|¡ _:______ __________ __________ ______________ |
___:____|__ _/_| ____ /__|_ ____ /__|_ _____ / MOTION WHQ |
\ ____/ | \_____/ :/ \_____/ :/ \________/ PWA GHQ |
\______________|____________/____________/_______|aC! |
:_________ ______________ ___________ _________ __________ |
.__\ _____/____|_ _____ _ /_\______ .| ___/____|_ ____ /____ |
| \_______ :/ \________/ ___/ |: \ / \_____/ / |
l________________/_______| \_______________l_____________/____________/ |
_:____ .______._\/__ ______ .______ __________ |
._\____ \| .| \_:_\____ \| .| ____ /____ __________________:_
| \ \ || | \ \ || \_____/ //.-- ---
| |
| sTAFF: sISKO/M! BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX |
| Fury/M!^PSG Bezzzerk/MXM Lord Zai/PWA^GTA |
| __ EazY-E/TaU^ORS Calypso/GOD Treach/AC! |
-(04-19-95 22:29:30)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)- (Tim van Klooster)
BET:SIH Party invitation
ORG:University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
GATE:RFC1036/822 UE rudigate [PolyNet RFC/ZC ] Serie 1994063010
X-NEWSREADER:NN version 6.4.19
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We're Nuts Reality
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_______ _______
/ \ / \
/ \/ \
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\ Somewhere In Holland '95 /
\ The event for non-commercial /
( C o m p u t e r A r t i s t s )
/ \
/ 8 - 9 - 10 J u l y 1 9 9 5 \
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
------------> \ / <------------
Spaceballs \ / We're Back
------------> \ / <------------
\ /
What happened? o\|/o
---------------------------------------------------------===O===--- - -
Urged by it's fans, the freaks and their ideals the SIH team made it's
comeback from the deepest hiding places known to Holland. Strenghted by
a new member they succeeded in finding a location, time and even some
For the unbelievers: Somewhere In Holland '95, the event for
Non-Commercial Computer Artists is on it's way.
We say 'Arf Arf' to J. Crul, a mighty new organiser in the team!
What's SIH? o\|/o
---------------------------------------------------------===O===--- - -
You might just not be familiar with SIH. Therefore we hereby give you
a small introduction to the event and computer arts. However, if you are
familiar with SIH we advice you to continue reading at the next chapter
as reading information you already know is extremely boring...
About 10 years ago, when the first personal computers (Commodore 64,
XT) became affordable for the public, people started practicing computer
arts. On the Commodore 64 it was possible to draw up to 3 colours into
one grid of 8x8 pixels. A "high" resolution of 160x200 pixels allowed
"multi-color high resolution" graphics. A few years later, the Amiga
folowed with not less than 4096 colors. The XT owners would have to wait
a couple of years for the introduction of VGA and S-VGA.
In the meantime, music also became available for the average wizz-kid
and today, personal computers allow realtime-calculated raytracing
animations, CD-quality sound and TV-like animations. The prize for all
this: less than 1000 Dollars.
While originally computer artists made simple looking animations,
today no-one would be surprised to see a complete video clip or even a
small movie. The time involved in making these productions is huge.
Artists sometimes work for months to get their product finished. As they
don't get paid for their work they have to do the work after they get
home from work or school.
When a production, normally called a demo(nstration), is finished it's
spread all around the world using BBS's, the Internet or regular mail.
The viewers of the demos vote for the different aspects of the
production (music, graphics, programming) in various charts. The
production team can then look up their results. If a production is
received well by the public, the names of the creators will rise in the
charts and so will their status in the artists-scene.
As the artists live all around the world (even the members of one
particular producing group) they hardly see eachother. That's why the
Somewhere In Holland events are organised every year. People get the
change to see eachother once again, meet some old friends and make new
ones. Besides that, the attenders have the change to compete in several
competitions, contribute to work shops and hear about the latest
developments in computer technology. The events are normally called
parties, clearly indicating the atmosphere.
Facilities... o\|/o
---------------------------------------------------------===O===--- - -
The partyhall features room for over 1000 people easily. Besides that
there is room for 500 people in the sleeping hall. 500 Kw takes care of
your equipment and a special electrician makes sure it will keep taking
care of it. Outside you will find plenty of room to park your car.
Demos and videos are shown on a big screen, suspended in the air.
Music is provided using a professional audio-installation.
When you walk upstairs you will find yourself a nice restaurant,
opened 24 hours a day. Things such as descent food, nice prizes and
friendly people are verry common there...
Still, if you can't find any(!)thing you can always get some advice at
the Information. A team of willing people is there to help you find your
way trough the party program, the hall or anything.
In the end, there are First Aid facilities. People having a medical
problem can consult the First Aid section. At the information you can
get all info on them.
Competitions! o\|/o
---------------------------------------------------------===O===--- - -
Mmm, some interesting part. Well, the party features not less than 6
competitions. In despite of last years, the competitions for the Amiga
aren't split into type of chipset anymore. The reason for this simply is
that practicly everyone has AGA by now.
1st 2nd 3th
Amiga Demo: FL.1000,- FL. 750,- FL. 500,-
Amiga 40Kb Intro: FL. 500,- FL. 375,- FL. 250,-
PC Demo: FL.1000,- FL. 750,- FL. 500,-
PC 64Kb Intro: FL. 500,- FL. 375,- FL. 250,-
Graphics: FL. 500,- FL. 375,- FL. 250,-
4 Channel Music: FL. 500,- FL. 375,- FL. 250,-
How to get there... o\|/o
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The hall is called 'Sportscentre De Leysdream' and is located in the
south of Holland in a town called Roosendaal.
Complete address:
Sportscentre De Leysdream
Commandolaan 10
4706 CL Roosendaal
If you come by car, you will find it very easy to find it (is this
double or what?). The hall is just a 5 minutes drive off the highway
A58. Taking the exit "Roosendaal Oost" (Roosendaal East) will drive you
just around the McDonald's (you can see the M from the highway). Besides
you will most likely see boards next to the highway indicating De
Leysdream from miles ahead... (well, miles???). Specific information can
be found in the disk invitation to be released soon.
Using the public traffic you will most likely arrive at Roosendaal
Train Station. From there there are busses that drive directly to De
Leysdream. Public bus number 32 will bring you at a 300 metres distance
from the hall.
At the entrance you will find a nice couple of people that will very
friendly ask, but still urge you to pay the entrance fee of 50 Dutch
Guilders. Maybe a bit expensive for a Dutch party but then again, 3
days, lotsa fun, nice prizes... What else would you wish for?
The facts o\|/o
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Just for the record here are the facts again..
Name: Somewhere In Holland '95
Location: Sports Centre De Leysdream
Commandolaan 10
4706 CL Roosendaal
The Netherlands
Date: 8-9-10 July 1995
Entrance fee: 50 Dutch Guilders
No foreign currencies will be accepted.
More information o\|/o
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Within days, a paper flyer will be available with information. Also
invitations on disk will become available for Amiga and PC within a
short time. In the meanwhile you can find information on practically
every bigger BBS in Holland. Main site is:
The Southern Tribe: +31-4160-38606
Soon a WWW page will go online. At that time we will inform you about
that by BBS and Internet information...
If you have special questions or want to be sure of the latest
information, drop a note at one of these addresses:
Puttershoek 6
6581 CN Malden
The Netherlands
One last note to the Amiga scene... Watch the RAW #7 intro very
carefully. There's a big text on the background while the tunnel is
running. Does the text realy say "We're nuts, We're back, SPB'95" ????
Tsk, tsk... and people kept asking us... Are you going to organise
another party?
Hope you like.... 9000 piekjes...
Joost Brugman Technical Faculty C/Pascal/SQL/68000/80x86 Programming HTS Arnhem/Holland Being SpaceBaller Since December 93
| Somewhere In Holland |
| ## Party Invitation ## |
| 8 - 9 - 10 July 1995 |
| in Roosendaal/Holland |
|¡ _:______ __________ __________ ______________ |
___:____|__ _/_| ____ /__|_ ____ /__|_ _____ / MOTION WHQ |
\ ____/ | \_____/ :/ \_____/ :/ \________/ PWA GHQ |
\______________|____________/____________/_______|aC! |
:_________ ______________ ___________ _________ __________ |
.__\ _____/____|_ _____ _ /_\______ .| ___/____|_ ____ /____ |
| \_______ :/ \________/ ___/ |: \ / \_____/ / |
l________________/_______| \_______________l_____________/____________/ |
_:____ .______._\/__ ______ .______ __________ |
._\____ \| .| \_:_\____ \| .| ____ /____ __________________:_
| \ \ || | \ \ || \_____/ //.-- ---
| |
| sTAFF: sISKO/M! BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX |
| Fury/M!^PSG Bezzzerk/MXM Lord Zai/PWA^GTA |
| __ EazY-E/TaU^ORS Calypso/GOD Treach/AC! |
-(04-19-95 22:29:30)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)-