File Archive

File download


File size:
513 bytes (513B)
File date:
2004-03-28 23:03:21
Download count:
all-time: 2 108


100k intros from NAID '95. Where possible, final release versions are included.

heat            "White Heat" by Pure Resistance                         #4
hp              "High Pressure" by Razmaid & The Specialist (Us)        #3
icp             "Introchronophobia" by Sentience
lessmore        "Less is More" by The Humanoid                          #1
pisstro         "Pisstro" by Friar Tuck, Daredevil, & Necros (FuDD)
squish          "Squishtro" by DDD
zip             all intros in .ZIP format

- Phoenix