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File size:
762 bytes (762B)
File date:
2000-04-03 10:16:38
Download count:
all-time: 2 815


=----------------------------------------------[The Scene 1995 Party Results]-=

 [Note: this text was taken from c.s.i.p.d. newsgroup]

 Here are the final results for The Scene 1995 Singapore Demo Party held on
 2nd July 1995 ...


   1) Pureness by WaterLogic
   2) Raven by Renegade
   3) Shades of Gray by Mode XiX
   4) Enchantment by MysTiCaL
   5) Rush by Mode XiX


   1) Never by Zane
   2) Misty Heart by ProLogic 303
   3) Pureness by Martine Chen/WaterLogic and Zane
   4) Body Language by Zane
   5) Tech-No by Xylon/Mode XiX
   6) Rising by Audiojack/Renegade
   7) Cross junction - Epsilon/Renegade
   8) Misery - Epsilon/Renegade
   9) Extacy city - Kelvin Ng/Mode XiX

 FxKidd / MysTiCaL