File Archive

File download


File size:
11 812 187 bytes (11.26M)
File date:
2019-09-23 20:34:31
Download count:
all-time: 104


  • 01 - Aeuk - Shadow Falls.mo3 896.82K
  • 02 - Aeuk - Back To The Sanity.mo3 1.45M
  • 03 - Warlord - Hate Eternal.mo3 533.82K
  • 04 - Aeuk - The Art Of Water.mo3 1.18M
  • 05 - Barfington - A Menacing Victim.mo3 835.36K
  • 06 - Warlord - Genital Mutilage.mo3 341.14K
  • 07 - Aeuk & Unbird - Armageddon Unleashed (VIOLATOR cover).mo3 1.28M
  • 08 - Barfington - Kill The Christian (DEICIDE cover.mo3 583.75K
  • 09 - Warlord - Amputated Rotting Deeds.mo3 608.78K
  • 10 - Aeuk & Barfington - Escape To The Void (SEPULTURA cover).mo3 1.53M
  • 11 - Warlord - Withering Away.mo3 969.28K
  • 12 - Aeuk - Ode To A Nameless Grave (ASPHYX cover).mo3 1.62M
  • 13 - Maggot - Day Of Decay (DEAD INFECTION cover).mo3 922.30K
  • Armagon - Back To The Core.jpg 43.08K
  • Armagon - Back To The Core.txt 6.23K


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		         Song Name:		        Lenght:		    Author:
		      1. Shadow Falls.................. 1.16 .............. Aeuk............. 
		      2. Back To The Sanity............ 1.48 .............. Aeuk.............
		      3. Hate Eternal.................. 1.27 .............. Warlord..........
		      4. The Art of Water.............. 1.40 .............. Aeuk............. 
		      5. A Menacing Victim............. 2.34 .............. Barfington.......
		      6. Genital Mutilage.............. 1.21 .............. Warlord..........
		      7. Armageddon Unleashed.......... 0.57 .............. Aeuk & Unbird....
		      8. Kill The Christian............ 2.51 .............. Barfington....... 
		      9. Amputated Rotting Deeds....... 1.57 .............. Warlord..........
		     10. Escape To The Void............ 4.17 .............. Aeuk & Barfington
		     11. Withering Away................ 3.22 .............. Warlord.......... 
		     12. Ode To The Nameless Grave..... 2.56 .............. Aeuk............. 
		     13. Day Of Decay.................. 3.33 .............. Maggot...........
			   			        Total playing time: 30.03

		     The authors hold all rights to these (de)composations listed above.
		     The disk can be distibuted as long as nothing inside the package
                     is deleted or modified and no money is involved. For further usage,
                     be sure to ask for our permission or else thou shall be skullfucked 
		     with a pummeling sledgehammer! You have been warned!

 		     This musicdisk project was launched back on autumn 2002. It was 
		     originally meant to be a small EP or maybe a minimusicdisk in 
		     order to get Armagon out of ice and running again. Due various
		     reasons the work-in-process got delayed an delayed, mostly I'm
		     the one to blame for that. Struggling with technical issues,
		     lack of motivation and time held things back and I really never
		     got things done as supposed. Until about some 1-2 months ago. 
		     Things finally started to roll at least somewhat as needed, I was
		     able to record some shit and along the way receaved the additional
		     contributions from Aeuk and Barfington -  a huge thanks to them
		     from their noise and patience! Compared to their output, I'm nearly
		     ashamed of my effords on the disk. The fact is I didn't get even
		     one of the actual songs planned to be on the disk done, that
		     definately pisses me off. This disk might be considered as 
		     "warm-up" as well as an attempt to return "back to the core", as
		     the title states. Pretty self-explaining, eh? :) Yet still, this
		     might well be our best musicdisk yet at the state of aftermath, due
		     improved quality and amount of songs included - but more focused
		     and intense releases might be on their way out... Who knows. The
		     main point is that we are back, more or less, after over a year
		     of silence. Now I'll cut the crap. Hope you enjoy the disk as much
		     as I do. Just turn the volume up and listen until your ears bleed!

		     Thanks to Kosm for the ascii-logo, the Metallurky crew for support 
		     and keeping the scene more alive, the whole past and present Armagon
		     gang for all the noise done and hopefully yet still to come, extra
		     thanks to Aeuk for the nice oldschool artwork on the coverand Decay
		     for being a bitch as usual ;) And of course everyone supporting our
		     work over the years! You know who you are!

		                             How to reach us?
 		  	   WWW: (currently unavailable)