File Archive

File download


File size:
3 262 605 bytes (3.11M)
File date:
2019-03-15 22:34:34
Download count:
all-time: 41


  • AxeSlash - 1 - 1.15M
  • AxeSlash - 2 - 2.02M
  • AxeSlash - 3 - Fodder For 1.08M
  • AxeSlash - 4 - Summoning 2.07M
  • AxeSlash - 5 - Profane 1.06M
  • Consumed.jpg 33.28K
  • Consumed.txt 2.19K



This started out as a general deathgore disk, but then it became
a Corpsemetal disk, then it became another Egyptian disk. This
was an effort at trying to break away from my normal Corpse-style
and trying to do something different and more groovy to it. In
other words, I was trying to make each of the songs more memorable.

No HTML file again because I'm too lazy :)

With hindsight, it's an OK disk, and has turned out like an
"Out Of The Duat Part 2" so much that I considered changing
the title of the disk...but i had already done the GFX and
so on, so I thought "Fuck it, it can stay as 'Consumed'".

I ran out of inspiration, so again there are only 5 tracks, but
each track is longer than the stuff on GutFuck for obvious

This is my 4th disk now, and actually came together faster than I
thought; mainly because the first two tracks were not actually 
intended for a disk, but then I thought that with similar styles
like they have, I could put together disk quite quickly. But then,
I ran out of inspiration once again and decided to make it a
Brutalis Extremis disk. But that fell through coz' I was too
impatient to wait for everyone else to submit their stuff, so I 
then decided to make it a solo disk with some guest appearences.
But then I got impatient again and wrote the last track in 4 hours
so that I could release the disk the next day :)

IMO, this is my best disk so far; better than Resistance for obvious
reasons, better than OOTD coz' it's got a more consistent sound, and
is almost ENTIRELY written on the egyptian scale, and better than
GutFuck because...I dunno. I just like it more. Devoured is my fave
Corpse-song I've ever written easily.

Anyway, greetz/hailz/thanx to all the usual people, and also
to the geezers in my new band Endless Torment:

Me: guitarz
Ben: guitarz
Barney: vocals
Chris (aka Stygian/Seraph Obscuriis): bass
Tim: drums

We'll probably end up playing a lot of my if we
ever get around to touring, come and see us in the UK sometime;
we've learnt Chainsaw Pleasure and are learning more shit now...

Over & Out...


PS: Yeah, I did just change the TXT from GutFuck for this :)