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 First informations about the G A S P organized by EREMATION & DREAMDEALERS
 in August 1995 in Montpellier, famous southern town! Spread on 22/08/94 !

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                                P R E S E N T


                        Gainful Awesome Summer Party

                          "We'll make you Gasp !!!"

This legal party will take place in August 1995 in Montpellier, south of
France.  We expect this party to be one of the biggest ever organised in
Europe.  The entry price will be about 150FF (30$), which will give you
access to the party place for four days.

1. The Place :

Montpellier, Parc des Expositions.  A huge center of 20.000 m2 , with room
for more than 4.000 people and parking for everyone.  The party place is
situated on the road to the Mediterranean beaches (less than 10 kms), in
front of the international airport (2 kms), near the motorway (4 kms) and the
train station (10 kms).  A McDonald's and a commercial center is situated
very close to the place.  A bus will drive around every two hours.  A full
time cleaning staff and electrician will be present.  A 24 hours a day
cafeteria will be opened with low price food.

2. The Competitions :

Organizers reserve themself the right to select productions.
(All kind of racism or such will be excluded)

120.000 FF (approx. 24.000$) of prizes will be dispatched as :

2.1 AMIGA Competitions:

       Demo :          Gfx :       Music :       40kb Intro:
       1: 3.000$       1: 600$	    1: 600$       1: 900$ 
       2: 2.000$	2: 400$	    2: 400$       2: 700$
       3: 1.400$	3: 200$	    3: 200$       3: 500$
       4:   800$
       5:   400$

Amiga demo:   - Must run on a A1200 standard (OS3.0, 2Mo of ChipRam, 68020)
                It doesn't have to need Fastmem. Of course demos can also
                work on A500, but it isn't necessary... 1 demo per coder,
                anyway a group can compete with as many demos as they want.
                Time limit: 20mn!
Amiga intro:  - Same rules as demos, i.e must run on A1200 standard, 1 intro
                per coder. Lenght limit: 40kb (40960 bytes!). No need of
                library to work.
Amiga gfx:    - 1 picture per graphist. Must be shown with the lastest
                version of Deluxe Paint. Format have to be IFF. Scan and
                raytraced pictures will be excluded!
Amiga music:  - 1 module per musician. Duration: 6mn maximum!
                Format protracker.

Real time competitions on Amiga (Code, Gfx and Music) will be organised too.

Real Time Code:     Real Time Gfx:     Real Time Music:
   1: 400$            1: 400$            1: 400$
   2: 200$            2: 200$            2: 200$
   3: 100$            3: 100$            3: 100$

Code:  - 6 hours to release something.
Gfx:   - 6 hours to draw a picture with a special topic.
         Same technilimite a 6h theme compet gfx.
Music: - 4 hours to compose a module on protracker with a serie
         of samples given by the organizers...

                            Total Amiga : 14.000$ !

2.2 PC and Falcon Competitions:

       PC Demo :                             Falcon Demo :
       1: 1.200$                             1: 1.200$
       2:   800$                             2:   800$
       3:   600$                             3:   600$

PC Demo: - Must run on a 486DX2/33Mhz with 4meg of ram.
           Length is max 3HD Discs.
Falcon Demo: - Must run on a standard Falcon... (Simple eh?)

                          Total PC/Falcon : 5.200$ !

2.3 Other competitions:

                   Ray-Traced animations ( all computers )
                                   1:  800$
                                   2:  600$
                                   3:  400$
                         Rules: duration 10 min. max.
                              Games competition
                                   1:  300$
                                   2:  200$
                                   3:  100$
                       Rules: Just move your joystick!

                              Video Competition
                                   1:  600$
                                   2:  400$
                                   3:  200$
                        Rules: duration 15 min. max. 
                  You can make clips, gags, computer films 
                           (like Global Trash!)...
                          Surprise Competitions !!!
                   Rules: Just be there! It's a surprise...

                     Total other competitions : 4.800$ !

3. Other Attractions :

A professionnal exposition will be organised in one of the halls where you
will be able to buy disks, games and other computer stuffs (software and

4. How to contact us :

If you wanna get more infos, just a drop a message to...

   Eremation                       DreamDealers
   B.P. 5                          B.P. 56
   12740 Sebazac                   13153 Tarascon Cedex
   France                          France

   Bal GASP                        DreamLands BBS
   36.15 RTEL (French users)       (+33) 32 39 79 23

More informations will be spread during the following months, in ASCII files,
intros and complete paper sheets.

             _____                                           _/\_
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        \/      \| dreamlands \ ____|_____/  |____/  CnEt-BBS*REGISTERED*
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   +- There's a life after download! call now --|------------------------o-
   | node 1 -(+33) 3239 7923 USR v32 Terbo 21.6 |  Open 24 hours a day   |
     node 2 -(+33) 3231 0077 ZyXEl u1496e+ 19.2 |  Hot & soft Pictures   |s
     node 3 -(+33) 3231 0061 ZyXEl u1496e  16.8 |  Music, GFX, coding,   |u
   . node 4 -(+33) 3231 0075 Tornado II     2.4 | Public Domain & Demos! |n