File Archive

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File size:
1 230 410 bytes (1.17M)
File date:
2021-10-24 21:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 12


  • lqs-014/ dir
  • lqs-014/lqs014.nfo 5.96K
  • lqs-014/PitchPitEP-Delusion.DBM 646.37K
  • lqs-014/PitchPitEP-DifficultMan.DBM 1.54M
  • lqs-014/PitchPitEP.jpg 114.60K


.___.   [ ]  ______   _____.[ ]    ____   _____  .____ _  [ ] _____   _____lot
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|   '  |   |   ,__ |      _|   |  ,    | |____   |   _   |   |    ,  |____   |
|______|___|____\_\\_____\\ ___|_______|lov/_____|___/___|___|_______| /_____|
a l t e r n a t i v e   a n d   p r o g r e s s i v e   m u s i c    l a b e l

[: a   t u n e   p a r t i c u l a r s :]        [:: d e s c r i p t i o n ::]

number :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o14        after a long break, lqs is ba
name ::::::::::::::::::::::: pitch pit EP        ck under a new organizing. to
author :::: ill soul aka repulsive tomash        day i'm takeovering this proj
duration :::::::::::::::::::::: 7.24/8.22        ect due to a lack of  makak's
format :::::::::::::::::::: dbm 10ch/16ch        time. so, enjoy these industr
style ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ambient        ial ambient with really stran
                                                 ge schizofrenic atmosphere wi
                                                 th a cover by skip/ptn.  your
                                                 lahve/lqs organizer


           l i s t   o f   a l l   l i q u i d   m e l o d i e s

no. ::: name ::::::::::::::::: author :::::::::::::::::: duration/format/style
oo1 ::: lower state :::::::::: factor6 ::::::::::: 5.16/mod/mellow drum'n'bass
oo2 ::: sky full of blood :::: lcr :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8.50/dbm/goa
oo3 ::: digital solutions :::: genetix/mangoo [guest] ::::: 2.20/mod/drum&bass
oo4 ::: round sunglasses ::::: lcr :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 6.30/mod/ambient
oo5 ::: neo- minds ::::::::::: spectra ::::::::::::::::::: 2.57/dbm/industrial
oo6 ::: achh takkk ... ::::::: revisq [guest] ::::::::: 3.24/xm/mellow ambient
oo7 ::: amphe-trip-to-pan.. :: spectra :::::::::::::::: 3.54/mod/analogue jazz
oo8 ::: NFE entropi_expand.. : spectra ::::::::::::::::::::::: 6.06/mp3/trance
oo9 ::: liquid eclipse ::::::: teo/kng [guest] :::::: 3.34/mod/electric trance
o1o ::: na bakier z prawem ::: lsd-j & djnarkotique : 3.16/mp3/crazy eurodance
o11 ::: skyscraper (EP) :::::: moods members :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::: red lips ::::::::::::: blasa :::::::::::::::: 3.51/it/ambient lovesong
    ::: storm k :::::::::::::: blakkhar ::::::::::::::::::::::: 7.56/mod/house
    ::: no retarger... ::::::: docmike :::::: 6.31/mmd2/amiga synth, breakbeat
    ::: human-collectors ::::: d!rt!e ::::: 6.50/mmd2/slow, electronical, exp.
    ::: midnight ::::::::::::: psycho ::::::::::::::: 12.30/dbm/minimal techno
o12 ::: morbid system :::::::: repulsive tomash ::::::::::::: 5.21/dbm/ambient
o13 ::: party at 2 00 am ::::: tripper/rsn [guest] :::::::: 4.37/dbm/hardhouse
o14 ::: pitch pit (EP) ::::::: ill soul project ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::: delusion ::::::::::::: ill soul ::::::::::::::::::::: 7.24/dbm/ambient
    ::: difficult man :::::::: ill soul :::::::::::::::: 8.22/dbm/experimental

                       c r e w   p o p u l a t i o n

factor6 ::::::::::::::::::::::::: music :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: czech
otton ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: music ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: poland
repulsive tomash (ill soul) ::::: music ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: poland
spectra ::::::::::::::::::::::::: music ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: poland
dafreak ::::::::::::::::::::::::: covers ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: germany
kuadziw ::::::::::::::::::::::::: covers :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: poland
lahve ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: organize/swap/webmaster :::::::::::::: czech
makak ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: liquidation coordinator ::::::::::::: poland

                            c r e w   n e w s

- repulsive tomash joined as a musican

                         i - n e t   c o n t a c t

factor6 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
otton :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [n/a]
repulsive tomash ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [n/a]
spectra :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [n/a]
dafreak :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
kuadziw :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [n/a]
lahve ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
makak :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                       a d d i t i o n a l   i n f o

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[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LAHVE or MAKAK ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::]
[=end=of=transmission========================================================](design by lahve/lot)