File Archive

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File size:
8 778 bytes (8.57K)
File date:
2005-01-22 23:20:16
Download count:
all-time: 1 215


                         The Scene Archive. Volume #1

                                  Disk List

DISK 0001:

    This is 242 by Virtual Dreams/Fairlight


Disk 0002:

        This is the music disk called "24 Hour E Fix" by Quartz


Disk 0003:

    This is the animation "2 Much 3D" by James Robinson.


Disk 0004:

    This is the trackmo "3D Demo" by Anarchy. 

    Disk 1 of 2


Disk 0005:

    This is the trackmo "3D Demo" by Anarchy. 

    Disk 2 of 2


Disk 0006:

    This is the demo "3D Demo 2" by Anarchy.  This is the half meg chip


Disk 0007:

    This is the demo "3D Demo 2" by Anarchy.  This is the one meg chip


Disk 0008:

    This is the Music Disk "3 From 1" by Chryesis


Disk 0009:

    This is the music demo "500 Things: I'm Jesus, I'm God, I'm Satan", by Nic


Disks 0010:

    This is the dentro/demo "7 Days" by Darkness


Disk 0011:

    This is the music demo "A-Z of C64 Music".

    This is disk 1 of 3


Disk 0012:

    This is the music demo "A-Z of C64 Music".

    This is disk 2 of 3


Disk 0013:

    This is the music demo "A-Z of C64 Music".

    This is disk 3 of 3


Disk 0014:  

    This is the dentro/demo "A BBS Intro" by Elysion


Disk 0015:

    This is the trackmo "Ability Demo Disk" by Ability


Disk 0016:

    This is the trackmo "Abdomizer" by Sagazity


Disk 0017:

    This is the demo pack "Abortive Stigma #1" by Addicts

    This contains the following items:-

        - 40K Intro/Shining
        - Aars Intro/Scoopex
        - Aars Intro/The Silents
        - Announcetro/Addicts
        - Menace/Desire
        - Smooth Chimes/Scoopex
        - The Tetris Intro/Melon Designs
        - TKK Crack Intro/TKK


Disk 0018:

    This is the demo pack "Abortive Stigma #2" by Addicts

    This contains the following items:-

        - Dreadlock/Origin
        - Focused on Art/Anarchy & Vision
        - Intro/Anarchy
        - Party Time/Interactive
        - Sonic Trip/De Bond
        - Vectors/Grace


Disk 0019:

    This is the demo pack "Abortive Stigma #3" by Addicts

    This contains the following items:-

        - Dentro No. 1/Capital
        - Existro/Lunatics
        - Intro/Addicts
        - Roboticool/Darkness
        - Seen Before/Scoopex
        - Simpletro/Pearl


Disk 0020:

    This is the demo pack "Abortive Stigma #4" by Addicts

    This contains the following items:-

        - BBS Intro/Awake
        - Crack Intro/The Silents/Skid Row
        - Crack Intro/Skid Row
        - Don't Reset/2000AD
        - E.G.O - The Dentro/Delicious
        - Intro/Pearl
        - Menace/Desire
        - Seen Before/Scoopex
        - TKK Intro/TKK


Disk 0021:

    This is the demo pack "Abortive Stigma #5" by Addicts

    This contains the following items:-

        - BBS Intro/Byte Buster
        - Black Hole To Noble House/Accession
        - Bomb/Melon Designs
        - Crack Intro/Scoopex
        - Don't Reset/2000AD
        - E.G.O. - The Dentro/Delicious
        - Intro/Liberty
        - Milano/Skandal


Disk 0022:

    This is the Trackmo "Absolute Inebriation" by Virtual Dreams/Fairlight

    It only runs under Workbench 1.3

    Disk 1 of 2


Disk 0023:

    This is the Trackmo "Absolute Inebriation" by Virtual Dreams/Fairlight

    It only runs under Workbench 1.3

    Disk 2 of 2


Disk 0024:

    This is the Animation Set "Agatron Animations #35" by Tobias Richter

    It contains the following Animations:-

        - Aces 1
        - Aces 2


Disk 0025:

    This is the Music Demo "Acid Music Demo" by Outlander


Disk 0026:

    This is the Trackmo "Acme Megademo #1" by Acme


Disk 0027:

    This is the Demo Pack "ACU Intros #110" by ACU (Australian Crackers

    It contains the following:-

        - Hang Over/Razor 1911
        - Intro/Cryptoburners
        - Intro/Quackers
        - Intro/Phenomena
        - Party Demo/Dexion
        - Technique/Channel 42


Disk 0028:

    This is the Trackmo "Alchemy 1993" by Rage

    To get this demo to fully work, you have to use Worbench 1.3

    Disk 1 of 2


Disk 0029:

    This is the Trackmo "Alchemy 1993" by Rage

    To get this demo to fully work, you have to use Worbench 1.3

    Disk 2 of 2


Disk 0030:

    This is the Digi called "Alf Demo"


Disk 0031:

    This is the Digi called "Alf Mix #2" by Fletch


Disk 0032:

    This is the Animation "Alien Breed Animation" by Tobias Richter.
    This animation is to accompany the Team 17 game "Alien Breed".

    This animation needs 1.5 meg of memory.


Disk 0033:

    This is the Slideshow called "Alien Slideshow" by Wingnuts

    Disk 1 of 2


Disk 0034:

    This is the Slideshow called "Alien Slideshow" by Wingnuts

    Disk 2 of 2


Disk 0035:

    This is the Trackmo called "Alpha and Omega" by Pure Metal Coders


Disk 0036:

    This is the Music Demo called "A Journey Into Sound" by Dexion


Disk 0037:

    This is the Music Demo called "Amiga Chart #3" by Radpole International


Disk 0038:

    This is the Music Demo called "Amiga Dynamics '92" by Pacific 202


Disk 0039:

    This is the Trackmo "Anmesty International" by Vectra

    This has to run on a ½ meg chip machine!


Disk 0040:

    This is the Animation "Amy vs Walker" by Erik Schwartz


Disk 0041:

    This is the Demo Pack Called "Under The Surface #34" by Depth

    This contains the following:-

        - Binary Illusions/Drinkers Inc.
        - Intel Outside 40K Intros by Funzine, Illusion, Intruders, Tristar
          and Red Sector Inc., Union, Venture
        - Retro Chips #1/Kronical
        - Intros by Lamer Exterminator, Les Shaddock
        - Dhorn/The Int
        - Rave Town #3/Trance


Disk 0042:

    This is a Trackmo called "Anarchy Incorperated" by Crass


Disk 0043:

    This is a Trackmo called "Aquarium" by Carillion and Cyberaid (CNCD)


Disk 0044:

    This is a Trackmo called "Another Boring Year" by Syntex


Disk 0045:

    This is a compilation Disk.

    It contains the following:-
        - Apocalypse Now/The Giants
        - Anit-Simpsons Demo/Insanity
        - Cube-o-matic/Spreadpoint
        - Corporate Identity/Spreadpoint


Disk 0046:

    This is a Digi called "Arse Wipe" by Hattrick Cracking Crew.

    It also includes a extra bit!


Disk 0047:

    This is a Slideshow "Art & Go" by Impulse


Disk 0048:

    This is the Music Demo called "Artistic Modulation" by Scorpio


Disk 0049:

    This is a Trackmo called "A.S.S." by Essence


Disk 0050:

    This is a Slideshow called "Atlantys Slideshow" by Atlantys
