File Archive

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File size:
1 462 bytes (1.43K)
File date:
2000-04-03 09:49:19
Download count:
all-time: 2 849


This was the winner of the SoCal '95 64k Intro Compo. Please note that it was
also the ONLY entry :) 

1) Cards v1.2            Dragon Emperor <DrEmp>      CARDS.EXE

Here is the results to the Music compo. The competitors didn't need to be 
present to enter, however only the people who were there voted on the songs.

1) Solace                  Stalker           SOLACE.S3M
2) Coastal Journey         Floss             DOH-NUT.S3M
3) Final Victory           Daedalus          VICTORY.S3M
4) Access Denied           Cerulean/Vertigo  TOJ-ACSD.S3M
5) MusicForATransient..    Maelcum           K_TRANS.MTM
6) CASD v2.0               Psibelius         CASD2.MTM
7) Zoned                   Malakai           ZONED.S3M
8) Seven Against Peeves    Quarex            SAP.MTM
9) Deep Troubles           Populus           DEEP.S3M

Congratulations to all of you, espcially Floss and Psibelius, who tracked
their entries AT the party.

Here are the entries to the Lim0SoCal compo. Trackers were given 1 minute
to play with their samples: Change the frequency, loop them, etc.
Then they were given 10 minutes to track the song. When the 10 minutes
were up, they were given (no prior notification of this) 1 minute to finish
the song, by creating a suitable ending.


1) l0s-huhu.s3m    Mental Floss / Epi, Kosmic
2) l0s-phea.mtm    Psibelius / Acid, Epi    
