CRiSP/cBK
Co-organizers   : Makno/cBK , MaLC0MN/cBK and Deathrider (former CBK :).

Some final notes

Please keep these things in mind when you're at the party :

- The party-place is located on a piece of land called BELGIUM, this
  means that all Belgian laws apply inside and outside of the party-place.

- It's a LEGAL party.

- All the hardware that you bring is at YOUR responsibility, dont come
  and cry to the organizers if it gets broken/stolen/whatever.

- Troublemakers will be thrown out or even be handed over to the police.

- If you're too intoxicated (read drunk/stoned/...) you will be denied
  entrance to the party-place until you are decent again.

- If you make a mess of the party-place or the neighbourhood, YOU clean it 
  up and pay ANY damage.

- If you damage something, YOU pay for it.  No cash ? Don't worry,
  we'll call your parents.

- The organizers have to be seen as almighty gods and their word is law
  in the partyplace. If you wanna play smart, meet mr. baseball-bat! :)

  _ _____.       _________ _   _ ________
._\\\   _|_____._\  _____///_._\\\    __/__.
|       \_     |  \________  |       _\    |
|        /     |          |  |             |
  |    -+- Belgian Scene Event 97 -+-    |
  |                                      |
  |  Aug. 29 -> 31 in Hasselt / Belgium  |
  |  Organized by FRaNKy & Crisp / cBK!  |
  |     -> !!! PRE-INVITATION !!! <-     |

---- EOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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       |  ·H2o!·              \\___ \ / ___//                      |
       ¯\_______________________ _)  Y  (_ _______________________/¯
             __                  \___ ___/                  __
         - ->\__ LOS ENDOS BBS <<-  (_)  ->> LOS ENDOS BBS __/<- -

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 |                |____|                            |____|·AbN·          |
 |                :    :                            :    :               |
 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 |    aMiGa · pC · cONSoLe · aScII   ( c64, aTaRi & aRCHiMEdEs sOOn )    |
 \                                                                       |
 \\            Node 1 & 2 :                     Node 3 & 4 :             |
 |\\          USR V34+ Modem                     Euro  ISDN              |
 | \\       +49-(0)30-47411057               +49-(0)30-47411058          |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]