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13 872 bytes (13.55K)
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2013-05-27 23:04:57
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all-time: 961


                         WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__
               \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /
               /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
                 \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__///
         _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/
        /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\
       /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WiLL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WiLL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /   
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/  
              ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BiS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__


_________|\  ______    .__|\_______    ______________|\_________.______
\      / | \/  ___/   M|  | \____  \  /\  ___/ ___/  | \____  \ |_____ \
 \/  \/  _  \   _)_   S|  _  \  |  /\/  )__\   _)_|  _  \  |  / |_|  |  \
 /   /|  |   \  |  \  W|  |   \ | /    /  | \  |  \  |   \ | /  / \\_|   \
 \__/ |__|___/\____/   |__|___/\_/\___/_____/\____/__|___/\_/_____/______/

     GateKeePers: MSW/EFT & HAWK/EFT · FeaTurIng AMiGA ·*· PC ·*· MoDs
       -+ ---) NoDE >1<  +31 - [0]340-267278 - UsR 21.6DS (--- +-
       -+ ---) NoDE >2<  +31 - P R i V A T e - DnL 14.4   (--- +- 

:          EffeCt HiddEn HQ ^ MO[l]EN, WHQ ^ MusICal EnlIghtMenT         :
:          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         :
                          : Uploaded on: 01-Jan-95 :

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZInfo about the PARTY 4 releases. Update !
   /\_/\/\___  /\_  __/\/\_/\_______/\/\__ 
  / //\ \  _ \/ // / _  / / _    \ \__\ _ \ 
 /  /  /\  \_/  /\/\/ _/ /\/   / / _ / / _/ 
/  /\// _\\ \  / /  \(/   /   /\/ /) \   \__
\ /  \ /\/ \ \__    /    / / / \     / /   /
 \____/   \/\_/\___/\   /\/\/   \___/\/ \_/

  _____/\___/\______/\________/\__ /\
  \  __  \  _ \   __  \___   __/  |  \   DK
   \/_/  /     \  _/  /     / \   |   \
   / \__/   |   \ \   \_   /___\__    / 1994
  /____|____|_  / |\___/  / \______  /

UPDATE 1 Januari 1995


Name                       Size     Description
Roots                      1 Disk   By Sanity, probably the winner !
                                    This is a beta-version, some
                                    graphics are missing because of
                                    a HD-crash at the party, but the
                                    routines are Amazing IMHO.
Psychedelic                3 Disks  By Virtual Dreams, AGA, HD only.
                                    Probably very close second, also
                                    Amazing routines.
In A World Of Ascii        1 Disk   Very original, probably for all
                                    Amigas. (Hint: Try the backdrop)
Nexus 7                    1 Disk   By Andromeda, 1 file.
Soulkitchen                2 Disks  By Silents, only for 68020
                                    A1200's, works with fastmem.
Indigo                     2 Disks  By Oxygene
Toothbrush Part 3          2 Disks  By Dreamdealers, probably for all
                                    Amigas, funny but a bit lame IMHO.
The Prey                   2 disks  By The Polka Brothers, as always
                                    excellent synchronized
                                    music<>graphics, this could also
                                    be the number one.
Zootje                     1 disk   By Tragedy, 1-file, select OCS
                                    chipset, probably for all Amigas.
                                    This one's a laugh.
Killing Time               4 disks  By Oxyron, files, probably AGA
                                    only. Good routines.
Motion Origin 2            2 disks  By Bomb, this should be the
                                    number one ! It has the best
                                    Doom-part I've ever seen.
                                    Probably AGA only.
Ninja                      1 disk   By Melon, 1 file, animation with
Eternal Madness            2 Disks  By Digital Dreams, AGA, HD and
                                    1meg fastmem needed.
                                    Tested on all AGA Amigas.
                                    Not a party-release but very nice.

40k Intros

Name                       Size     Description
AmRiotz                    39848   
AnniMator                  40132    By Dragnet
Blur                       33992    By Focus
C-Lous                     34624
Complex                    40960    For all Amigas
Craptors                   36452    Nofastmem
DeathRow                   36776    Nofastmem
Doodle-Doo                 39104    By Virtual Dreams
Ethic                      40088
Facet'sPussy               40292    By Desire
Fake                       16940    For all Amigas
FaluRedColor2              37976    By Razor 1911
Farcast                    39560    By Shoor
HollywoodMood              40940    By TPDL, probably the winner !
Iris                       37188
IShotKurtCobain            28852    By Razor
JergenPuckel               39632    By CP-Dezajn, OCS Nofastmem
KillingOfAnEgg             38176    By Slim
Laufer-Tro                 37828    By Apex
LeChef                     40612    NTSC part
Lola                       38820
MayDay                     27852    By Atac
Mitte                      36240    By Passion
PeverlyHills               33776    By Stellar, AGA
PolkaBrothers              40280
Pyrox                      23508    By Bizarre, AGA
Quartex                    38464
SalvationMind              40180    By Moment 22
Skarla                     39532
SPNI-001                   39128    By Spoon, AGA
Therapy                    40896    By Try
TimeWarp                   29472    By Dragnet
TodayIsSunday              40188    By Psykotrope, NTSC part
US                         38076
X-Dream                    38416
Yes                        40588    By Teide & Interactive


Name                          Size    Description
DevilJohn                    189160 
Demoniac_Bifrost-Iris         60708 
Bridgeclaw_LevellingTheLand   74274
CammyAndChun-Li               75750
Devilstar_DaddyDearest        93818
JellyfishAndSeaweed           74144
Fiver_FishFood               115886
Ivarzon_JustAroundTheCorn    151538
Mentasm_Enzo                 122140
Mentasm_Kyle                 163002
PigPicFin                     59246
Monster                       63942
Onyx_OutOfImagination        222266
Party94                       84666
Ra_Sanity                     58236
Suny_Bomb                    130202
Mentasm_Spawn                183582
Pris_FireEmblem              161512
Raped_AGA                     95872 
TeteFinal                    181792   by Slaine-eden


Filename      Size    Description
TP4_INT1.DMS  618993  38 40k intros                          [1/2]
TP4_INT2.DMS  628874  38 40k intros                          [2/2]
PARTGFX1.DMS  852731  20 pictures                            [1/2]
PARTGFX2.DMS  816534  20 pictures                            [2/2]
TP4_SANI.DMS  809442  Roots by Sanity
TP4-AND.DMS   886194  Nexus 7 by Andromeda
P4DEMWOA.DMS  652160  In A World Of Ascii by Impact
TP4-SOU1.DMS  809788  Soulkitchen by Silents                 [1/2]
TP4-SOU2.DMS  838769  Soulkitchen by Silents                 [2/2]
TP4-DD01.DMS  673154  Toothbrush Part 3 by Dream Dealers     [1/2]
TP4-DD02.DMS  467339  Toothbrush Part 3 by Dream Dealers     [2/2]
OXYGEN1.DMS   662884  Indigo by Oxygene                      [1/2]
OXYGEN2.DMS   563831  Indigo by Oxygene                      [2/2]
PART4VD1.DMS  886190  Psychedelic by Virtual Dreams          [1/3]
PART4VD2.DMS  768562  Psychedelic by Virtual Dreams          [2/3]
PART4VD3.DMS  778726  Psychedelic by Virtual Dreams          [3/3]
P4DEMZOO.DMS  731455  Zootje by Tragedy
TP4_POL1.DMS  600464  The Prey by The Polka brothers         [1/2]
TP4_POL2.DMS  565319  The Prey by The Polka brothers         [2/2]
TP4-KIL1.DMS  533977  Killing Time by Oxyron                 [1/4]
TP4-KIL2.DMS  631139  Killing Time by Oxyron                 [2/4]
TP4-KIL3.DMS  738043  Killing Time by Oxyron                 [3/4]
TP4-KIL4.DMS  Coming  Killing Time by Oxyron                 [4/4]
TP4-B!1.DMS   821114  Motion Origin 2 by Bomb                [1/2]
TP4-B!2.DMS   393976  Motion Origin 2 by Bomb                [2/2]
TP4_MELO.DMS  501512  Ninja by Melon
ETERMAD1.DMS  582063  Eternal Madness by Digital Dreams      [1/2]
ETERMAD2.DMS  894008  Eternal Madness by Digital Dreams      [2/2]

I used an A1200 + 2meg fastmem for testing.
When I knew 100% that a demo/intro worked on OCS/ECS Amigas, I
mentioned it in the description.

                                        _               ____
  /\/\___/\   __/\/\__/\/\__    /\____ / \  __      ___ \  /
  \ \  ___ \ / _  / /\_ \ _ \  / _    \\  \/  \    / _/ / /
   \   \___// / _/ /\ /  / _/  \/   / / \ / __/   / /__/ /_   
   _\   \   \/ (/   / \    \__ /   /\/  // /     /____  ___\
   \ \   \_   /    /  /  /   // / /    /  /          / /
    \_____/   \   /   \_/ \_/ \/\/     \__\         /_/

Denmark 1994


_________|\  ______    .__|\_______    ______________|\_________.______
\      / | \/  ___/   M|  | \____  \  /\  ___/ ___/  | \____  \ |_____ \
 \/  \/  _  \   _)_   S|  _  \  |  /\/  )__\   _)_|  _  \  |  / |_|  |  \
 /   /|  |   \  |  \  W|  |   \ | /    /  | \  |  \  |   \ | /  / \\_|   \
 \__/ |__|___/\____/   |__|___/\_/\___/_____/\____/__|___/\_/_____/______/

     GateKeePers: MSW/EFT & HAWK/EFT · FeaTurIng AMiGA ·*· PC ·*· MoDs
       -+ ---) NoDE >1<  +31 - [0]340-267278 - UsR 21.6DS (--- +-
       -+ ---) NoDE >2<  +31 - P R i V A T e - DnL 14.4   (--- +- 

:          EffeCt HiddEn HQ ^ MO[l]EN, WHQ ^ MusICal EnlIghtMenT         :
:          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         :
                          : Uploaded on: 01-Jan-95 :

     ........... ....         ................   ...........  .......    
    ::::::: :::: ::::...      :::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: ::::....... 
    :::::::.:::: :::: ....... :::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: .... :::::::
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    [aMIGA!^aSCII!] [o-2 dAYS wARES!] [nO nEWUSERPW!] [1032 MB oNLINE!]
                         [sYSOP: dELITE/lPS!/cRY!]

            [nODE1: +31-340889039] [28k8] [nODE2: +31-SoooooN?]

                                           [fUCKADDER v1.2 bY wHIRLWIND!]