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File size:
181 530 bytes (177.28K)
File date:
2008-02-01 23:09:29
Download count:
all-time: 266


  • KLFDEAD.MOD 245.72K


                             -- A special note --
                             "Who killed the KLF?"

 After bursting upon the scene only months ago with data overload and
 more music than ever seen on earth, the KLF have dissappeared. Aside
 from one rather strange message sent from an orbiting KLF Communications
 satellite, which read "Would you like fries with that?" mysteries abound.
 The FBI, CIA, and PGP have disavowed the existance of the group, and would
 only comment further that they appeared to be myths. Whatever is the
 truth, we can only hope that whatever happens will happen again some day,
 so that the world may finally know.

                                - Dirk Gently,
                                  UPI News Network