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- 6 039 bytes (5.90K)
- File date:
- 1999-03-02 17:49:46
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Kristiansand,Norway 4-6 Oct.
Attendants : 95
Place : # : Name of prod : Author : Points :
1. 1 Destination Anywhere Sublogic 64 Points
2. 9 Latexo Rectum Cauda 50 points
3. 6 Latro - Latex revenge Rectum Cauda 35 Points
4. 4 Shapes Maak 35 Points
5. 7 Rhino Dr.Dyregod & Co. 31 Points
6. 2 Cindy wont sleep... TPolm 28 Points
7. 8 Gullars wont sleep.. Dau Kalkun 10 Points
8. 3 Anders p tur Rectum Cauda 8 Points
9. 5 Au 2 Rectum Cauda 3 Points
Place : # : Name of prod : Author : Points :
1. 1 Chronic Proxima 87 Points
2. 2 Corrosive Kloon 65 Points
3. 4 Thunder Again Index 33 Points
4. 3 Friendship Index&Proxima 30 Points
5. 8 Paper Roach Rectum Cauda 15 Points
6. 6 Hypochondian Thundra 10 Points
7. 5 Total Happines Index 6 Points
8. 7 Fundky Rectum Cauda 5 Points
Place : # : Name of prod : Composer : Points :
1. 1 Dopie Joe Surreal / Aurum 94 Points
2. 3 Multicolored choice Jisemdu&Silencer 76 Points
3. 6 Hei Sokk Heizahn / Rc 39 Points
4. 4 Putekrig Sentrifuges / Rc 25 Points
5. 2 Astro Fudge St.George / Index 21 Points
6. 5 Sokker med hull i Heizahn / Rc 3 Points
Place : # : Name of prod : Composer : Points :
1. 13 B-Jesus Stor Hamster / Rc 68 Points
2. 7 Kveldsvise Dyne / Rc 56 Points
3. 5 Moonshine Archer Surreal / Aurum 40 Points
4. 10 Gravid til tusen Infinite / Ignor. 33 Points
5. 2 Blindfolded into dark Noize / Wire 27 Points
6. 14 Compo Music Interlaced / TIC 21 points
7. 4 The Jonny Experiance Wunder / Apage 2 20 Points
8. 8 Farlige menn i gaten Silencer&AndersE 16 Points
9. 9 Klokka 2 Tigertffel / Rc 15 Points
10. 11 Kondomen Lauritz Snake&Ebolaking 14 Points
11. 6 Opatech St.George/Index 12 Points
12. 18 Center Pothead / Beam 9 Points
13. 16 Ancient Winds Silver / Dr.Dyre.. 8 Points
14. 3 Techno Spirits Loke / Wire 5 Points
15. 1 Jungel Jonny Zummy / Apage 2 2 Points
16. 12 Sko uten sle Heizahn / Rc 1 Point
17. 15 Tech Donaldpocket/Rc 0 Points
18 17 Enter rauman Several / Rc 0 Points
Place : # : Name of prod : Author : Points :
1. 12 Thought Moony 60 Points
2. 10 Savanne Pahladin 60 Points
3. 2 Deaddoll 8 44 Points
4. 8 Latex 38 Points
5. 5 Elefants 31 Points
6. 9 Rock 3 23 Points
7. 11 Tengs 20 Points
8. 1 Compo picture 17 Points
9. 4 Dick 14 Points
10. 6 Eye App 10 Points
11. 3 Death 4 Points
12. 7 Guffen 3 points
This file was written in a hurry,and i cant guarantee that there is
no errors. ;)
But the top places is the right ones.
The lack of authors in GFX compo,is simply because everybody did not
write their name on the pictures.
As you you maybe know,we only gave prices to the winners of each compo,
and the reason is obvious : To few attendants.
Each winner got 12 litres of Coca Cola.
-= Thanks everybody for attending Fudge'96 =-
- Maxwel / Main Organizer of Fudge'96
btw. At the moment nobody knows if Fudge'97 will ever happen