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-·[ ORGANIZED BY ]·-----------------------------------------------------
zYMOSiS (amiga) · bOMb sQUAd (amiga) · JoRMas (amiga)
-·[ WHERE AND WHEN ]·---------------------------------------------------
Party will be held in a school called "Palokan koulukeskus"
located in Palokka, Jyväskylä, Central Finland
Koivutie 5, 40270 Palokka
doors open: 18:00 - 27.09.'96
doors close: 12:00 - 29.09.'96
-·[ ENTRANCE ]·---------------------------------------------------------
· Entrance fee is 100 Fim.
· All girls and foreigners are free to come in!
-·[ REASON ]·-----------------------------------------------------------
· There is nothing on party scene on September -- so we thought that
maybe we should fix this situation arranging partys featuring real
80's feeling.
-·[ RULES ]·------------------------------------------------------------
· No "heavy" alcohol drinking or smoking inside the party-place.
· People who cause damage of any kind ofcourse have to pay for it!
· Troublemakers will be thrown out!
· Big troublemakers will be thrown to jail!
· We take no responsibility for illegal swapping, or sale of
software, hardware, video etc.
· We will not be held responsible for damaged or stolen property!
-·[ FEATURES ]·---------------------------------------------------------
· Raves organized by niitty [ http://direktor.voima.jkl.fi/niitty ]
· live: dA jorma5, Substance / k!
· Good audio equipment.
· Relaxed atmosphere.
· 600 squaremeters of floorspace.
· Beach by the side of the party-place.
· Things you haven't EVER seen on any partys!
· More to come!
-·[ HOW TO GET TO THE PARTY PLACE ]·------------------------------------
· Place is located about 6km north of Jyväskylä.
· If you come with your car, just find the E4-road going north from
Jyväskylä, after 10 minutes joyride you see a sign pointing to right
saying "PALOKKA 1". Turn here and drive 1 kilometer of straight road
and turn right, drive 600 meters, and turn right again,
drive 200 meters and the school is on the right.
· If you come to Jyväskylä by train/buss, hop on a local buss n:o 27,
and after aprox. 15 minutes ride you reach Palokka.
-·[ GENERAL COMPO RULES ]·----------------------------------------------
· Atleast one of the authors of a competiting product has to be
present at the party place in order to attend the competitions
and to receive possible prizes.
· In solo competitions (music & graphics) the author has to be present.
· The demos/intros will have to run without ANY user interaction
once started (although there can be a setup screen).
· The filenames of the products must be standart 8+3 characters.
· All contributions must be delivered before deadline.
Bugfixes, problems with bad disk, etc. may be solved after deadline.
· All contributions must be free to spread.
· All the damages to the party place will be paid from the price-money,
so it's best for everybody that no demolished toilets
or painted walls appear during the party...
-·[ COMPETITION SCHEDULE ]·---------------------------------------------
1st day (FRIDAY)
· 1800 Doors open
· 2300 Graphics competition deadline
· 2400 Music competition deadline
· ???? Fastcompetitions
2nd day (SATURDAY)
· 0100 Graphics competition starts
· 0200 Music competition starts
· 2000 Intro competition deadline
· 2100 Demo competition deadline
· 2200 Intro competition starts
· 2400 Demo competition starts
· ???? Fastcompetitions
3rd day (SUNDAY)
· 0800 Announcement of winners and prize giving ceremony
· 1200 Doors close - party is over
This schedule may change anytime.
-·[ COMPETITIONS ]·-----------------------------------------------------
· DEMO (Amiga + PC)
- Max. lenght is 5Mb (5242880 bytes) in executable form.
- Demo MUST be HD-installable.
- Demo must NOT write anything to the HD.
- Demo will be shown max. 15 mins.
Compo machines are:
- Amiga 1200, 68060/50Mhz/16Mb Fast.
(Possibility to use 030/50Mhz/16Mb Fast if requested).
- Demo must NOT require assign to run it.
- Demo must run with 030/50Mhz/8Mb Fast!
- PC Pentium 75Mhz/16Mb RAM, 1Mb S3 Videocard,
GUS with 1Mb RAM or SB Pro/SB 16.
- 570kb of free base memory.
- 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes
and SVGA modes up to 640*480 are accepted.
- Demo has to support silent mode.
- Demo has to exit by pressing ESC-key at any time.
- Demo must run with 486DX2/8Mb RAM!
· INTRO (Amiga + PC)
- Max. lenght is 64kb (65536 bytes) in executable form.
- Intro MUST be HD-installable.
- Intro must NOT write anything to the HD.
- Intro will be shown max. 10 mins.
Compo machines are:
- Amiga 1200, 68060/50Mhz/16Mb Fast.
(Possibility to use 030/50Mhz/16Mb Fast if requested).
- Intro must NOT require assign to run it.
- Intro must run with 030/50Mhz/8Mb Fast.
- PC Pentium 75Mhz/16Mb RAM, 1Mb S3 Videocard,
GUS with 1Mb RAM or SB Pro/SB 16.
- 570kb of free base memory.
- 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes
and SVGA modes up to 640*480 are accepted.
- Intro has to support silent mode.
- Intro has to exit by pressing ESC-key at any time.
- Intro must run with 486DX2/8Mb RAM!
- Max. resolution 640*512 and 256 colours simultaneous on screen.
- IFF and GIF formats allowed.
· MUSIC (max. 32 channels)
- MOD, S3M, XM and MTM formats allowed.
- Played with PC or Amiga.
- Max. size is 1024k.
- Modules will be played max. 5 mins.
· FASTDEMO (Amiga + PC)
- Max. lenght is ????kb.
- Demo MUST be HD-installable.
- Demo must NOT write anything to the HD.
- Demo will be shown max. 5 mins.
- More info at the party-place
Compo machines are:
- Amiga 1200, 68060/50Mhz/16Mb Fast.
(Possibility to use 030/50Mhz/16Mb Fast if requested).
- Demo must NOT require assign to run it.
- Demo must run with 030/50Mhz/8Mb Fast.
- PC Pentium 75Mhz/16Mb RAM, 1Mb S3 Videocard,
GUS with 1Mb RAM or SB Pro/SB 16.
- 570kb of free base memory.
- 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes
and SVGA modes up to 640*480 are accepted.
- Demo has to support silent mode.
- Demo has to exit by pressing ESC-key at any time.
- Demo must run with 486DX2/8Mb RAM!
- More info at the party-place
- More info at the party-place
- As name says, limit is on your side!
- Demo has to run on computer, can be only animation file.
- Any platform of machinery is accepted (SGI, consoles, VC-20...)
- Prices for cOOl productions, not too much though.
- Who knows?
-·[ CONTACT ORGANISERS ]·-----------------------------------------------
· write/call to:
wrec eibon
Kiertotie 14 Oravanpolku 2
40250, Jyväskylä 40270, Palokka
Finland Finland
voice.+358-(9)41-3781625/kimmo voice.+358-(9)41-3781344/mikko
· or for latest information call:
____ __ __ ____ __ __
) (_·_) Y (_._ ) (_·_) Y (___ __ _ _
.__\ Y | |__\ Y | _//_////
| \ | l | \ | l |·
_ _ _ __ _| |_ __ _ _ _
\\\\_\\_ · Juju - Da Magic Board · _//_////
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: [·#1·] +358-41-3782685 [·#1·] :
[·#2·] +358-41-Nights! [·#2·] .
. :
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______ ._____ ._____ ______
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._\___ _/ _/| --' _\ --' _ /_ / |
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party held bY:
zYMOSiS · bOMb sQUAd · dA JoRMas
[ ------ Latest Info File (9.7.'96) ------ ]