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File size:
1 883 bytes (1.84K)
File date:
2012-05-20 23:04:19
Download count:
all-time: 498



Wake up is a 29 minutes mixdown of eclectic sonoscopy material produced by Filipe Cruz.

It uses sound apps from Native Instruments Komplete bundle (Reaktor, Absynth, Battery), random field recordings captured with a Zoom H4n on different occasions, and a couple of minor samples taken from random movies and documentaries.

The first half is mostly from a short set originally prepared for a noise festival and performed live in Latvia, Finland and Portugal on different occasions of 2011. It's about waking the world up to the need of evolving our democracy system. The current democracy system we have is corrupted and flawed by financial oligarchic interests and does not serve the people. The time to change our world is now.

The second half of the EP mixes different field recordings and sound experiments. Mostly representing a year long of activities related to the Portuguese hackerlabs movements: giving and attending workshops, participating in artistic residencies, showcasing projects and explaining technology to kids.

Overall the EP represents the last year of my life, struggling to figure out how to change our world for the better, both theoretically and in practical terms, while at the same time dealing with emigration to another country, hearing about friends dealing with depression and not being able to get jobs.

I have multiple lives happening at the same time: developing code for freelance projects, running a music label, producing digital art for demoscene and netaudio, helping out in the hackerspace movement. And yet I wish i had time for more. It feels like i'm floating between what i could accomplish, wondering where my invested time would be better served. This frustration is also somewhat represented in this EP.

Hope you enjoy listening to it.

Filipe 'ps' Cruz
of the Enough Records netlabel, TPOLM demogroup, xDA hackerspace