Artist..: Andreas 'melcom' Urban
File....: stroke.it
Size....: 19,791,002 bytes
Length..: 5:48
Format..: Impulse Tracker (OpenMPT 1.30)
Channels: 16
Date....: Sat Apr 30 16:03:06 2022
e-Mail..: melcom(at)outlook.com
www.....: https://www.melcom-music.de/ - https://scenes.at/melcom
GOG.com.: melcom
Steam...: melcom
I would like to thank SagaMusic.de for their excellent samples.
He also accompanied me for weeks and gave me advice and tips bit by bit.
Since a short time I compose my tracks with OpenMPT and SagaMusix has always
supported me in IRC during all this time. He was always there even in my
hardest times. In times when I had depression.
Thank you for everything and I hope I didn't disappoint you with this track.
Thank you for your helpful lessons!
Greetings to all demosceners in the whole world!