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File size:
2 886 bytes (2.82K)
File date:
2005-04-28 23:33:51
Download count:
all-time: 2 187


SLSK006 - One Minute Massacre Volume Two -

A sort of "chinese whispers" type composition project.  The 1st person wrote a 1-2 minute song and 
passed it to the next person in line.  The 2nd person picked up where the 1st left off, and created
a song that mixed in seamlessly.  And so on and so on...

The result is heard here - 40 different artists creating a continuous sonic tapestry of unpredictable rhythms
and sounds.


Set #1

1.  Bogsnarth - "How It's Going to Begin"
2.  UndaCova  - "Distort My Reality"
3.  Svetlana Filtervich - "A Piece of Work"
4.  KiloWatts - "Pretentious Artsy Title"
5.  Laze - "Copy Haste"
6.  Rich_1004_ - "Other Side of the Same Spoon"
7.  DOD5 - "Tootronic"
8.  Dof & kdp - "Forget Me Not"
9.  DJ Pilch - "Rave On a Leash"
10. One Lonely Guy - "Nothing Good On the Radio"
11. Custom - "Tuch Steppa"
12. Theta - "2thousand3 With Open Arms"
13. toyzRme - "feu C"
14. Lackluster & Psy-Sci - "Untitled"
15. Fluxcore - "magarikunetta"
16. Gift Culture - "Untitled"
17. Zara - "Untitled"
18. wiVern - "Fruit Gums"
19. Emotion Chip - "Jerry Bruckheimer Cat"
20. k9d - "insectPonyIdea"

Set #2

21. Coconono - "Intro"
22. Seedy - "Bit Wizdumb"
23. Echostalk - "Wiz2Woomth"
24. ACP - "Slowdown"
25. Automated reason - "Select Your Own"
26. Blinn40x - "I Select This"
27. Lupus Yonderboy - "Kimo"
28. Cortical Stimulator - "Lethal Haircut"
29. Plagasul - "Und Cosmos"
30. Kernel32 - "Intelligent Dunce Music"
31. slumberKitten - "Eating the Lightbulb"
32. Alma - "Submission"
33. Cemiotic - "Long Night's Tale"
34. Bogsnarth - "Dangerous"
35. Thirdshifter - "I Am a Tense Consumer"
36. Ron Raygun - "Raygun for 04"
37. Danny Kreutzfeldt - "Dissolve"
38. mirdog - "Untitled"
39. Kaebin Yield - "Result Cinder"
40. SonoricIM - "W&C"
41. Wixel - "Pamperke"



   Master WAVs


   MP3 / LAME 3.93 MMX / 256kbps / -b 256 -m s -q 0


   project management      /   plagasul    /
   mastering               /   kilowatts   /


   You are free to spread this digital release, as long as you include this
   .nfo file. You may not charge money for this release.

   © Copyright All tracks' respective owners
   © Copyright 2005 Soulseek Records