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File size:
9 721 bytes (9.49K)
File date:
2004-11-14 23:09:30
Download count:
all-time: 1 417


  ___ _____ _____________ ____  _________ __ __________ _______ _____ ___
                       __(___/_(___     / __(___      /
  Sysops:Paso&Ramses  /     /     /____/_/     /_____/    Delirium Ghq
                     //    /     /      /     ___/__       Remedy Whq
  Co's:Horace Pinker \____/\___________/\__________/       Dezign Whq

           _________    __________  __________  ___          /\
        __(___     / __(___      /_(___      /_(   \  ___\  /  \
       /     /____/_/     /  ___/     /_____/       \/    \/    \ [rtx!]
      /     /      //    /     \     ___/__/        \\   \  /    \
      \___________/______\______\_________/___________\___\/     \\
  --- ----- ----------------------------------------------/________\- ---
     The Magic Number Is: +49 (0) 30 512 9263  -  16.8k Hst Ds Online!
  --- ----- --------------------------------------------------- ----- ---

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><> HERE WE GO ....!!! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

 All right..for all you non-german-speaking folks out there the main info
of the german Bullshit e·n·g·l·i·s·h! (at least i tried it..hehe)

    _ _______________/\________/\_______________________________________
      ____________  /_______  /______  _ /   ______/o   _____/   ______/\
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|                 \____\/   \____\____\_________\_________\/               |
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  o  ::::::::::  :::|_                             o. :::::::::|_ ::::
  +                 |                              .+          |

          It's time for another Phenomenal Party ! This time....
          are celebrating their long awaited incredible and kool:
                     21st B I R T H D A Y  P A R T Y !

         Everyone who knows,loves,likes,adores,hates,prays to us..
      or is standing in any other goddamn relation to us is INVITED!

 Some certain guys (friends,or "pretend to be friends" har har) we know..
(Yeah we will inform most of you guys in time..) will have to come for sure
    NO MATTER what the fuck else you guys would like to do on this day!
    No lame excuses will be accepted! (or would some of you like to get
    tormented to death by AMOK ?? (those who know him, know what we are
                         talking about !! har har)

            Also we really would like to let you know that ...
   WE WON'T SAY NO!! to any Birthday presents you guys will have for us!

Where and when this shit will take place:

The Partyplace is kalled "Kreiskulturhaus Berlin Karlshorst!"
         located :        Treskowalle/Doehnhoffstrasse
                          Berlin - Karlshorst!

    It will take place from Saturday 5th March 1994 - 19.00 o'clock! -
           until Sunday the 6th March 1994 (In the morning !!!)

     Some serious advice for you should really use the time
 before da party starts to have a little sightseeing tour (City-whatever!)
 (hrrrmpf....haha no one gives a fuck!) in Berlin cause it's always worth
                                 a travel!
   (Short note: The Action at the most interesting place of Berlin kalled
   the "Oranienburger Strasse" (The place where all the awesumn looking
Hookers,Bitches,Prostitudes,Ho's whatever you wanna kall'em!) unfortunately
starts at 21.00 o'clock haha! But they will be pleased to serve you for like
80,-Dm (if you shoudnt have a Girlfriend - or shouldnt find something neat
                            at the partyplace!)

How do you get to the Party:

   If you go by using the BVG (Subway,etc) simply take the S-Bahn (S3)to
    the Station kalled "S-BahnHof Berlin-Karlshorst"! Leave the Station
               to the right side,cross the road and...Bingo!

    If you should come by car,try to get on the "Bundesstrasse 1 (B 1)"
        which has its origin at the "AlexanderPlatz" and is kalled
  "Karl-Marx-Allee"..then will be kalled "Frankfurter Allee" and finally
    is kalled "Alt-Friedrichsfelde"! If you are there simply drive down
    the "Strasse am Tierpark" and you'll be on the S-BahnHof Karlshorst
                 as well! Should be pretty easy to find...

What will happen:

   - Amiga Demo Competition
     (stuff for other systems is welcome as well..)
   - Realtime Ascii Competition
   - DynaBlaster Competition
     (bring your own professional joysticks for better play-feeling!)
   - WB-Tetris Competition
   - Spontaneous Fun-Competitions
     (cool ideas appreciated...)


- Enuff room for like 300 good-mooded people... (150 Amoks!)
- Enuff electricity for all your computer equipment
  ( But please bring your own multi-power connector with you )
- Most excellent food supply
	- 100 litres of free beer
	- Special Potatoe-Salad done by the Driver/Pentagram
	  (including sausage!! as long as available...)
	- low prices for all other stuff (food,alcohol)
	- 30 seconds to the next Pizzeria or Imbiss
	  (for the Junk-Food-Junkies!)
	- If you want to bring your own ALCOHOL! NO WORRIES 
	  we drink EVERYTHING !!!
- Big Screen Projektor
- Cool Audio Equipment
- You can do everything which is fun! (and you drunken bums can think of!)

Entrance fee:

       The entrance fee for all this luxury pleasure will be 10,-Dm
                  (no other currencies will be accepted)
         Girls will have free entrance!!! (Bring da pussies.....!)

                            Minor Limitations:

   If someone should decide to start trouble...the security staff will 
        take care of this person ..and he will get sent to da cops!
 Also if someone...should do any damage to persons,objects and other stuff
                        he will have to pay for it!
                No Graffity at and around the Party Place!
            Drug Dealers will get sent to hell! CRACK KiLLS!!!

Special thanks to Amok! ( <-We love that guy ..heheh)

If you guys got any questions concerning all this or your sexual problems
get in contact with "RAMSES & PASO" on any Bulletin Board..or kall:

                      ______  ___________ ___________    
 SysTem-ImPeRaToR:   /\_____\/    ______//    ______/   -[ AMIGA ]-
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   \/\     \\    \_____\\     __\___   
     · PASO ·         \ \\_   \\_   \     \\_   \     \   -[ S-NES ]-
        &&             \ \_____\___________\___________\  
    · RAMSES ·          \/_____/___________/___________/    -[ ASCII ]-

                        .·°¯ DYNaMiX HeaDQuaRTeR ¯°·.
                      .·   ReMeDY WoRLDHeaDQuaRTeR   ·.
                       °·._DeZiGN WoRLDHeaDQuaRTeR_.·°
        ______________________  ______________________  ____________
       /    _____________     \/    _____________    _\/     ______/_
      /\\    \_____\     \    _>\     __\__\     \    \\\    \ \    _\
      \ \\_   \     \\_         \\_   \     \\_        \\\_   \ \    \\
       \ \___________\_____\     \___________\_____\    \\_____\_\_____\
                           \/_____/                \/_____/

                    iCe CReaM - JoiN DiZ FuCKiN CooL iSLaND

               » » »    + 4 9 - (0) 3 0 - 5 1 2 9 2 6 3    « « «

                          NeW uSeR PaSSWoRD : SCReaM

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><> THE FUCKIN END !!! <><><><><><><><><><><><><>

  ___ _____ _____________ ____  _________ __ __________ _______ _____ ___
                       __(___/_(___     / __(___      /
  Sysops:Paso&Ramses  /     /     /____/_/     /_____/    Delirium Ghq
                     //    /     /      /     ___/__       Remedy Whq
  Co's:Horace Pinker \____/\___________/\__________/       Dezign Whq

           _________    __________  __________  ___          /\
        __(___     / __(___      /_(___      /_(   \  ___\  /  \
       /     /____/_/     /  ___/     /_____/       \/    \/    \ [rtx!]
      /     /      //    /     \     ___/__/        \\   \  /    \
      \___________/______\______\_________/___________\___\/     \\
  --- ----- ----------------------------------------------/________\- ---
     The Magic Number Is: +49 (0) 30 512 9263  -  16.8k Hst Ds Online!
  --- ----- --------------------------------------------------- ----- ---