File Archive

File download


File size:
5 178 bytes (5.06K)
File date:
2011-12-31 23:03:51
Download count:
all-time: 609


music compo

rank    points  song - musician(prize#) [zipname, filename]
----    ------  -----------------------------------------

1st     25      get on up, get on down - matt [, getonup.xm]
2nd     22      aftermath - void(1) [, aftrmth8.s3m]
3rd     18      song of the tired man - tuksu(2) [, tiredman.xm]
4th     17      gravey - hunz [, groovy.xm]
5th     16      maximalism - mickrippon(3) [, maxmlism.xm]
6th     14      the gulf of war - RAM [, gulf.mod]
7th=    12      bouncey beats - the key [, bouncey.xm]
7th=    12      step back - kitsune [, stepback.s3m]
9th     10      unlimited power - caliban [!, !unlim.s3m]
10th    10      oasis - legend [, lg_oasis.s3m]
11th    6       overlanders - acid rain [, overland.xm]
12th=   5       inverted reality - ? [, oz96song.s3m]
12th=   5       death rides on - goblin [, rd.mod]
12th=   5       nectropolis exmortem - sane [, nec_ex.s3m]
12th=   5       under the full moon - psychodelix [, fullmoon.xm]
16th=   1       appreciation - the walker [,]
16th=   1       warp speed - turrican [wp_speed.arj, wp_speed.s3m]
18th=   0       brinx - sirwalt [, brinx.s3m]
18th=   0       clank (scrape remix) - ensanguined [, clunkscr.s3m]
18th=   0       drop it - fobik [, dropit.mtm]
18th=   0       echo point - jase [*unreleased, at jase's request*]
18th=   0       quiet storm - yannis brown [,]
18th=   0       post temporal energy - rog [, r_potnrg.xm]
18th=   0       my life in the clouds - fishman [, ithcloud.s3m]


rank    points  artist(prize#) [zipname, filename]
----    ------  ----------------------------------
1st     75      black artist(1) [, vamp10.lbm]
2nd     69      grape [, airwar.lbm]
3rd     42      visigoth [, oz21.gif]
4th     26      maeve wolf [mw-blup!.zip, mw-blup!.lbm]
5th     19      mr. schizophrenia [, tvndr.lbm]
6th     16      manladas zarich(2) [, final.lbm]
7th     14      grape [, seduct.lbm]
8th     12      goblin [, girl3.lbm]
9th     6       grape [, night.lbm]


rank    points  artist(prize#) [zipname, filename]
----    ------  ----------------------------------
1st     118     mr. schizophrenia [, sz-dragn.bin]
2nd     47      harlequin(1) [, harl02.ans]
3rd     35      kurrupt(2) [, oz96-kpt.ans]
4th     32      harlequin [, harl01.ans]
5th     13      blue apache(3) [, ba-compo.ans]
6th     12      digital vampire [, dv-turt.ans]
7th     11      nme [, nme_2.ans]
8th     9       nme [, nme_1.bin]
9th=    5       goblin [, skull3.ans]
9th=    5       maeve wolf [, mw-kwest.ans]
11th    0       krinkle [, krl-oz96.ans]

note: some ansi's have no signature on them, since the artists who drew
them did not supply a version of their picture with a sig on it.

4k code (intro)

rank    points  coder(prize#) [zipname]
----    ------  -----------------------
1st     56      quark(1) []
2nd     49      slack mammoth(2) []
3rd     37      gaffer []
4th     30      sleepy []
5th=    6       psycho []
5th=    6       ? []
7th     3       myopic fish []
dnq     0       goblin []*

* crashed, therefore did not qualify.


rank    points  group - demoname(prize #)
----    ------  -------------------------
1st     82      heretics - gunk(1)
2nd     35      intricate designs - twisted(2)
3rd     29      priests of power - mmm, donuts
4th     25      fts - state: jelly
5th     14      steel dawn - concept
6th     8       cybercracks - worry
dnq     -       super real darwin - real to superreal

note: the demogroups responsible for producing their respective demos
are responsible for releasing the demos to the public at their own

16k music

rank    points  artist - song [zipname]
----    ------  -----------------------
1st     30      clef - pressure []
2nd     18      yannis brown - furbles [*unreleased, >16k*]
3rd     16      jase - eternaldream 2 []
4th=    14      8k of fun - random&sane^xtatic []
4th=    14      apollyon - happy crap []
6th     13      caliban - end of time []
7th     11      jase - no beats required []
8th=    5       rog - first and last []
8th=    5       tuksu - the setting sun []
10th    4       goblin - catch that skaven []
11th    3       jedi - reflex []
12th    1       apollyon - say no to drums []

general release notes

where possible, the original archives which were submitted for entry have
been used. if the original archive could not be located or an entry without
an accompanying entry form was submitted, the party release was substituted