Our first online appearance as Duncan Avoid is a collection of abstract
pieces that were inspired on the various aspects of Cybernetics. It's
made from a far more neutral perspective on reality rather than a human/emotional
perspective, which for this album resulted in a sonic replication of an
imaginary dark scenery.
Dark doesn't mean "evil" here, but rather a representation of the unknown or the mysterious.
It gives us a feeling that not only fulfills us but also drives us to explore and
experiment with the complete sonic spectrum, and today's methods already practically allow full
control over it.
As A.Einstein so eloquently put it: "The most beautiful experience we can have is the
mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true
science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as
good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed."
We would very much like to thank: Nicolas "Sparth" Bouvier for his extraordinary work on
the cover and ofcourse our trusty remixers Danny, Filipe, and Henkka!
Duncan Avoid is a collaboration between Nico De Gols (Kaebin Yield) and Jan Robbe (UndaCova).