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Dooms Day 1994 Party Report by Andy of Essence 

The Dooms Day Party, organized by 
DCS, Skid Row, Zig Zag Corp and World of Twist,
 was the first party in the Southern part of Germany 
since a long number of years. Unfortunately, 
unlike the organisers had originally predicted, 
the party was no exceptional success; only 
350 sceners did storm the nearby of Karlsruhe, 
instead of the expected 700 visitors.
The celebration place was signed in a quite 
good way, so it wasn't a problem to find the 
party hall, in the little city of Ettlingenweiler. 
The hall was as big as the one from the 
Sun n Fun 2 party, held in the Spring of 1993, in Hellenthal. 
The official opening time was at 15:15; Only 
100 visitors were queuing in front of the entrance 
doors at that time. Towards the entrance, two huge security guards
, were literally examining all visitors; everyone's 
body was harshly scrutinised and checked for unwanted 
hidden materials. The entrance fee for this event,
which only lasted for 13 hours was 
20 DM; quite high, in many's opinion, but the organizers 
didn't manage to make any big profit out of this party. 
ROM dared to ask the party organisers, for a rough 
schedule of the incurred costs;
The hall (including all tables and chairs) costed 3600 DM.
The audios (rental charge) costed 600 DM.
The videos (rental charge) costed 1200 DM.
Other expenses (food, drinks and competition prizes) amounted to 6600 DM
Organising the Dooms Day amounted to about 12000 DM
, but the organizers only gathered about 7000 DM 
from the entrance fees, and the income from 
the selling of drinks and food.

A strict rule stated that it was not allowed to 
take any own food and drinks into the party hall, 
but fortunately, it was no problem to take some small 
foodstuff through the entrance, without being caught 
or seen! At about 17:00, we counted 200
visitors inside the hall and a few of the 12 organizers 
started to have some visions for committing suicide! 
Many of the visitors were just hanging around, without 
any computers, just sitting there and drinking beer; 
It really looked everything but a computer event! 
Some older people (40 to 60 years old) 
were present, but all they were seen doing was 
just walking around. In another corner, few Snes owners 
were gambling with their Super Wild Cards.

Towards 18:00, the hall was still quite empty, and so 
the organizers thought of pumping up the volume; 
Perhaps a few local neighbours would have noticed the 
event and fill up more hall space! The lights were dimmed 
down, and the volume was turned up even more. 
Trance music ruled supreme, alternating with some bombarding
Heavy sounds. The few coloured lights, rented by the 
organizers, were put to good use.
Towards the evening, it was finally time for the 
graphics competition, which was directly followed 
by the music competition, and the Demo event. Only 
11 pictures took part in the graphics competition and the quality 
was not even good enough to depict in here. 
36 modules were handed over for the music competition, and fortunately 
enough, some really good pieces were played. All in all, only 
6 demos took part in the main competition. 
The tool competition only featured 
4 entries and the game competition had only 1 competitor

Demo Competition
The first prize was won by Rebels, with Switchback
, a 2 disk Aga Trackmo. Rebels only won two bottles of champagne, 
instead of the promised money prize of 
1000 DM, because their contribution only ran on a 
68030 equipped Amiga! All A1200 owners don't have 
to worry too much though, since Rebels have already released 
Switchback 1.2, a 68020 version of their best demo yet.

The second prize was won by 
Haujobb, with Jammin, an Aga Dentro. Haujobb won 500 DM.
The third prize was won by 
Trackers, with Letmaelk 2, a file dentro. Trackers won 200 DM.
Other contributions were Gimme Alcohol from Bonzai, 
Revelation from Shrimps Design and the 
More Members Intro from Birdhouse Projects.

Graphics Competition

Syncros won the first prize of 100 DM, with Planet E.
Jms of Dcs won the second prize of 50 DM, with Muz63.
Andre of Alpha Flight won 10 free beers, with Guardian!

Music Competition
The first place was grabbed by 
Laxical of Scoopex & Chrylian
of Drd, who competed with Iron Wheels. 
Laxical and Chrylian won 200 DM.

The second place was grabbed by 
Dreamer of Shoot, who competed with Real Kaoz. 
Dreamer won 100 DM.

Chromag of Rebels 
won the thirst prize of 50 DM with the module, 
Chromag Unplugged.

Tool Competition

The first place was won by 
Crazy Copper
of Defect with Art Pro. Crazy Cooper took 
home one bottle of champagne!

The second place was won by 
Flake of Trsi with his Virus Workshop 4.2.
Flake drank 10 free beers!

The third place was won by Zytech
of Exterminators with Dxsf. Zytech drank 
5 free beers.

The fourth place was won by Knackosoft 
of Trsi with Dir-Cutter & Dir-Deleter. 
Unfortunately, he took nothing home!

Game Competition
The only competitors were 
Bonzai, who won 10 free beers for their hard work.
The C64 and the SNes competitions were cancelled, 
for the simple reason that no productions were 
handed over to the organisers.

The competitions ended towards 4:00 and the organizers 
forced the whole lot of visitors out of the hall! 
According to the invitation, the party should have 
lasted until 12:00, but as always, we have been 
cheated by eight hours!

All in all, we can say that the Dooms Day party, 
was a small but funny meeting, which was worth to 
visit if one lived around the south of Germany. 
Unfortunately, it would be useless to make any 
comparisons with other larger scene events, but 
I still hope, that next year there'll be another 
summer party, here in Germany.