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                         WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__
               \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /
               /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
                 \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__///
         _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/
        /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\
       /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WiLL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WiLL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /   
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/  
              ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BiS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__

       _  [- cOCAINE DHQ -]     [-MYTH DiSTRiBUTiON SiTE!-]     \   __|
      ¦  Bermuda Holland - a4OOO/3O - 1400MB - /X 4.xx - FAST!    _   ¦
      l_____\                                     _____.              ·
    ._______    ______.  _____________          __\__  |    .______  /\
   _|_ ____/__./  ___ |_._ _____  /\_ \ __ ___./    /  |____|__ __/_/__\
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                                        \/             ______.
        _______     _____ ._______ _______     /\    __\____ |    .______
       __ ____/___./    .\|      /       /  __/__\ ./ ___  / |____|__ __/_
    _ ___\\____ _ \_     \\.    /___    /___     \\|    / /  |  ____//___
       |    /      /       |  _/   /  _/   /____  \\   / ·   |  \     /
                 -----»> AMiGA - SNES - PC - REQUEST! <«-----
   [-sYSOP!-][-tRIANGLE/mYTH!]^[-sTAFF!-][-cHIP!/rOYAL!][TAKE/* M.Y.T.H.-*]
      [ U.S ROBOTICS'DUEL V34+ "SOON" NODE2 USR 28k8 V34+ ABOUT 1 MONTH]         
   NODE1: +31-365-341-347 [33K6 DS!] - NODE2: +31-365-347-943 [19K2 ZYXEL]
          uPLOADED bY: %NAME%
                                     oN: DD-MM-YY HH:MM:SS

                      -^(· FastAdd v1.1 by nIKE '94! ·)^-
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZmyth'S rEPLY tO mIRAGE & i-G0 !!!!!
sOME oPINIONS aBOUT s.i.h. '95
--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------
>even  got  some money by selling party-bracelets..  (A BIG shout-out to our
>homies  from MYTH and LEGEND (our competitive bracelet selling friends) who

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

    Myth ? AH! That group that can't even come up with an original
    group-name, the ones that they stole from the old C-64 group. Yes,
    really cool homies.

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

    I told u a 1000000 times on the NET and and chats that MYTH was made
    up with a smile to [L]egend. (Myths & Legends are 'in a certain way'
    the same !! I also told you i NEVER heard of another MYTH. (Exept from
    u, who seems to be really frustrated with us having picked the same name
    as u'r big hero's !

    Furthermore, you mention a C64.. and i NEVER had such a thing !!
    So tell me, how could i 'steal' a name from a group i dont know of !

    Besides, name-issue is TOTALLY out of the question and has noting to
    do with the topic here !

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>also  fucked  up  the  party  by  getting  in  for  free  and selling these
>bracelets! DAMN you ruined our business, hehehhehe :)

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

        Be proud of it, losers..

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

    Unfortunately ALL Myth members PAID !! ( Yeah.... a waste of money,
    i know !) What the organizers meant was that 2 (of more then 20) mYTH
    members GAVE AWAY their arm-tags. So 90% of the MYTH members have
    nothing to do with the whole accident.

    So a big FUCK-YOU to the SIH organisation for blaming the WHOLE group
    in stead of just picking the dudes who did the 'crime'.

    But anyway, i heard people applauded for us... that is kinda nice thoug!

    Besides, we were not the only one messing with the arm-tags. In the
    entrance-hall the arm-tags were pinned to the wall with their original
    owners name-tags next to it. U just had to grab them and you were in
    for free !! (Kewl move !)

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>Well  let's  talk about the BIGGEST fault the organizers made.  The results

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

        What was that ? Letting you in ?

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>would be presented at 13:00h at monday, but when we arrived at the joint at
>12:30h  we  heard  that  it  was  moved  to 10:00h.  MIRAGE competed with 2
>intros,  which everybody liked more than the other entries (as we were told
>they  sucked!)  So we went to the party very optimistic coz we were sure at

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

    Apparently they didn't, otherwise you did win a prize, wouldn't you
    ? And you say that the intro of Stelios sucked ? Go to your local
    'Hans Anders' soon..

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

    So the guy has a different opinion about the intros.. what are you
    trying to do ?? Start a fucking World War 3 ??

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>least  one of our intros would end up in the best 3, but when we heard that
>our  intros  ended  up at the 6th and 8th place we knew there was something
>wrong  with  the voting system...(TAKE NOTICE:  there were only 8 entries!)

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

    there were 10 entries, but let's keep in mind your intelligence..

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>so  we  went  to the organizers to show us the endresults and the number of
>votes  etc.  The organizers told us they were not yet finished printing the
>results while they were already announced more than 2 hours ago.  Later the
>organizers told us that most of the people who voted did NOT vote seriously
>(like  entering  #1,  #2  and  #3  on the votedisk ) So the intro which was
>showed  first  had  the  biggest  chance  to win the compo!  As we told the

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

        Well, chryseis had entry-number 10 and they won first prize, I
        can hear you say "yes, some other ppl filled it in like #10 #9 #8
        but then Jack had to win a prize too, wouldn't he ?). Stelios+
        Hollywood had entry-no.1 and if you say they didn't earn it...

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>organizers  that this voting system really sucked, they admitted that there

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

        so, what's the other option for voting ? Raise your hands ?

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

        Good old voting sheets ?? (Raise your hands.. moah... it works fine
        for most governments !!)

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>were loadsa fake votes, but they didn't do anything about it...  This would

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

        how many fake votes have you sended it in for EuroChart ?

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>mean that if I would code a MAJOR sucking intro with no effects at all, and

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

    you already did...

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

    Grote jongen... beter iets dan niets he ?

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>my intro was entry#1 and for example CHAOS would make an intro with several
>new  effects,  I  would  win  the  first price for sure!  So now 2 of the 3
>intros  who won prices were really lame...  Well as an organizer of several

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

    So S.+H. was lame and rose by Chryseis was lame and yours was super-
    ior.. hmmm.... (btw, have you really seen the intro-compo ? Seems
    to us you didn't)

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>PRIME  parties  I  would  improvise the system realtime at the party when I
>noticed that the voting system failed!

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

    There will always be problems with voting-systems, you can expect
    that (a good thing to do here was to show the entry-numbers +
    groups/artists/whatever, after all the entries were shown. Could
    you remember mod no.5 after having listened to 30 ?)

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

    At last a serious & good remark !! U are right here !

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>So  all  these  things  made the party really lame, and I am sure that next

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

        The main thing that was really lame about this party were the
        entries on the intro-compo and 4channel+multichannel compo, but
        that's not a thing the organizer can help, can they ?

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

        Again, thay cant help it... but i'm still not happy with the
        location, for 2 reasons:

         - Its FAR from the city.
         - All the disco's, cafe's etc.. close at 02:00 !!
           (At that time i'm just beginning !!)

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

    One of the lamest things at the party were those ppl cheating with
    the entrance fees, really cool...

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

    The price was far too high, and the security-system allowed faking
    too easyly. It just was a matter of time !

    Maybe it was better to 'seal' the arm-tags like letters etc..
    So that you can see if it has been opened.
    (Problem was that the tags could be opened, taken off, and closed
     again with very little damage !... But i guess even spaceball-members
     can learn from such a thing ! So that wont happen again. (I guess) )

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>year  nobody  will  visit  this  party  anymore!!  At least MIRAGE won't be
>present next year!

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

Well, with only one (dutch) party a year, and the prime series gone,
my guess people will show up whatever it takes.

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

        we for sure will miss you...

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>       Thank GOD that we didn't pay the much to high entrance fee!

--( I-G0's rEPLY )----------------------------------------------------------

    you don't have to thank me...

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

    People who think they are god usually are locked away for life.
    (Not a bad idea eh !)

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>                              So let's say:
>  F U C K   S O M E W H E R E   I N   H O L L A N D   P A R T Y ! ! ! !

        only with a condom please... you never know which disease you carry

--( mIRAGE d00dZ sAID )----------------------------------------------------

>             this text was done by RETEP and PROTEC/MIRAGE!

--( cREW^oNE mYTH! )--------------------------------------------------------

It seems that opinions about this party differ a lot. But about some things
i think we all agree:

 - DFL 50,- is far too much for what they offered.
 - Location (Mind you, i said LOCATION, not ACCOMODATION) is not that
   good. See the arguments above.
   (The accomodation itself is quite good, exept for the food prices, which
   are not cheap at all.)

 - 3 days is actually too much for a dutch party, i think 2 days is more then
   enough. (My opinion.)

 - They could have shown some nice movies. (I missed that part.)

 - I missed the 'traditional' demo's. (The first 1.5 day.)


       _  [- cOCAINE DHQ -]     [-MYTH DiSTRiBUTiON SiTE!-]     \   __|
      ¦  Bermuda Holland - a4OOO/3O - 1400MB - /X 4.xx - FAST!    _   ¦
      l_____\                                     _____.              ·
    ._______    ______.  _____________          __\__  |    .______  /\
   _|_ ____/__./  ___ |_._ _____  /\_ \ __ ___./    /  |____|__ __/_/__\
   ___\\____  \_ / ___| |_\\  ___/ | \ \\// _/_    /   |  ____//__ __  \\
    |      /   ////     |   \      |  \ \/ /  /   /_   |  \     / /  \  \\
    l_________//·/______|___/\___ _l___\  /__/l________|_______/ /____\___\
                                        \/             ______.
        _______     _____ ._______ _______     /\    __\____ |    .______
       __ ____/___./    .\|      /       /  __/__\ ./ ___  / |____|__ __/_
    _ ___\\____ _ \_     \\.    /___    /___     \\|    / /  |  ____//___
       |    /      /       |  _/   /  _/   /____  \\   / ·   |  \     /
                 -----»> AMiGA - SNES - PC - REQUEST! <«-----
   [-sYSOP!-][-tRIANGLE/mYTH!]^[-sTAFF!-][-cHIP!/rOYAL!][TAKE/* M.Y.T.H.-*]
      [ U.S ROBOTICS'DUEL V34+ "SOON" NODE2 USR 28k8 V34+ ABOUT 1 MONTH]         
   NODE1: +31-365-341-347 [33K6 DS!] - NODE2: +31-365-347-943 [19K2 ZYXEL]
          uPLOADED bY: %NAME%
                                     oN: DD-MM-YY HH:MM:SS

                      -^(· FastAdd v1.1 by nIKE '94! ·)^-