File Archive

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File size:
66 406 857 bytes (63.33M)
File date:
2005-05-23 23:21:12
Download count:
all-time: 2 288


  • 01-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-neurons_fire_at_will.mp3 3.02M
  • 02-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-elektronische_musik.mp3 3.22M
  • 03-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-23_is_the_new_42.mp3 2.79M
  • 04-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-heavy_working_robot.mp3 3.82M
  • 05-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-animagenry.mp3 3.97M
  • 06-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-life(the_little_song).mp3 2.45M
  • 07-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-the_manual(album_version).mp3 3.00M
  • 08-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-nice_to_be_here.mp3 3.48M
  • 09-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-psy_rider.mp3 2.45M
  • 10-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-theta.mp3 3.96M
  • 11-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-i love only you.mp3 7.44M
  • 12-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-in_the_club(acapella).mp3 2.72M
  • 13-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-thoughtcrime.mp3 2.14M
  • 14-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-progression.mp3 4.59M
  • 15-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-randomness_decides.mp3 4.32M
  • 16-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-contemplation.mp3 2.93M
  • 17-paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-die_gewalt.mp3 11.56M
  • paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-album-2005.m3u 1.47K
  • paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-album-2005.nfo 2.89K
  • paniq-neurons_fire_at_will-album-2005.png 864.82K


   .____________________________________ ___________ ______________________.
   |                                     \__       /                   |d0n|    
   |        _________       _______ .____  /   :: /____   ________         |    
   |       /         \  ____\___   \|    \/      /_____) /        \        |    
   |___ _ _\__     :: \/       _    \_          /      |/ ::    __ \ _ ____|    
          \ \|        /\  ::   |_____/_|\______/| ::   |\       |/ /            
           \  _______/  \______|                |______| \______  /             
            \_\                                                /_/              
                        paniq - Neurons: Fire At Will   

                    Chapter I: ElectroBaroqueBeats

                    1. Neurons: Fire At Will        3:17
                    2. Elektronische Musik          3:30
                    3. 23 Is The New 42             3:03
                    4. Heavy Working Robot          4:10
                    5. Animagenry                   4:20
                    6. Life (The Little Song)       2:40

                    Chapter II: Steadypulsedelic

                    7. The Manual                   3:16
                    8. Nice To Be Here              3:47
                    9. Psy Rider                    2:40
                    10. Theta                       4:19
                    11. I Love Only You             8:07

                    Chapter III: Nonsensimatic

                    12. In The Club (Acapella)      2:58
                    13. Thoughtcrime                2:20

                    Chapter IV: Tribal Ambientropy

                    14. Progression                 5:00
                    15. Randomness Decides          4:43
                    16. Contemplation               3:11
                    17. Die Gewalt                  4:58

    Thanks to everybody supporting the cause. There is much more  to
    life  than most  of us  suspect. I  hope you  have a  nice time
    listening to this music, it was certainly fun doing it. I  enjoy
    your feedback and your thoughts about the whole thing, so keep
    writing. Collaborations are strongly desired.
    All tracks written and produced by Leonard "paniq" Ritter.
    Released under a creative commons license.
    Visit the website at
    Cover drawing by Jakob "j4k06" Klug