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File size:
1 570 bytes (1.53K)
File date:
2010-07-26 23:04:26
Download count:
all-time: 191


                          Impulse Tracker Version 2.14

In the Impulse Tracker ZIP, you should find the following files:

 IT.EXE         - The whole program!
 IT.TXT         - User's manual to Impulse Tracker
 IT.DOC         - User's manual in Microsoft Word format
 CONTRIB.TXT    - List of contributions - where's your name??
 DRIVERS.TXT    - List of sound drivers for Impulse Tracker + various notes.
                  If you have a question related to sound quality, sound cards
                  or sound card specific questions, check this DOC first.
 UPDATE.TXT     - History of Impulse Tracker.
 HINTS.TXT      - Just a little compilation of hints for new composers.
 FILE_ID.DIZ    - Compulsory description file :)
 FILES.TXT      - You should know what this is by now!
 BUGS.TXT       - A list of a few known things that are wrong.
 SUMMARY.TXT    - A convenient, small reference that I recommend ANYONE to
                  print out.
 MIDI.TXT       - MIDI Out information written by Andre Pang
 IMPULSE.FAQ    - Frequently Asked Questions file.
 ITMIDI.CFG     - Basic configuration file for MIDI Output
 KEYBOARD.ZIP   - Alternative keyboard definition files + source to create
                  your own

 *.DRV          - Sound driver files for Impulse Tracker

If you do distribute this program (and please do!), then I would be most
grateful if you keep ALL of the files intact.

                                                        - Jeffrey Lim