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                           Singapore Demo Competition 

                      Organised By ú The Scene Association
                    Xin Computers Pte Ltd ú Compro Computers
                 Developers' Site BBS ú Boon Properties Pte Ltd
           2nd June 1996 (Sunday), Jupiter Room, Funan Centre, Singapore
                            Official Infotext #2
                               19 April 1996

0) New
1) Introduction
2) Competition Information
3) General competition details
4) Demo competition details
5) Music competition details (MOD and MIDI)
6) Graphics competition details
7) Party, Organisers and Sponsers information/contact
8) Greets
        This section is mainly for those who have the 1st infotext, 
 'TSC96-1.ZIP'. The main changes are all in this section, do read the
 rest of the infotext.
        First off, the organisers regret to announce that the animation 
 section have to be discarded due to technical problems. However, do consider
 the graphics/art section instead. It was also decided to introduce a new
 section aptly named 'transcribes' for the music catagory, this catagory 
 however, is an 'introductory' catagory, there will only be one prize for
 this catagory. 
        Next, please take note that the starting time is 2 PM not 1 PM as
 previously stated. The time-table is available in section 2) along with the 
 latest list of confirmed participants, if you have submitted your entry form 
 but fail to see your name, please contact any of the organisers asap.
        There are also some changes in some places, please read it through.
        The May issue of PC World Singapore will be featuring an article on
 demos, and the demo scene, written by Yap Sieh Roy. Do check it out.
        After the successful completion of The Scene 1995, the organisers
   have decided to organise another party next year. The Scene 1996 promises
   to be a even bigger and better competition, with major sponsers, and cool
   prizes ! This year round, we have introduced several changes, in the music
   competition, we will be accepting MOD and MIDI entries, and there is also
   a new catagory for music - transcribes. We have also added a graphics 
        In the forthcoming infotexts, we will confirm the judging criteria, 
   the confirmed hardware, etc. Keep a lookout for it. Do expect some changes
   to the voting percentages for judges and audience.
   Date  : 2nd June 1996 (Sunday)
   Time  : Starting at 2 pm
   Venue : Jupiter Room, Funan Centre
        This competition is opened to the public, and all asian demo groups/
   individuals are invited to participant, if you want to participate just send a 
   brief e-mail to '', alternatively, if you do not have
   net access, please read section 7) on more ways of contacting us. Please
   include the following :

   1) Your REAL name
   2) Handle/Group
   3) Age
   4) E-mail address(internet)
   5) Home address
   6) Phone number
   7) Country
   8) Which catagory you are participating, and how many entries in each 
      a) Demo
      b) Music (MOD or MIDI)
      c) Graphics (format : JPG, PCX, etc)
        We are expecting around 250 demo freaks around this region to attend. 
   Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entries of each catagory, in addition 
   there will be some side programmes. The final results will be a decided by 
   public voting (50%) and a panel of judges (50%). Participants are forbidden 
   to vote.
        If you are arriving from overseas, do contact the organisers regarding
   the best way of transport.
        There are no restriction on organisers and sponsers participating the 
   competition, however, those who participate will be banned from collection
   and viewing of entries.
        We will be announcing the actual cash prize allocation along with
   the judging criteria in the next infotext. For each competition catagory, 
   the organisers have decided to implement a prize 'staggering'. This means, 
   if any catagory have 2 or less entries, the catagory will be announced as a 
   void catagory, no prizes will be awarded. If there's 3 entries, only the top 
   entry will received the prize, for 4 entries, then the 1st and 2nd placed 
   entries, all 3 prizes will be presented if there are 5 or more entries for 
   that catagory. The above will not apply to 'transcribes' of the music 
   catagory which will have only the top prize.
        The machine (tentative) that will be used on the party day :
   (For demo entries)
   Pentium 100, with 8 megabytes ram, GUS, DOS 6.22
   (For music entries)
   Pentium 100, with 16 megabytes ram, GUS/SCC-1, Win 95
        Here is the tentative time-table for the day (this is just a rough 
   estimate, we will be finalizing the actual timing asap) :

        11:00 am    A side room at the party place will be opened. This is for
                    groups/individuals to test run their entries and make any
                    last minute changes to your entry before the dateline. 
                    There will be 3 PCs set up for testing purpose, all 3 
                    configuration will be identical to the compo PC. In addition,
                    the actual compo PC will also be there. Participants will
                    have to bring their own compiler, tools, etc. as non will
                    be provided. Note that you cannot bring your own cards, 
                    harddisks, etc. and plug them into the testing PC.
        12:30 pm    Dateline for all entries
         1:00 pm    Jupiter Room will be opened and the PCs will be shifted from
                    the side room to the main room
         2:00 pm    Start of The Scene 1996
         2:10 pm    Start of Music competition
         3:00 pm    Start of Graphics competition
         3:30 pm    Break/Event
         4:15 pm    Start of Demo competition
         5:15 pm    Break/Event
         5:30 pm    End of voting
         6:00 pm    Announce results/Prize presentation
         6:30 pm    End. See you at The Scene 1997

        Here is the latest list of confirmed participants that we have, please
   inform us asap if your entry is not reflected.

   Demo  - Constellation
         - WaterLogic
         - SDF
         - Black Magic

   Music - WaterLogic
         - Jware
         - Ng Pei Sin/ProLogic 303
         - awaiting name

   Gfx   - WaterLogic
         - Archangels
         - Ng Pei Yang/Ng Pei Sin
   1) The entry must be your original work and has never been released/shown to
      the public or taken part in another competition
   2) Please note that ripping code/materials/music WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION
      OF THE AUTHOR is NOT ALLOWED. If permission is granted, appropriate
      credits must be shown. Failure to do so may result in disqualification
   3) At least one member/representative of the demo group must be present at 
      the prize giving/result annoucement
   4) When releasing your entry to the public, in your FILE_ID.DIZ you must
      include the following:
       The Scene 1996 Singapore Demo Competition
       Held in Singapore
       Date of the event (2nd June 1996)
       The final result
   5) Software piracy will not be tolerated in the demo party
   6) All entries _MUST_REACH_ the organisers at least 1 week before the 
      competition starts. This is to prevent any last minute mishaps, however
      participants can still submit if they have updated/revised their entries
      on the competition day as long as they meet the closing time for
      submittion, this will be annouced in future releases of the infotext
   7) All entries must be fully completed and working to be qualified
   8) Each group/person is allowed a maximium of 2 entries per catagory
   9) All entries (except animation) must be released _AT_MOST_1_MONTH_ after
      the competition, the participants must contact and submit a copy of the
      release version to the main organiser (Yap Sieh Roy), look at section 
      '8) Party, Organisers and Sponsers information/contact' for contact 
  10) The organisers have the rights to publish and use all entries, in digital 
      format as well as for future promotional/commercial activities
  11) The judges and organisers reserves the rights to withhold any prizes for 
      catagories deemed having not enough entries, and/or low quality entries
  12) All rules and regulation can be changed at the organisers' will without
      prior notice
   1) Your demo must not occupy bigger than 4 megabytes diskspace(compressed)
   2) The maximium running length is 10 minutes
   3) SVGA and other non-standard mode can be used but at the participants own
   4) To ensure compatibilty please use only the Gravis Ultrasound standard for
      music playback
   5) A limit of 8 megabyte is set for memory requirement of entries
   6) All rules and regulation can be changed at the organisers' will without
      prior notice
   This applies to both 'original' and 'transcribes' entries, with exception
   to rule 3) for 'transcribes'
   1) The maximium running length of the music is 10 minutes
   2) No direct recording of a piece of music, so as not to infringe the
      copyright laws
   3) The entry must be your original work, no transcribing or ripping allowed
   4) The music entry must contain a title of the composition in the title
      section of the entry, and the musician's name must not appear anywhere
      in the music entry
   5) VOC/WAV/AU/RAW and such formats will not be accepted
   For MIDI :
   1) All entries will be played on a Roland SCC-1 or compatible GS/GM
      soundcard, the de facto standard for GM/GS MIDI playback. Only GM/GS MIDI
      files will be accepted. All others will be rejected.
   2) For best results, restrict polyphony to 24 voices to prevent note 
      cut-offs. The SCC-1 has a maximum polyphony of only 24 voices. 

   For MOD
   1) Your music piece must not occupy bigger than 1 megabyte diskspace
      (compressed). All the samples must fit inside the 1 megabyte memory 
      constrain of the Gravis Ultrasound card
   2) We will be using Cubic Player (tentative) for replaying, if you would 
      like to use your own player, please submit along with your entry, and
      whenever possible, Gravis Ultrasound card will be the sound card used
   3) No digital effects filter can be used, e.g. Hall effect from Cubic 

   6) All rules and regulation can be changed at the organisers' will without
      prior notice
   1) The artwork must be 100% original, no generated artwork allowed
   2) The maximium resolution that will be accepted is 640x480x16.7m colors
   3) Acceptable formats include : TGA, JPG, LBM, TIF, PCX
   4) Submit your artwork in their native format e.g. GIF, do not compile it to
      an executable file e.g. EXE, COM.
   5) The artist's name must not appear anywhere in the artwork
   6) All rules and regulation can be changed at the organisers' will without
      prior notice
Ä´7) Party, Organisers and Sponsers information/contactÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
   1) Party information
      Internet mail  -
      World Wide Web -
      Enquiries for DEMO competition      - Yap Sieh Roy
      Enquiries for MOD/MIDI competition  - Ng Cheng Kiang
      Enquiries for GRAPHICS competition  - Yap Sieh Roy
      Oversea participants/visitors who are making a trip over here, please
      contact us, we can help to arrange your transport/accomodation

   2) Organisers
      The Scene Association are :
      Yap Sieh Roy   (FxKidd) 
      Ng Cheng Kiang          
      Vincent Wei             
      Ng Pei Sin     (ProLogic 303)
      Kor Kian Wei   (KoL/SDF)
      Ho Ming Woei   (Zane)   
      Clarance Song           
      Gerald Tan     (Tangent/SDF)

      Xin Computers Pte Ltd
      E-mail : 
      WWW    :
      Tel    : +65-336-3177
      Fax    : +65-336-4144
      Add    : 109, North Bridge Road,
               #05-21, Funan Centre,
               Singapore 0617

      We can also be contacted at :
      Devlink echomail - The Scene Conference
      Fidonet echomail - Mod
      Datanet echomail - Programming, Sound Blaster
      BBS              - Developers' Site BBS +65-561-0237
                         Info Gateway BBS +65-466-3326
                         Multimedia GS BBS +65-252-1220
      Mailing address  - The Scene Association c/o Xin Computers Pte Ltd
                         109, North Bridge Road,
                         #05-21, Funan Centre,
                         Singapore 0617

   3) Sponsers
      Xin Computers Pte Ltd and Compro Computers can be contacted as follows :
      Xin Computers Ptd Ltd
      109, North Bridge Road,
      #05-21, Funan Centre,
      Singapore 0617
      Tel  : +65-336-3177
      Fax  : +65-336-4144

      Developers' Site BBS can be contacted as follows :
      Developers' Site BBS datel : +65-561-0237

      Boon Properties Pte Ltd can be contacted as follows :
      544-A Serangoon Road (Off Sturdee Road)
      Singapore 0821
      Tel : +65-299-3533
      Fax : +65-299-2520

   4) Credits
      Organised by                    : The Scene Association
      Sponsered by                    : Xin Computers Pte Ltd
                                        Compro Computers
                                        Developers' Site BBS
                                        Boon Properties Pte Ltd
      Co-ordinator                    : Yap Sieh Roy
      Sponsers contacted by           : Yap Sieh Roy, Ng Pei Sin, Rex Guo
      Infotext co-ordinator           : Yap Sieh Roy
      co-ordinator                    : Ng Cheng Kiang, Ng Pei Sin
      Poster co-ordinator             : Kor Kian Wei
      Logistic assistance             : Peter Lim (Xin Computers Pte Ltd)

   We are looking for more sponsers, and oversea co-ordinators, please do
   contact us as soon as possible
   FxKidd would like to greet the following people :
   The 3 other 'core' organisers - Cheng Kiang, Kian Wei, Pei Sin (u guys
   have been great help !!), Peter of Xin Computers (Thanks !!), the rest
   of the comms,Eric Scorpio,Rex Deathstar/WaterLogic,Valk/Mode XiX (plz 
   codez somethingz ! ;-)),BeachBoy/Mode XiX,Njo/Constellation,GUI,Seng Wue,
   Pandemonium,Morbid,Black Magic,Teck Shiong,Nicholas,Teck Chee,Nicky Bay,
   Hidenori,All Renegade members,Dan Wright,Mr Khan,#coders

   Ng Pei Sin would like to greet the following people :
   Everybody !!

Yap Sieh Roy (FxKidd)
(Organiser, The Scene 1996 Singapore Demo Competition)