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    Tangerine's Discography - version 3.0 from 05.02.2001

     (Online version at
Version 1.0 - The first version, contains a lot of mistakes!
              Released in "Ozone (remix)".
Version 1.1 - Some grammary fixed, added a little more info.
              Released in "Ancient Trax"
Version 1.2 - Again fixed some grammary.
              Was not released.
Version 1.3 - Personal Info added.
              Released in "Mod Lover".
Version 1.4 - Fixed awful mistake about "Ozone"!!! In
              previous versions it was "placed" 20th in MC4,
              but really it placed 19th! Oh, my poor memory!
              "Changes" section added. Again fixed some
              grammary (not much), I think that it is an
              endless process.
Version 1.5 - Hm... Just "Saga" song...
Version 1.6 - Bug found in "Autumn Walk" mod!
              New shit happened to "partia.s3m"...
              In the description for "Boiling...".s3m there
              was a big mistake - wrong name of a BBS.
              Released in "Hip-Hop Lullaby".
Version 1.7 - Snail mail address added (gush, I forgot such
              an important thing!)
              Some minor changes of grammary :)
              Released in "Orangator" - the music synthesizer
Version 1.8 - A LOT of grammary fixed by Noob Saibot! Big
              thanx to him!
              Released in "Dance of the crane".
Version 1.9 - E-mail address changed!
              Released in "WiSHtro'98" New Year intro.
Version 2.0 - Fixed more grammary and some of Noob Saibot's
              stupid jokes that I forgot to erase from file ;)
              Released in "...and all that jazz".
Version 2.1 - Released in "Cyber-Shaman" music-pack.
Version 2.2 - Added dates to the modules. A lot of modules
              were made long time before releasing, and I
              tried to recover the dates of actual creation,
              not dates of releases. Not all of them are 100%
              accurate since I have made some little changes
              later, but forgot when :).
              I have finally joined SandS few days ago before
              this release.
              Released in "Low Hanging Sky (16-bit version)".
Version 2.3 - Updated some personal information.
Version 2.4 - Added "Shit Candy", "Paranoia..." and "Soul
              Surfer soundtrack". Some personal information
              changed and updated (as usual :). A lot of data
              reformatted to compact space and save reading
              Released in "Feeling Synthesized" music-disk by
Version 2.5 - Released in "AMiGAPHILE" music-disk.
Version 2.6 - Added "Space tRipper", "Toy Summer",
              "Sleeping Love" and "Overmind soundtrack".
Version 2.7 - Released in "Sentimental Wildness" single under
              T-Rex label.
Version 2.8 - Released in "From The Soul Depth" and "Flowering
              of Rose" singles under T-Rex label.
Version 2.9 - Released in "Toy Songs" chip-tune music-disk
              under The Sands label. Note about the e-mail
Version 3.0 - Released in "Highland Traveller" single under
              T-Rex label (1st at "Mind Resources'2001") .
Music:                                       Format:   Date of
"Numizmaty!(techno version)" (Numizmatists)    *S3M*  ??.??.94
 - released in music-disk by Overlook - "Autumn Collection"
    My first song on PC (st3.1 used), with some funny samples
on russian that friends of mine have recorded  before, and I
took them for the song, without asking for their opinion ;)
"Torture Music"                                *S3M*  ??.02.95
 - released in music-disk by Overlook - "Autumn Collection"
    A hard techno song with samples of my own voice, seems  to
me not very melodic and happy to listen.
"Lazer Wind"                                   *S3M*  ??.02.95
 - released in music-disk by Overlook - "Autumn Collection"
    I wrote this one using old fm-synthesizer Yamaha PSS480,
and was a little ill ( had a high temperature and headache),
but still the tune was not bad for me that time.
Note: Cubic Player does not play volume slides correctly here,
      so use something else...
"Gravis-Bubbles"                               *S3M*  17.03.95
 - used in "ROSEtro" by Overlook
    My fisrt chip-tune, written within 45 minutes for a birth-
day-intro by Overlook. Dreamwalker called me somewhere about
11pm and asked if I could write a "chip-tune" for the next
day, I scratched the head, because I didn't know what is
"chip-tune", he explained, so I set down for an hour and you
can hear the results...
    Btw, the tune itself was released after request from some
american guy who could not rip it from intro :)...
"Be ready for kommunizm!!!"                    *S3M*  09.04.95
 - PARTIJA.ZIP, OL-PART.ZIP or I don't know the hell what...
    I really don't know how this tune got spreaded out, coz
only Steel Rat and Dreamwalker had it...Overlook planned some
joke-intro with this music but Steel Rat had no time to code.
(that's why Overlook is not active anymore...:((( )
Huh... somewhere at the end of 96 some guy has uploaded it to ( as my contribution to Enlight'95!!!
Shit! :-E ! I DiD NoT enter this song in any compo!!!
"The Robots (remix)"                           *XM*   13.06.95
 - single release under Overlook label
    Whoa! I found that FT can do BIG samples - and the first
thing I've done was a stupid "big-sample" remix of Kraftwerk.
It contains nothing interesting but the last sample. Have you
tried to play it?
    Anyway, I don't recommend to download this song if you
don't have much time - take something else...
"No G00D (remix)"                              *MOD*  ??.06.95
 - single release under Overlook label
    That was a summa'95 and I decided to go to Night Breaker's
birthday, and I knew that he liked Prodigy...So I made a flick
in 3DS, and wrote this mod. It's not very interesting, because
there are big samples only, and nothing else...
No more such "remixes" now...
"Sadizzm"                                      *S3M*  14.07.95
 - single release under Overlook label
    A horrible sound of human scream and gun-shooting fills
your head...First written on amiga when I found some scream
and gun-shot samples, very agressive tune.
"Noisy Whysper"                                *S3M*  21.08.95
 - single release under Overlook label
    Call this "demo-music" or "trance", I don't know how to
call anything I write...
Note: again Cubic Player's volume slides are too fast...
"Numizmaty - Dooraki Remix"                    *S3M*  04.10.95
 - single release under Overlook label
    Strange remix of previously released song "Numizmaty!",
some new funny phrases added. It's a pity that only Russians
can understand what do they mean :(.
"Wings of the Wind"                            *S3M*  ??.06.95
 - single release under Overlook label
 - TAN-WOW.ZIP (original mc3-entry at
    Hmmm, what a stupid name for a song! But I really could
not imagine anything else that time....This one was placed
4th in Music Contest III rookie section. A mix of ambient/
ethnic fluites and hard drums. I really like such things...
Note!!!: first released version had a bug with sample 05!  You
can fix it, set the loop beginning to 200, end to 16311, and
the wind will sound much smoother.
"GateToTheDreamSpace"                          *XM*   14.12.95
 - single release under T-Rex label
    A hard-trance with mellow choir melody - strange combina-
tion, but you see, I like strange things.
"Electric Mantra"                              *XM*   ??.05.96
 - single release under T-Rex label
    First i sampled from radio (that's why the quality sux)
some tibet lamas singing their mantras - OM and Kee, and then
added synth bass, rhythm, etc... Sounds a little dark.
"The Moscow Fog"                               *XM*   23.08.96
 - single release under T-Rex label
    This was my contribution to russian demo-party Enlight'96,
the tune was written within 2 days, and it is not very serious
except of the ending part that I like most.
    I've heard a funny story that absent-minded organizers of
Enlight'96 have put the tune in "graphics" dir, and it was not
played until Noob Saibot (organizer of T-Rex) came to them and
asked "where is Tangerine's one???"...They played it 28th,
but most people have listened only to first 20 tunes :((...
"Ozone - remix"                                *XM*   28.10.96
 - single release under T-Rex label
    In 1996 I entered MC4 veteran division and placed 19th,
this song is a remix of my entry, I've added some jungle beats
and choir lead. Original version can be found on
"Ancient Tracks"                                      15.11.96
 - pack of old s3m's, released under T-Rex label
"Astral Transgression"                         *S3M*  29.06.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Very pathetic tune, written in the beginning of june'95,
was played on Enlight'95 but got no votes at all...People
wanted techno-rave-dumm-bumm :((...
"Boiling....."                                 *S3M*  05.11.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    That was somewhere in the september of 95, I called one
moscow BBS "Grave Yard", its sysop, some strange guy Skeletron
told me that he is making some mysterious disk-mag, and
he will be pleased to have music from me...
"What style?" - I asked.
"Hmm...Techno..." - Skeletron said.
"Well, let it be techno..." - I said. I wrote this tune, but
when I called "Grave Yard" BBS next time some angry male voice
told me that there were no any f**king BBS's here, and he even
didn't know was that...The song has been burying on my HD for
a long time...
!!!Note: in earlier versions of this info the name of the BBS
         was wrong! I thought that it was "Highlander" but
         it was "Grave Yard" really...
"NO CARRIER"                                   *S3M*  15.07.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    In the june of 95 I found one board placed not far from
my house, it was called "Queen House" BBS, and we were talking
with sysop for some time, he told me about old computers and
many other things, I decided to make a present for him and
wrote this module. After some days he has gone to his grandma,
and me also left for Lithuania, and when I came back, the
BBS was changed and I could not even login :(...
"Deep, Dark and Heavy"                         *S3M*  16.07.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Something techo-like, with fluites and syth-voice...
"Depression"                                   *S3M*  26.06.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    A mellow tune written in the summer of 95 , the next
day I should go to my Grandmother where was no computer or
even a piano to play, and I had a very depressive mood.
(This song was used in "Scene Side" Disk-magazine, made by
Scene Side Team in 1995-96)
"Sounds of falling stones"                     *S3M*  15.07.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Steel Rat loved this s3m...
"Glassy song"                                  *S3M*  ??.??.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Written in the winter of 94-95, I don't remember the date.
It's a very old one...
"Mavlino-obraznost'"                           *S3M*  02.09.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Oh, what a name! I wrote the melody (can u find any melody
there? :) and chords (hmm...two chords at all :) when I was
14 years old.
"Sun Trace"                                    *S3M*  01.03.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    This is the youngest song in the pack, written in april
of 96, and I like it very much :)...
"Mod Lover"                                           15.11.96
 - pack of old mod's from amiga releases, and some new ones,
   released under T-Rex label
"Glass of Aquarium"                            *MOD*  11.09.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Jungle everywhere...this is nice jungle tune with some
strange "water" sounds sampled from Jonny L's "I Want You".
(This module was used in AMIGA intro "Deep Lies" by Looker
House, LKR-DEEP.LHA somewhere on Aminet.)
"Autumn Walk"                                  *MOD*  21.09.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    This module was written in the autumn of 95, and I had a
gloomy mood, so I started a song without any inspiration, but
later I found some interest. The song contains four huge drum-
loops, but they are completely done (sequenced) with my synth.
 !!!Bug found!!! Not all the players play amiga tempo
correctly!(actually, none on PC now) And there is a problem:
drumloops are too long and sound like retrigs at the end.
You can fix it!!!
Change the length of samples #01 and #03 to 44300!!!
Do it if you have a tracker!
"CRAMPS"                                       *MOD*  20.05.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    This is the first 4channel, written on PC by me! Before
that I have been writing some mod's on amiga but that time I
even didn't understand what were those strange "effects" and
how did they have influence on sound. Style is a little
industrial, and sometimes you can hear not very polite laugh
in your ears.
"Little Excess..."                             *MOD*  11.06.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    I tried to write chip-tune, but the final size was 53k,
so it's too big to be a chip, but too small to be a normal
song :) (This module was also released in "Instincts"
music-disk on AMIGA by Looker House. LKR-INST.DMS or
LKR-INST.LHA somewhere on Aminet)
"The flying fishes"                            *MOD*  22.04.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    This module contains nice synth-lead, piano, hip-hoppish
rhythm and some strange melody.
"jungly tune #1"                               *MOD*  01.01.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    You see, I really have a big problem naming my tunes,
and I simply could not imagine anything for this little piece.
Attention! Contains destructive "sinewave" baze sound that can
damage your speakers! Be careful!
"Lethargic Dream"                              *MOD*  15.03.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Nice mellow tune with ambient-floating chords and jungle
beats. Xpeh//LKR gave me idea of adding piano there...
(This module was also released in "Instincts" music-disk on
AMIGA by Looker House. LKR-INST.DMS or LKR-INST.LHA somewhere
on Aminet.)
"The Peach Branch"                             *MOD*  07.09.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Another musical pervertion! The chip-tune with non-chip
sounds, guitar and pan fluite...I like the melody :)
Don't you?
"that's sad life"                              *MOD*  11.06.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    If I'd like to make a top ten of my most gloomy and
depressive songs - this one would be near the first place.
Trip-hop//jungle drums and synth-choir are my favorite sound
"Shank-Prokshalana"                            *MOD*  12.06.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Another mad chip-tune...By the way, do you know what is
"shank-prokshalana" ? Of course not!!! It is special indian
hygiene procedure when you drink a lot of salt water and then
go to WC, and again you drink a lot of salt water and again
go to WC, and many times...Oughhhhh!
"Vomit-Jungle"                                 *MOD*  30.11.95
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    BOOM-BOOM-Bluuueeaaa...Hardcore fun...Sorry people! I
won't write such things more!!! But hey, it's just 32k in
size! (This module was used in AMIGA intro "Russian Box #1"
by Looker House. LKR-RB1.LHA somewhere on Aminet.)
"Early Fall"                                   *S3M*  27.10.96
 - Released as a music for "Hacker" diskmag by DDT Ent.
    Very mellow song with autumn mood. One of my best works.
"The Nuclear Winter"                           *S3M*  03.01.97
 - Released as a music for "The Nuclear Winter" demo by T-Rex.
    This one is a real killa! Heavy trip-hop drums, ambient
choir and acid sounds!!! This is my first try to write
something for a demo with synchronized music.
"Saga"                                         *XM*   08.01.97
 - Single release under T-Rex label
    This time - romantic ballad. You know, I like celtic
music very much! Btw, the tune was planned as a Looker House
contribution to The Party 6, but Zinko//LKR, who had to bring
it there, didn't appear on irc in the right time, and seems
like that mail had not reached him! So I had to make a single
release on PeeCee (and that's not so bad :).
"Hip-Hop Lullaby"                              *XM*   01.05.97
 - Single release under T-Rex label
    Again a tune that looks like some fairy-tale music. Some
jazzy breaks in the middle, some hip-hop drums and very, very
high quality instruments (99% of sounds are 16bit). Melody may
seem a little "cheesy" but I like it anyway. It's a pity that
good sounds make it bigger. Btw, the song was written in four
days, and I spent around 20 hours making it.
"Ne pisai v moi gorshok!"                      *S3M*  09.06.97
 - Released as a music for a joke-game "„ ¢¨âì •ƒ!" by T-Rex
    Oh man! This is not a music, this is a parody on hard-core
style which is *very* stupid and easy to write. The main thing
is a little childish poem that every russian kid knows,
I sampled it and played two times faster - a pity if you don't
understand russian language. Ughh... it took me 30 minutes to
track this awful tune :)
"Orangator Demosong"                           *XM*   16.06.97
 - Released as a demosong for a program "Orangator" by T-Rex
    This is a very meditative and electronic tune. All samples
were generated with virtual analog synthesizer "Orangator".
The song demonstrates what can you create using this nice
program. There is only one sample that was taken from outside,
but it was processed in "Orangator", I've added some echo and
"Dance of the crane"                           *XM*   21.08.97
 - Single release under T-Rex label
    It's my contribution for Enlight'97. Sounds a little
japanesy...The full name of the song should be "Samurai,
watching the dancing japanese crane during the dusk of the
"Eternal fishing"                              *S3M*  31.12.97
 - Released as a music for "WiSHtro'98" by Manwe and me.
    Meditative music for meditative intro ;). It is long and
boring enough to fall in the deep trance while looking the
demo. It's style is a mix between hip-hop/acid/ambient-trance.
"Thinking Dots"                                *IT*   ??.04.97
 - Released in "...and all that jazz" music-pack by SandS.
    Background music for an unfinished game "Dots". I have
decided to release it, because I think that game will not
be released.
"Pulled From Air"                              *XM*   17.01.98
 - Released in "...and all that jazz" music-pack by SandS.
 - ALLJAZZ.ZIP or TAN-PULL.ZIP (at groovycompo site)
    This tune took second place in the Groovy Compo 7. I have
written it within 3 days, the samples were bad but not
horrible. The song itself has a good mood and some melody
that I like.
"Cyber-Shaman"                                        13.03.98
 - Pack of 4 XM's, released under T-Rex label.
"Yellow Leaves"                                *XM*   ??.09.97
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Consider this as another demosong for Orangator. Almost
all samples were made or processed with this program. I think
that this song has rather good optimistic mood and is kinda
different from three other songs in this pack.
"Second Ring Of Power"                         *XM*   ??.10.97
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    The name of this song was taken from Carlos Castaneda's
books. It means some magic structure in your "astral" body,
that lets you do some incredible things. The song was started
at my birthday-party and completed in few days after it.
"Cyber-Shaman"                                 *XM*   10.03.98
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    It is the youngest song in the pack (finished almost
before releasing), very hard one (and very big ;). It took
several weeks (more than a month) to finish, and it was a very
hard work for me. I can describe its style as Gothic/Trance.
Just close your eyes, turn up the volume and listen, don't
switch patterns in tracker/player, because you will momentary
loose all the feeling.
"Sleeping City"                                *XM*   24.10.97
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Ambient-breakbeat, dedicated to the view of Moscow in the
night from my window. I live on the 17th floor, and I can
watch all the big city, sometimes it looks like hell, drawn by
Hieronimus Bosch. By the way, it is my longest song for this
"Sound Storm Intro 2"                          *S3M*  23.04.98
 - Released as a music for Sound Storm Invitation Intro 2 by
    Actually it is a remix of Manwe's song for Sound Storm
Invitation Intro 1, but since I have left just few notes from
original I consider it my own song with some help from Manwe.
Since it is the bad quality s3m file, I plan to put the 16-bit
.IT version on our next co-op music-disk with Manwe/SandS.
"Low Hanging Sky" (16-bit version)             *IT*   04.07.98
 - Single release under T-Rex label (8-bit version used in
   disk-mag "Armor Of Gods" issue 4)
    This tune was composed for the best pc-diskmag that
was made in Russia at this moment - "Armor Of Gods" issue 4.
16-bit version was released as a single after several requests
from people who wanted it. Warhawk asked me if I can write
something in "Enigma" style. I think this tune is not like
"Enigma" very much, but it is kinda mellow and trip-hoppish,
and it has very clean sound because of the samples.
"Paranoia"                                     *S3M*  31.07.98
 - Released as a music for "ProgCake Birthday Intro" by SandS.
    A very strange house/techno track, composed on SnowCat's
computer with old 8bit SBPro while he was coding on another
one with SB AWE32 :). Don't judge me too hard for this one, it
is mostly a joke, some samples are created from text-files
that were found on his computer.
"Shit Candy"                                   *IT*   18.09.98
 - Not even an official release, just a contribution to
   fido7.sound.uue compo #3.
    Since the samples were pretty terrible and I got the
samplepack in 2 days before deadline, I didn't want to spend a
lot of time on this tune. It is not very serious composition.
As the name says - I tried to make a candy out of shit.
By the way, I got the first place with this song :)
"Soul Surfer soundtrack"                       *S3M*  31.10.98
 - Released as a music for "Soul Surfer" demo by Moonlight
    Looks like this demo was planned for Dreamhack'98, but we
got late because I didn't finish this tune in time :(. My big
sorry to all MLD members! This soundtrack is ambient/ethnic
trip-hop, and of course it's better to listen to it while
watching the "Soul Surfer" demo.
"Synthetic Jumbo :-P"                          *IT*   15.06.98
 - Released in the "Feeling Synthesized" music-pack by SandS.
Trip-hop/jarre-like tune. Composed for the incomplete
SoundStorm'98 party report by T-Rex, but since it will never
be released I have decided to put this song on SandS
"AMiGAPHILE"                                          12.02.99
 - music-disk of MOD's, mostly from my Amiga releases, with
   full graphical interface and player. Released under t-Rex
   label on PC.
"Herr_Schwantz."                               *MOD*  ??.04.98
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    This is a track for the still unreleased amiga intro by
Looker House, I don't know if the intro will ever be finished,
and decided to put this song on disk. Very agressive and
noisy. Do you know what does the name mean?
"Insomnia - part 1"                            *MOD*  28.03.97
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    I had to write some music for Lkr's "Insomnia" diskmag, so
I played some chords on my Yamaha PSR-500, sampled them and
thought they are good. Then I've added trip-hop drums and sax
melody. Is it an acid jazz? I don't know (as usual :).
"Distorted Feelings"                           *MOD*  ??.07.97
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    This song was written for "Believe the Lie" amiga intro
by Looker House, shown at the Enlight'97 "failed" demo-party.
Again very agressive breakbeat chip-tune.
"Acid Waltz?"                                  *MOD*  06.12.98
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    This is an expirement. As the name says - an attempt to
compose acid/psychedelic/ambient/whatever... in 3/4. Our
lovely "Orangator" is intensively used in this composition. I
hope you don't want this song to be much longer, because I am
slightly tired of thinking on it.
"Shop Ty Zdohh!"                               *MOD*  ??.11.96
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    This is my birthday present for G.D.M (Looker House
organizer :). May be you gonna call it ragga jungle or
drum&baze? I wish you could understand funny russian phrases
that are sampled from the famous russian comedy
"Brilliantovaja Ruka".
"Insomnia - part 2"                            *MOD*  ??.11.97
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Again - composed for "Insomnia" diskmag by Looker House.
And again based on chords played by me on my Yamaha. This is
one of my favorite songs in this disk. Btw, it was made for
2nd issue, but used in 3rd because of G.D.M's HD crash. I'm
thinking on a third part for the 4th issue of "Insomnia".
"Hidden Fun! ;-)"                              *MOD*  06.12.98
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    A short funny guitar/hip-hop tune, my first try to make a
guitar-mod. This is music for hidden part of the disk. Amiga
users can find it very easy (what do you press while booting
when you wanna boot without startup-sequence? :)
"Space tRipper"                                 *IT*  23.01.99
 - Released as a music for "Trip In Space" slide-show by T-Rex
    Goa-trance background music, written within three hours
for goa-styled pictures by DAF/T-Rex. The module was not put
separately in archive, but it can be ripped from .pak file
with Burp 1.0 ripper. Please name the file "" if
you rip it. Also I have 16-bit version of this module.
"Toy Summer"                                    *XM*  12.12.98
 - My contribution to Bytefall'99 traditional music compo,
   released as a single under T-Rex label.
    Mellow track with my favorite undefinable electronic-folk
style. It's a little inspired by wonderful music of Andreas
"Sleeping Love"                                 *XM*  20.01.99
 - My contribution to Bytefall'99 alternative music compo,
   released as a single under T-Rex label.
    Tender new-age/ambient/hop track with sleepy mood and
happy easy-go-lucky melody. I wanted to let people have some
rest on the party while listening to all that shitty
pseudo-alternative "tums-tums" music.
"Overmind soundtrack"                          *S3M*  26.02.99
 - Released as a music for "Overmind" demo by T-Rex (1st place
   at Bytefall'99 demo-party).
    Trip-hop with distorted electric guitar and acid sweeps.
It begins with strange sounds that were made by my fingers,
tapping on the book by H.Hesse :) (I had to create a noise of
6-feet ant). Drumloops are created by me, rendered on HD and
then processed with phaser, distortion and flanger. Angry
distorted guitar is played by Agent Orange, big thanks to
him. Btw, 16-bit version of this track exists.
"Sentimental Wildness"                         *MOD*  01.08.99
 - My contribution to Paradox'99 traditional music compo,
   released as a single under T-Rex label.
    This is my first released 4-channel MOD that was really
composed on Amiga (I bought an A600), while being on vacations
in the village with my girlfriend and grandma (my old Amiga
MODs were not released, and all the released ones were made
on PC using St3). This time I plugged my AMiGA to old russian
black-and-white TV "Oreol" and tracked music in the deep deep
night...That was so romantic! Style and sound are inspired by
Mike Oldfield, let's call this a new age/rock tune.
"The Spirit Of Forefathers"                     *XM*  17.12.98
 - Released on the "Return to stage 9" multi-group music-disk.
    Long-awaited release for me, on the long-awaited sequel
for the "Stage 9" multi-group music disk, organized by Stein.
The song is also a kind of sequel for the "Cyber-Shaman", with
the same and even more dark mood, low strings, dance rhythm
and sampled voices of native americans (so-called indians).
"Artificial: soundtrack"                      *XM*  06.05.2000
 - Released as a music for "Artificial" intro by T-Rex (2nd
   place at Paradox'2000 demoparty)
    Ambient-triphop-noize chip-tune (34kb) with strange
sounds that came from Orangator (as usual :) and my
microphone. In even contains little insomnial melody. Written
in a hurry, but still I am satisfied. 16-bit version exists.
(Note: the song has to be unpacked from intro by running it
with -m switch in command line.)
"From The Soul Depth"                         *MOD* 28.07.2000
 - My contribution to CAFe'2000 Party 4-channel music compo,
 released as a single under T-Rex label.
    Again 4-channel composed on my little Amiga while being in
the village. Some heavy guitars, played and sampled by myself,
and even funny vocals (no, I can't call it singing :). All the
drumloops are made mostly from samples of different songs by
"The Beatles", mixed until complete unrecognizability with
 !!! Note: Don't play it with XMplay or MikIt, use Modplug.
Or change the bpm to 168!!! (Xmplay 1.6 plays MOD's a bit
faster than original Amiga, and it spoils all drumloops :((( )
"Flowering of Rose"                 (Oh, no!!!) *MP3* 19.09.98
 - My contribution to CAFe'2000 Party MP3 music compo,
 released as a single under T-Rex label.
    This composition was created in 1998 for a little
meditation training based on "Psychosynthesis" by R.Assagioli.
I used my Maxi Sound 64 H.S.Pro with GM set (do you recognize
edited Roland patches? ;), "Orangator" (for a sort sequence),
sampled bells and guitar (one of my fist tries to play it).
Original song lenght is about 7 minutes, but I've cut 3
minutes from the beginning (there are just pad chords and
bells) to fit the compo rules. I decided to enter it in a
compo not because I wanted to win, but to give listeners a
break from 99% house music ;).
"Trombonskij bazetizm"                         *S3M*  01.11.99
 - Released in the "Toy Songs" music-disk by Sands.
    A little funky introduction for toy disk. Contains real
trombone samples, played by my dacha neighbour Stepan.
"Trouble's Nightmare."                         *S3M*  06.04.98
 - Released in the "Toy Songs" music-disk by SandS.
    A funny chip song, composed  in 20 minutes at Manwe's
birthday (on his computer). It has a kind of "Future Crew-
feeling" in it, maybe because of chippy leads. By the way,
all samples were made out of one text file (some readme.txt,
found on Manwe's computer, loaded as a sample in St3).
The title is dedicated to my friend Trouble, who is big fond
of chip-tunes.
"Smiackk!"                                     *S3M*  17.01.98
 - Released in the "Toy Songs" music-disk by SandS.
    This amusing chip-tune took the 1st place at 20meehnutz
music compo #3 Cycle 3. I don't think that tracking in 20
minutes might be very serious occupation :).
"two notes!"                                   *S3M*  30.01.98
 - Released in the "Toy Songs" music-disk by SandS.
    Somehow this strange chip-tune took the 2nd place at
20meehnutz compo #5 Cycle 3. This is also very unserious
piece that may be interesting only for chip-tune lovers or my
great fans ;). The only positive side is that it's very small
(as my other chip-tunes).
"lonely room"                                  *S3M*  07.02.98
 - Released in the "Toy Songs" music-disk by SandS.
    My entry for 1-hour compo, disqualified for being a little
late. Seems to be a trip-hop/ambient chip-tune (converted later
from IT to S3M).
"Before The Battle"                            *S3M*  16.02.98
 - Released in the "Toy Songs" music-disk by SandS.
    This pathetic chip-tune took the 2nd place at another 20mc,
converted from XM. It's funny that converting took much more
time (about 1 hour) then composing (about 10 minutes :).
"Froggy theme"                                 *S3M*  10.08.96
 - Released in the "Toy Songs" music-disk by SandS.
   Very cheezy synthy-pop chip-tune. Personally, I don't like
it at all ;). But why not to put it on a cheezy disk?
(btw, another XM converted to S3M)
"Three little bells"                           *S3M*  22.09.96
 - Released in the "Toy Songs" music-disk by SandS.
   Also cheezy 3/4 chip-tune with a little repetitive theme
played with bell-like sounds. In my opinion, it doesn't sound
as a danceable waltz. (And again, XM to S3M convertion...)
"Highland Traveller"                         *MOD*  13.08.2000
 - 1st place in 4-channel music compo at "Mind Resources'2001"
   demo-party, released as a single under T-Rex label.
    I have composed this tune using my old A600 in the village
far away from civilisation :), same story as with "Sentimental
Wildness". I suppose if some of you think I will drop and quit
demoscene - don't worry,  this will not happen  until  I  stop
bringing my Amiga with me to the grandma's house during summer
vacations. Natural surrounding, river, trees and simple-minded
people sometimes make the composing easier :).  Well, what
about the tune? It's like folk/new age with some rock beat and
gregorian choir samples (maybe they are from Roland library).
   Some of these tunes you can find on the famous Hornet
Archive (, Trax In Space
( and some BBS'es.
Look at for my co-op releases
with Manwe/SandS, and for all other SandS releases. And
don't forget to visit T-Rex at
Also you can get all the releases by me and T-Rex group from or /home/t-rex/ (Thanx to 2nb!).
Online version of the latest discography you can find at (With all the links to
    Personal information:
   ?Alias: Tangerine
   ?Groups: T-Rex (PC)//Looker House (AMIGA)//The SandS (PC)
    //Overlook (dead)//Scene Side Team (dead)
   ?Real name: Philipp Il'yitch Barsky
   ?Birthday: 11-oktober-79
   ?Nationality: Russian
   ?Education: completed 11-year school, now studying at the
    Moscow State University (psychological faculty).
   ?Musical education: None, except of some lessons with one
    very good home teacher.
   ?Residence: Russia/Moscow/Orekhovo-Borisovo/
   ?Telephone: (+7-(095))390-3501
   ?Other occupation than music: Drawings (on paper and comp),
    dancing, psychology.
   ?What equipment do I use in my work:
       Pentium III, GUS Classic, Guillemot Maxi Sound 64
       Home Studio Pro, Roland A-33 MIDI keyboard controller,
       Commodore AMIGA A600, acoustic and electric guitars,
       various percussions, drums (yep! ;).
       for tracking I use FT2.08, ST3.21, ProTracker 3.15
       and IT 2.14, for making and converting samples I use
       CoolEdit, Convert 1.4 by Jesus Villena and Orangator
       - the program created by Agent Orange and me.
       For composing with MIDI I use CakeWalk and some other
       different programs for Maxi Sound 64.
       For drawing I use Autodesk Animator Pro, Disney
       Animation Studio and Photoshop.
    ?What music do I like?:
    Rock-groups like "Aquarium", "Kino", "ADO", etc.
    Also V.Vysotsky & some russian "bards".
    Jean-Michel Jarre, Vangelis, Kitaro, Klaus Schulze,
    "Tangerine Dream" (that's where I took my alias), "Space",
    "Dead Can Dance", "Software", Loreena McKennitt, Enya,
    "The Beatles", "Queen", "Pink Floyd", Deep Purple, Andreas
    Vollenweider and much much more...
   ?Snail mail address: 115569
                        Kashirskoe Shosse 80/2, 676
                        Moscow, Russia
   ?E-Mail address: (it may change!)
    I really need your opinion about my music, and I like to
    answer to all mail (hey, sorry for delays! ;).
   ?IRC: Sometimes you may find me on IRCNet (#trax, #pixel,
    #amigascne, #amigarus), DemosceneNet (#trax) or
    EFNet #trax and #t-rex channels under "Tangerine", "Tangy"
    or "Tangy^lkr" nicknames.
                                         Written by Tangerine.