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10 383 bytes (10.14K)
File date:
2013-04-15 23:04:45
Download count:
all-time: 453




Release Info:

All synthetic material is made by MSP/Max using euclid rythm sequencers programmed by Wouter Hisschemšller and Robin Price. Sound samples are streamed from Freesound and Youtube. Material is recorded live session by Logic Pro for one audio stereo file and one midi track. Mixed and bounced using LogicÕs Òexperimental spooky cinematics sample soundsÓ: not for imitating real player, but rather proudly be a machine. After finalized in stereofile format. 
Wouter HisshemšllerÕs app page:
Robin PriceÕs app page:
Cover Art: Timo Salo 2013


Review by Arhi Kuittinen, Media producer:

NummelaÕs musical tones ja archaic beat discharge are searching their way to listenerÕs mind pushing unconsciousness in move like pieces of torn apart OsirisÕ flesh swirling in spring of multidimensional Hades. Musical aspects of this fusion energy have fury to have synchorinicity to connect with universal tonal truth and same time chip all your plain musical convenience to other dimensions. This double album is alchemy of soul who have forgotten the meaning of music. Music and mystery of uncertain repeatability and chaotic joy of inspiration for unexpected combination as human need to have some perception for reaping connectedness, ultimately but overwhelming thin fountainhead of orgon-energy and humbleness under indefinite universum.

-- Arhi Kuittinen, Media producer


Review by Jenni Hurmerinta:

[EN] Janne Nummela (born 1973) is a Finnish multi-artist who has previously been recognized as a poet and a painter. Now released double album Kosmoskalevala represents, in its electronic and eclectic sound landscapes, the artistÕs tendency towards experimental, lyrical abstraction and polyfonic compositions. Nummela approaches his music in the same way as his previous collection of poems and an art exhibitions, where every segment participates in constituting the artwork as a whole.

Fully produced at a home studio, Kosmoskalevala has its own peculiar atmosphere, where multi-dimensional cinematic sample sounds, instrumental sounds, as well as recorded concrete sounds all come together. A two-hour duration double album contains twenty-six tracks, each of which brings unique perspective to the sphere. The album has a track duration ranging from less than a minute to twenty minutes, which refers to the artworkÕs experimental nature and pursuit to constitute an artistic entity. Kosmoskalevala is a comprehensive and immersive sound work, which is at its best when listened all in once.

In Kosmoskalevala, traditional Kalevala mythology gets several new timbres and variations, which carry the listener from one temporal or spatial dimension to another. Movement is motivated by not only typical acousmatic parameters, but also in melodic and rhythmic levels. In addition, there are diverse contexts that appear from the music spontaneously. Sound and theme registry varies in a fascinating and imaginative manner, from grotesque to romanticism, from comic to tragic, ending up to the alienating and futuristic science fiction elements. The paradox based on contradictions and conflicts at the same time builds and breaks the cohesion of the album.

The work does not only touch the listener's emotions, but also challenges the intellect. Scenes are painted to the listeners mind, and together those scenes eventually manage to build up an entire story. If the listener does not want to focus on the pure sound art enjoyment of the sound scenery, there is plenty of extramusical intertextualities, which may tell a different story, more related to the current world and society. By placing a number of microcosmoses in interaction between each other, Kosmoskalevala creates its own universe, where charmingly controlled chaos takes its place.


[FI] Janne Nummela (s.1973) on hausjŠrvelŠinen monitaiteilija, joka on aiemmin ansioitunut niin runoilijana kuin taidemaalarina. Nummela julkaisee 4.4.2013 Kosmoskalevala-nimisen tuplalevyn, jonka elektronisissa ŠŠnimaisemissa on kuultavissa taiteilijan aiemmalle tuotannolle tunnusomainen lyyriseen abstraktioon suuntautunut kokeilunhalu ja polyfonisuus. Nummelan voikin nŠhdŠ lŠhestyvŠn musiikkiaan runokokoelmaa tai taidenŠyttelyŠ vastaavana entiteettinŠ, jossa jokainen segmentti pohjustaa ja konstruoi teosta omalla tavallaan.

Kotistudiossa yhden miehen voimin tuotettu Kosmoskalevala on omanlainen oma ulottuvuutensa, jossa moniulotteiset synteettis- ja soitinperŠiset ŠŠnielementit kohtaavat. Kahden tunnin kestoinen tupla-albumi sisŠltŠŠ kaksikymmentŠkuusi teeman ympŠrillŠ varioivaa kappaletta, joista jokainen tuo omanlaisensa nŠkškulman tai tunnelman kokonaiskuvaan. Kappaleiden kesto vaihtelee alle minuutista kahteenkymmeneen minuuttiin, mikŠ kertoo sen kokeellisesta ja kokonaisuuteen pyrkivŠstŠ rakenteesta. Kosmoskalevala on kokonaisvaltainen ŠŠniteos, joka on parhaimmillaan yhdeltŠ tai ainakin harvemmalta istumalta kuunneltuna. 

Perinteinen Kalevala-mytologia saa Nummelan kŠsittelyssŠ useita erilaisia sŠvyjŠ ja variaatioita, jotka kuljettavat kuulijaa paikka- ja aika-ulottuvuudesta toiseen. LiikehdintŠ tapahtuu niin melodisella kuin rytmillisellŠ tasolla, ja ennen kaikkea musiikista kumpuavilla, moninaisiin konteksteihin kurottavilla viitteillŠ. Albumin ŠŠni- ja teemarekisteri vaihtelee kiehtovalla ja mielikuvituksellisella tavalla sekŠ matala- ja korkeataiteellisen ettŠ koomisen ja traagisen vŠlillŠ, aina vieraannuttaviin tulevaisuusfantasia-elementteihin asti. Ristiriidoille ja vastakohtaisuuksille rakentuva paradoksaalisuus samanaikaisesti rikkoo ja voimistaa albumin koheesiota.

Teos ei ainoastaan puhuttele kuulijan tunteita vaan haastaa myšs ŠlyŠ. Kuulijan mieleen maalautuu kuvia ja kohtauksia, joista lopulta rakentuu kokonainen tarina. Jos kuulija ei halua keskittyŠ pelkistŠ ŠŠnimaisemista nauttimiseen, on teoksesta lšydettŠvissŠ nokkelia ulkomusiikillisia viitteitŠ, jotka puolestaan kertovat toisenlaista tarinaa. Asettamalla useat erilaiset mikrokosmokset vuorovaikutukseen keskenŠŠn Kosmoskalevala luo oman kosmoksensa, jossa vallitsee hurmaavalla tavalla hallittu kaaos.


Review by Sirpa Jokinen, media artist:

[EN] It sounded between atonal music, ethnic music, jazz, in some way Gamelan (sound of g., but not rhythmically), electronic and ambient music, without actually being any of those. The collage it was for sure and I liked uneven rhythms and juxtaposed layers. I'm not a musician but I think the biggest issue here is the variations of the rhythm patterns. It does not sound like  Indian carnatic music but it brings to mind its complex rhythms. Kosmoskalevala is more bouncing between various rhythms types. It reminds me of background music for the  animations made for children in Finland in the 60's and 70's. In some parts of the Kosmoskalevala I can't help imagining cut-out figures of paper move across the TV screen. Anyhow this is clearly an independent work of art. Warm tones. This kind of electronic music is more monotonic than instrumental music. Instruments here are not as characterized as real ones. This proceeds more as a mass but it's not a bad thing it makes a motion more like stream of consciousness. Yes I liked this!


[FI] Se kuullosti vŠlillŠ atonaaliselta musiikilta, etniseltŠ musiikilta, jazzilta, jollain tavalla gamelanilta (soundi oli g. mutta ei rytmisesti), elektroniselta ja ambient musiikilta olematta mitŠŠn niistŠ. Kollaasia oli varmasti ja pidin sen epŠtasarytmisyydestŠ ja kerroksellisuudesta. MŠ en ole muusikko, mutta minusta tŠmŠn suurin anti on sen vaihteleva rytmi. Se ei kuullosta intialaiselta karnaattiselta musiikilta, mutta tuo mieleen sen monimutkaisen rytmin. TŠmŠ ehkŠ enemmŠn poukkoilee erilaisten rytmien vŠlillŠ. Voi olla ettŠ johtuu siitŠ, kun juuri katsoin Yle Areenasta HermoprŠssi elokuvan vuodelta 1965, ettŠ tuo mieleen 60-luvun animaatioiden taustamusiikin. Paikoitellen voi kuvitella paperista leikeltyjen hahmojen liikkeitŠ. TŠmŠ on kyllŠ selvŠsti oma itsenŠinen taideteos. LŠmminsŠvyinen. TŠllainen konemusiikki on tasaisempaa kun instrumenteilla soitettu. Soittimet eivŠt ole niin karaktŠŠrisiŠ. Etenee enemmŠnkin massana, mutta se ei ole huono asia, vaan tekee liikkeen tajunnanvirtamaiseksi. KyllŠ mŠ pidin tŠstŠ!


Additional Artist Info:

Janne Nummela (born 1973) is an experimental poet, musician and painter, author of four books of poetry. His first book On a short trip across thinly frozen ice (LyhyellŠ matkalla ohuesti jŠŠtyneen meren yli, poEsia 2006) was published in January 2006, and was first Finnish poetry book made with the assistance of internet search engines. His second book frigidwinter (frigiditalvi, ntamo 2008) was created in collaboration with the architect Adalbert Aapola Ð an experiment in which the poetry collection architectural design is outsourced. Third book Medusa reactors (Medusareaktorit, ntamo 2009) was opening to the direction of science fiction, which according to poet Teemu Manninen is: "What is it? Punk mythology? Space satire? Cyber romanticism of epic fragments?"
In his most recent collection, Ensyklopedia (Poesia 2011) is a large (500 p.) collective work written together with poets Jukka ViikilŠ and Tommi Nuopponen. As work in progress in the course of three decades Ensyklopedia occupying the middle ground between poetry and essay collection in alphabetical encyclopedic form. It is an individual cross referenced organism with inherent poetic style and humour; it is not an anthology or collection of formerly published material. It includes Tommy NuopponenÕs translated excerpts from for example the Roman AelianusÕ scientific treatises (gr.), the Suda Byzantine encyclopaedia (gr.), DiderotÕs Encyclopedia (fr.), as well as the writings of Ciacomo Leopardi (it.) and Erik Satie (fr.). These bring the work a concept of a relativized and comic level of knowledge: what has been considered knowledge or fact, and what are previous attitudes to phenomena now considered daunting.Ê




License Info:

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

Enough Records 2013