File Archive

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File size:
273 574 bytes (267.16K)
File date:
1999-03-07 15:31:23
Download count:
all-time: 1 430


³    Charlie Brown Records Release #041    ³
³ Song Title   ³ PSYCHOTRACTION            ³
³ Author       ³ ALL THE CBR TRIBE!        ³
³ Module Name  ³ ptract.xm                 ³
³ Style        ³ JUNGLE-HARDCORE           ³
³ Release Date ³ January 1996              ³
³ Tracker      ³ Fasttracker 2.04          ³
³ Packer       ³ ARJ 2.41                  ³
Ã[You need to know this:]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´
³                                          ³
³   This is the first release of 1996...   ³
³  but it is also the first single taken   ³
³   from our third musicdisk due to be     ³
³  released on Feb. 25th, in occasion of   ³
³         CBR's first birthday...          ³
³  So no occasion could have been greater  ³
³   to give proof of our unity with this   ³
³    ten-handed release.        N-JOY!     ³
³                                          ³

Please play with FT2 'cause Cubic fucks up
volumes & effects!  Ya know why?