File Archive

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File size:
8 992 bytes (8.78K)
File date:
2000-04-03 13:22:53
Download count:
all-time: 2 617


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                              "™ AbORt97 ™"                                    
          Officiall Results From The First Slovenian Demo Party                
Category : ASCii                                                               
- -------- -  --- ---- ------ ú  ---- ----------  -  --------    ------  ----- 
Place         Points   Title                  Artist         Group             
    1             76                          Verchy         X-seed            
    2             42                          Subsonic       Dream rec.        
Category : ANSi                                                                
- -------- -  --- ---- ------ ú  ---- ----------  -  --------    ------  ----- 
    1            107                          Verchy         X-seed            
    2             94                          Strawinski     Interlaced Bytes  
    2             94                          Subsonic       Dream rec.        
    3             66                          Zobo           Septic            
    4             56                          Markoff        Septic            
Category : Raytrace pix                                                        
- -------- -  --- ---- ------ ú  ---- ----------  -  --------    ------  ----- 
    1            147                          Petruscka      Dream Rec.        
    2            143                          Hexx           Axf               
    3            142                          Carcass&Alien  Dream Rec.        
    4            136                          Glazer         Dream Rec.        
    5            134                          Squaddie       Interlaced Bytes  
    5            134                          CHiP           X-seed            
    6            130                          Xmas           Interlaced Bytes  
    7            129                          Alien          Dream Rec.        
Category : Hand drawn pix                                                      
- -------- -  --- ---- ------ ú  ---- ----------  -  --------    ------  ----- 
    1            141                          X-mas          Interlaced Bytes  
    2            134                          Zobo           Septic            
    2            134                          Strawinski     Interlaced Bytes  
    3            105   The dudez              2creepinz      Septic            
    4            103   Fuck the Projector     Markoff        Septic            
    5             83                          Count-D        X-seed            
Category : 4channel music                                                      
- -------- -  --- ---- ------ ú  ---- ----------  -  --------    ------  ----- 
    1            163   Universal              Vox            Dream Rec.        
    2            142   Juzuz on s-eed         Storm          Dream Rec.        
    3            141   Pongo bongo            Juice          Phd               
    4            113                          Krokar         Septic            
Category : Multi channel music                                                 
- -------- -  --- ---- ------ ú  ---- ----------  -  --------    ------  ----- 
    1            155   Bathtub experience     Optic          Dream Rec.        
    2            150   Ready or not           Waka x         Dream Rec.        
    3            146   Belo                   Dj Cygnus                        
    3            146   Diving into ice        Outshined      X-seed            
    4            145   Time Race              Count-D        X-seed            
    5            144   The Beat Zone          Krokar         Septic            
    6            143   Domenator              Helios         X-seed            
    7            142   Hereqe                 Trope          Twilight          
    8            141   No Good RMX            Jerch          Septic            
    8            141   Mystic Voyage          Zenga          Interlaced Bytes  
    9            140   Energy Flow            Gerchy         X-seed            
    9            140   Junglio                DjHammer                         
   10            139   Demons of love         Verchy         X-seed            
   10            139   Advancin'              Yourself       Crystallize       
   11            136   Experience RMX         RaveMatej      Interlaced Bytes  
   12            135   Is t future?           Van Alec       Septic            
   12            135   Enigma The Mistery     BlackMan       Twilight          
   12            135   Out a this world       FGF            Interlaced Bytes  
   13            131   Dawning                Strawinski     Interlaced Bytes  
   14            130   The Dude               2creepinz      Septic            
   14            130   Fake it all            Logik          Septic            
   15            128   01010110               Trypno         HGP               
   16            124   Twilight Dreams        Klimax         Twilight          
   17            121   Lubi kaj delas?        Dj Buhtl       Twilight          
   18            118   AB4                    Dj Nick                          
   19            102   Suffication            S.b                              
   20             99   Euphonic               Enterman       Twilight          
Category : Demo                                                                
- -------- -  --- ---- ------ ú  ---- ----------  -  --------    ------  ----- 
    1            178   Broken                                MDG               
    2            162                                         Oblivion          
    3            148                                         Septic            
    4            147   Abyss                                 Twilight          
    5             78                                         Interlaced Bytes  
- -------- -  --- ---- ------ ú  ---- ----------  -  --------    ----[eof]----