File Archive

File download


File size:
792 089 bytes (773.52K)
File date:
2004-08-15 23:10:39
Download count:
all-time: 3 445


  • ToySongs2/ dir
  • ToySongs2/ 48.00K
  • ToySongs2/ENTRY.IT 86.91K
  • ToySongs2/JASS1.IT 78.93K
  • ToySongs2/ 258.07K
  • ToySongs2/LIFU.IT 72.78K
  • ToySongs2/Miele.xm 122.55K
  • ToySongs2/ 63.51K
  • ToySongs2/ 60.11K
  • ToySongs2/MOSQ1.IT 49.35K
  • ToySongs2/ 4.00K
  • ToySongs2/RN-HBTD.IT 25.66K
  • ToySongs2/ 17.99K
  • ToySongs2/RN-NA.IT 28.78K
  • ToySongs2/ 56.79K
  • ToySongs2/ 9.99K
  • ToySongs2/RN_AFM.IT 16.93K
  • ToySongs2/ToySongs2.txt 3.90K
  • ToySongs2/ 216.57K


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                     Toy SongS 2 music disk by the SandS

                                chips by Rain
          . 31/08/2002 : the end of time                         :
          1 (mnk-teot) a contribution to big chipcompo #4 (64k)  :
                       got #2 there                              .
          . 26/09/2002 : night travel
          2 (mnk-nt)   a contribution to cornercut's 1 year
                       anniversary art-pack named                :
                       "The, media cult"

          . 27/10/2002 : alwaysfreshmorning
          3 (rn_afm)   participated in rctc2003
                       got #13 there

          . 04/05/2003 : alone
          4 (rn-alone) a contribution to microchipcompo
                       got #4 there                              .

          . 20/08/2003 : just innocent
          5 (rn-inn)   track made at theduel #5
                       got #2 there

          . 30/04/2004 : shiny rails
          6 (rn-sr)    a contribution to chipyxa#2               .
                       got #1 there

          . 07/05/2004 : xk times thinking of you
          7 (rn-xktim) a contribution to xk compo                :
                       got #7 there                              :

          . 17/07/2004 : night asylum
          8 (rn-na)    track made at theduel #6                  .
                       got #1 there  
          . 17/07/2004 : hid behind the darkness                 .
          9 (rn-hbtd)  track made at theduel #7                  :
                       got #3 there                              :
          . .......................................[26/07/2004]..:

                                chips by Manwe
          . 1 : Droplet vs Ocean                                 :
                       original soundtrack from Assembly 2001    :
                       64k-intro by Digimind (not reprise)                              .
          . 2 : Jumping Under Trees
                       Music composed for Super Cooper Revenge
                       console arcade game, wood level           :

          . 3 : Miele
                       Music for Alambik intro made for Miele
                       site (                  .

          . 4 : Walk On City Roofs
                       Music composed for Super Cooper Revenge   :
                       console arcade game, night city level     .

          . .....................................................:

                             chips by Preston

          . 23/04/2004 : Jassana
            1 (jass1)    a contribution to chipyxa#2             .
                         #1 critic's choice

            . 17/04/2004 : Lifulsmox
            2 (lifu)     a contribution to chipyxa#2             .

            . 16/04/2004 : Entrybow
            3 (entry1)   a contribution to chipyxa#2             .

            . 29/04/2004 : Mosquitale 40
            4 (mosq1)    a contribution to chipyxa#2             .