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3 176 bytes (3.10K)
File date:
2007-08-26 23:05:12
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all-time: 2 374


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APL010 >> Sable - Dusk
       3 tracks :: 41min 42sec :: 50.10 MB

Australias Epoq works under his Sable guise with 
long evolving layers of mystic, yet mindcleaning 
and calm ambient spheres. He aims to develop music 
which can quiet and focus the mind. Music can and 
does play an important role in meditative practice. 
'Sable' seeks to create music which is less complex 
and intellectually demanding than my other music, 
yet also not devoid of an ability to alter one's mood.

While these tracks may be intended to help the 
listener seek stillness and peace of mind, make no 
mistake, they are dark tracks, with brooding moods 
attached, hence the name "Sable". They express the 
serious, bizarre and often feared nature of mind 
and body seperation experiences. The dark aspect of 
this music represents the noise of the black matter 
inside one's eyelids as he/she stares out into the 
nothing, amplified by the suffocating silence of 
deep meditation.

MYO·PIA: [dict.] A visual defect in which distant 
objects appear blurred because their images are 
focused in front of the retina rather than on it; 

One starts a meditative journey by the blocking out 
of all that exists outside one's own being - one 
must become nearsighted in order to participate.

BEN·THAL: [dict.] Relating to the deepest zone or 
region of the ocean.

One discovers the vast depth and power of the active 
mind and makes one's way towards the ultimate depth 
of an ocean of thought.

CHO·REA : [dict.] Any of various disorders of the 
nervous system marked by involuntary, jerky movements, 
especially of the arms, legs, and face, and by 

The body lets go and conciousness moves away from the 
body, the mind experiences movement of a different 
kind as it tries to orient itself without the help of 
the body. The mind's inexperience in this area often 
makes movement difficult.

01  Benthal	27:20\32.82MB
02  Myopia	03:19\03.56MB
03  Chorea	11:27\13.73MB


APL011 Randomajestiq - UnclassifiEP
APL012 Gultskra Artikler - Gruppa Turistov
APL013 The Moglass & Andrey Kirichenko - dto.

AUTOPLATE is the THINNER playground for headphone 
experiments. All songs are exclusively AUTOPLATE material.
The contents of all mp3 files may not be sold, published, 
distributed for resale.



thanks for support!
