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File size:
22 031 bytes (21.51K)
File date:
2017-09-29 13:05:45
Download count:
all-time: 455


      ._____.._____.._____.._____.._____..__.   .___.______.._____.._____.       
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                UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Mon Oct 23 21:05:31 1995



      _______| ______  ____      _______  ____ ____
 .--> \______l|      '(___/_____(_______l(    |    ) <--÷ dREAM pARK bBS ÷--
 |     A12oo·o3o·882·33mHz·/X        _______  _______  ______ |____/___
 |  aMIGA·/X·aSCII·mODULES·s-NES    |_______)(_______l|      '|       / <--.
 |  nUKAS:iNFERNO·sHALLOW·gHANDY    |                                / sLw |
 |                                                                         |
 `--- --- - - ---> cHECKED aT [ 20:03:20 ] oN [ 23-Oct-95 ] <- - --  -- ---'

    _______    ________ ._____._________ mAiN mASTERS:    
   /   __ ¬\  /       ¬\(_____)______  ¬\   PyRo & Chuckie   
  /   _|/   \/     \___/|    ¬|    | \   \    
 /    \_     \     /  ¬\|     |    | /    \sECoND mASTERS:  
 \     |     /    /     \     |    |/     / Etron & Joker 
  \____|    /\_____     /    _|_____     /    EdE & SiRiAx     
                     ________.____.      _______    __   __ 
-   ProdigY EhQ   - /       ¬\    | __  /   __ ¬\  /  \ / ¬\ 
     Smurf WHQ     /     \___/    |/ ¬\/   _|/   \/    Y    \        
   HellfIRE GhQ  - \___      \    /    \   \_     \          \ 
                   /   \     /         /    |     /   \ /    /      
       -7 noDEZ-   \     ___/____     /\____|    /\___|Y|   /    

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                  \__. \|¬ ¦ //  ¬|¬  ¦_/|  ¬| /· \      aMiga & conSole 
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                  \___  / __| |·__|__|\\ /·__|\____/                     
                      \/|/    |/       \/|/                              
                              ____ _________        ____ _  _ _ __ _ _ _ 
   <«·sySop·»>               /   ¬\\__  ___/       /\   \                
                            /  |  \\/¬ __/        /  \___\  _ _  ____  _ 
<«·maRio·/·trSi·»>          \\ ¦  ///  |          \  /   /               
                             \____/\___|           \/___/  _ _ _ _ ___ _ 
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 <«·eCs·/·trSi·»>     /  ___//    \/ ¬| \/ | _                           
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<«·zOu^zOu!/trSi·»>   / ¬| \\\ ¦  //  ¦  /·¦   \     on Amiga 4000/040   
                      \___  /\____/\____/______/                         
      .                   \/                                    .        

.--[+44 (0)191-232-5527]--[+44 (0)191-232-5527]--[+44 (0)191-232-5527]--.
|                                                                       |
|  .--------------------------------------.                             |
|  |                                      |                             |
|  |   GET YOURSELF CONNECTED TO   .------|-----------------------.     |
|  |    ____                     __|_     |                       |     |
|  |___|    |____  ________ ____|    |____|_______ ____           |     |
| |    _    |____)|        |____)    ____/____    |    |____      |     |
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| |    |    |     \   |    |     \   |   |   _    |    |    |     |     |
| |____     |_____/____    |_____/____   |___|    |____     |     |     |
|  |   `----'         |____|       | `---'|  |____|    `----'     |     |
|  `-------------------------------|------'               ____    |     |
|  _____________________  ________ |_______ ________ ____|    |___| ___ |
| |                     ||        |____    |   _    |    _    |    |   ||
| | 5 KiCKiN' V34 NODES ||   |____|   |    |   |    |    |    |    |   ||
| |  2OMB RAM : 3 GIGS  ||        |   _    |   |    |    |    |        ||
| |   O4O : 7 X CD`S!   ||____    |___|    |___|    |____     |____    ||
| |_____________________|    `----'`--|____|---|____|gOTE`----'---|____||
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
|__[+44 (0)191-232-5527]__[+44 (0)191-232-5527]__[+44 (0)191-232-5527]__|


A reminder of the Digtal Party 95 details.

Party is next Saturday - 21st October.

Info on where to get Party Prods first!


                                Digital UK

                              Invite >YOU< to

                         S Y M P O S I U M  ' 9 5
                               Amiga and PC

                               Sponsored by:

                          GT Interactive Software


                            Digital Candy BBS:

        5 Ringdown Nodes   +44 (0) 191 232-5527   5 Ringdown Nodes

    Digital Candy will have all the Party Productions online first, on 
                           the day of the party.

         Call Digital Candy today to get your account set up now!

     All entries can be found in the AMIGA LATEST Conf on this board.

                                ([- 1 -])

The party will be held at:
                         Gibbet Hill Refectory
                         Gibbet Hill
                         Univeristy of Warwick

The party is due to run from:
                        9 A.M. until 12 Midnight
                         On the 21st of October

                               ([- 2 -])

            Tickets in advance   : 6 UK Pounds
            Tickets on the door  : 12 UK Pounds

         N.B:  No foreign currency will be accepted

                              ([- 3 -])

The following competitions will be held:

Amiga Demo
      The demo MUST run on an:
      Amiga 1200 
      2 Megabytes Chip Memory
      4 Megabytes Fast Memory

PC    Demo
      The demo will be run on a:
      i486 DX2 66Mhz PC
      16 Megabytes of ram
      Soundblaster 16

Multichannel music Amiga/PC
      All music will be replayed with either:
      Eagleplayer for Amiga music entries
      Inertia Player V1.20 for PC entries

Graphics Amiga/PC
      Graphix may be up to 256 colours in 1024x768 resolution, all entries
      will be displayed on their appropriate machine (so HAM entries on the

      All graphics must be in either JPEG, GIF or IFF/ILBM format.

*Amiga 60K Intro Competition*
      Must run on an A1200 + 4 Meg of Fast Ram, no disk libraries

*PC 60K Intro Competition*
      Once again, must run on the DX2 66, Soundblaster card, 16 meg ram

      The party would not be complete without the obligatory tug-o-war,
      each group may have up to 5 members and will play in an instant 
      knock-out league.

Game Competition
      Multiplayer doom will be the order of the day, 4 networked PC's, fight
      it out in a knockout tournament.

All entries for the prize winning compo's (Demo, Graphics, Music, Intros)
must be handed in to an organiser by 4 P.M at the latest.

Remember this is the UK, there are not that many talented scene people here
so give it a go.  (easy money...)

                             ([- 3.5 -])
                               PC Game

If you think you have/are writing the next killer PC game then contact me
before the party as GT Interactive are looking to sponsor you...

If you cannot contact me before the party then bring it along...
Are you the next ID Software ?

                              ([- 4 -])

Well, prizes will all be determined by the number of people coming to the
party - so the more people we get, the more money >you< get, and the more
fun we can all have.  So bring your friends, pets, contactz, parents,
and fish with you.

I'm intending to cover the costs of hiring the building etc... but this is
a non-profit party (yeah really....) so all surplus money will be ploughed
into the prizes.

This party is intended to try to show the rest of the world that the UK can
supply quality products and is not just known for older, dead groups.

                              ([- 5 -])

The University of Warwick is situated between Leamington Spa and Coventry
(near Kenilworth)  it's marked on all major road maps and lies on the A429.

The Gibbet Hill refectory is (surprisingly enough) on the Gibbet Hill site
of the campus and is well signposted from the University itself.

       From the University Bus stop follow the signs for about 5 minutes
       walk to the refectory, or alternatively ask to be dropped off at the
       Gibbet Hill site.

       The university is easily accessible from: M40, M42, M1, M45 and the
       A46.  Once you reach the A46, head for the A429.  (Kirby Corner and
       Westwood Heath are both roads to keep an eye out for.)

       Parking is free and there will be more than enough spaces for

       The X12, 112, and 12 will all drop you off at the University central 
       campus (ask the driver, depending upon which bus you get you may be 
       able to get off at Gibbet Hill)

       Both of these buses visit Coventry (Bus stop is near the Pizza Hut)
       and Leamington (bus goes from opposite the Church)

       The fare is about 50 pence from Coventry, 1 pound from Leamington

       Both Leamington Spa and Coventry have train stations and are on a
       major line from London.  The bus stop at Coventry Station is located
       on the bridge you can see from the platform.  Leamington Spa bus
       stop is a 2 minute walk for the station, ask for directions.

       Brimingham International Airport is a 12 minute train journey away
       from Coventry.

       Harwich port has good rail links to the rest of the country and

                              ([- 6 -])

Voting sheets will be given to you as you arrive, votes will be logged on
computer and then displayed.  Your handle will also be displayed along with
your ticket number so NO CHEATING should be possible.  (Voting data will be
available to everyone at the end of the party if they want it)

                              ([- 7 -])

1) All competition entries MUST be handed in to an organiser 
   by 4 pm latest.

2) A maximum of 3 minutes of any music entry will be played.

3) No selling food, drink, disks etc...

4) Drinking is allowed :)  but anyone who cannot behave themselves will be
   thrown outside until they calm down.  Anyone really hell bent on being
   disruptive will be having a little talk with security...

5) No racist/nazi/etc... abuse or you'll be kicked out.

6) People will of course pay for any damage they cause.

7) We (the organisers) accept no responsability for anything which may be
   stolen or damaged, like all parties - keep an eye on your computer.

8) This is a legal party - we accept no responsability for any illegal
   copying, lending etc.. of software/video etc..

            {([ Think before commiting the crime ])}

9) We reserve the right to cancel the party at the latest of two weeks
   before the stated date, in the event of cancelation all money will be
   refuned and you can keep your ticket as a souvenir of something that
   could have been good.

10) Digital have to win the demo competition . . . . nah scrub that :)

                              ([- 8 -])

Professional electricians will be setting up power supplies so there should
be no electrical problems so bring as many computers as you like.

Vending machines are avaible for soft drinks and snacks.

Food (and alcohol!) is available on central campus and plans are underway
to provide food in the refectory.

        Food will now be available in the refectory: hot dogs, beefburgers
                                                     sandwiches, drinks...

Loud speaker system....

Enough tables and chairs for everyone.

                              ([- 9 -])

Send cheques or postal orders to:

                          Robert King
                          Digital Symposium
                          20 Providence Way
                          SG7 6TT

Please include a stamped addressed envelope (or international reply coupon)
N.B:  No Stamped addressed envelope, no ticket....

Make all cheques and postal orders payable to:
                 Robert King

                              ([- 10 -])
                              More Info

For more information call:

BBS    :   Digital Candy 0191 232 5527. Mail the Sysop or Silk
E-Mail :
WWW    :

---------------------------- BBS Ads start again ------------------------

.--[+44 (0)191-232-5527]--[+44 (0)191-232-5527]--[+44 (0)191-232-5527]--.
|                                                                       |
|  .--------------------------------------.                             |
|  |                                      |                             |
|  |   GET YOURSELF CONNECTED TO   .------|-----------------------.     |
|  |    ____                     __|_     |                       |     |
|  |___|    |____  ________ ____|    |____|_______ ____           |     |
| |    _    |____)|        |____)    ____/____    |    |____      |     |
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| |    |    |     \   |    |     \   |   |   _    |    |    |     |     |
| |____     |_____/____    |_____/____   |___|    |____     |     |     |
|  |   `----'         |____|       | `---'|  |____|    `----'     |     |
|  `-------------------------------|------'               ____    |     |
|  _____________________  ________ |_______ ________ ____|    |___| ___ |
| |                     ||        |____    |   _    |    _    |    |   ||
| | 5 KiCKiN' V34 NODES ||   |____|   |    |   |    |    |    |    |   ||
| |  2OMB RAM : 3 GIGS  ||        |   _    |   |    |    |    |        ||
| |   O4O : 7 X CD`S!   ||____    |___|    |___|    |____     |____    ||
| |_____________________|    `----'`--|____|---|____|gOTE`----'---|____||
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
|__[+44 (0)191-232-5527]__[+44 (0)191-232-5527]__[+44 (0)191-232-5527]__|

                             tHIS fILE wAS d/l fROM:             
     _____ _____        __ __       _____ ______   _____ _____      |  |
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   \_  l___/ |/  /__)     \_ _/_  \_  |  _/ _/   \_  l___/ |  _/ |  \_ |  |
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   <-- `--' ÷2F÷ l__l__| --- `--' ----  ----  - - -- `--' --- l_____| ---->
  tRISTAR & rED sECTOR iNC. gHQ                                  aRTCORE wHQ
  mEGAHUNTER: mARIO/tRSI              cO-hUNTERS: eCS/tRSI aND zOU^zOU!/tRSI
   7 nODEZ rD - (fATAL 2*28.8k|USR 1*19.2k ZYX|nATURE 2*64.Ok) - a4OOO/o4o! 
           iNVITED 'n eLITE oNLY - aMIGA/suPER fAMICOM/sEGA gENESIS         
                           #1 - #5: +1-8OO-aSK-tRSI                         
                 [ [ sOS - oNE oF eUROPE'S fASTEST - SOs ] ]               
               [ [ gET iNVITED aND mEET tHE pURE eLITE hERE ] ]             

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]

    _______    ________ ._____._________ mAiN mASTERS:    
   /   __ ¬\  /       ¬\(_____)______  ¬\   PyRo & Chuckie   
  /   _|/   \/     \___/|    ¬|    | \   \    
 /    \_     \     /  ¬\|     |    | /    \sECoND mASTERS:  
 \     |     /    /     \     |    |/     / Etron & Joker 
  \____|    /\_____     /    _|_____     /    EdE & SiRiAx     
                     ________.____.      _______    __   __ 
-   ProdigY EhQ   - /       ¬\    | __  /   __ ¬\  /  \ / ¬\ 
     Smurf WHQ     /     \___/    |/ ¬\/   _|/   \/    Y    \        
   HellfIRE GhQ  - \___      \    /    \   \_     \          \ 
                   /   \     /         /    |     /   \ /    /      
       -7 noDEZ-   \     ___/____     /\____|    /\___|Y|   /    


                                               _/    \_
  .---------------------------------------- - -\  oO  / - -  ----- -  - - -
  | DREAM PARK BBS, und die Welt wird Bunt!    / (__) \ 23-Oct-95  20:03:20
  `----------------------------------------- - \_  . _/ - -  --   -

      ._____.._____.._____.._____.._____..__.   .___.______.._____.._____.       
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 /\_\ |  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |   .___.|  |  ||  |  ||  |  | /\_\
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      :     ::  :   :  :  ::  :  ::     ::     ::   ::     ::     ::  :  :
      .     .   .      .   :      :     .      .    .       .     .   .  .


                UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Mon Oct 23 21:05:31 1995
